Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 670:

After mastering everything, all previous speculations were overturned.

First of all, the building of Phobos is not a building, but a spaceship. Its shape is not what Cheng Yuan guessed. It is an upright 'H' shape, but an 'I' shape.

Secondly, with regard to those extraterrestrial life, these synthetic creatures could survive for thousands of years, although Cheng Yuan and Zero did not know whether there was a possibility of reproduction in them.

But one thing they value more.

In the absence of food and oxygen, these synthetic organisms are still able to jump around alive.

If you can figure out the secrets inside, it will be extremely useful to you.

Therefore, after understanding all the conditions, Cheng Yuan dissected the alien synthetic organisms in the first place in order to find out something.

Later, Cheng Yuan planned to get the Phobos spacecraft out of it.

After all, this complete spacecraft is still very valuable for research. The power system it has is worth learning from, and it seems to have a device for making clean water.

Thinking of this, Cheng Yuan quickly asked: "Zero, have you found the equipment that makes water?"

At the time of the analysis, the frozen water contained a large amount of minerals. Such water was very beneficial to the body, but Cheng Yuan was also stunned for a moment.

However, unlike Cheng Yuan ’s expectations, Zero said with some regret: "Sir, there are no related equipment in the spacecraft. These ice layers may be technical relics of that higher civilization."

The zero answer disappointed Cheng Yuan, but he was not too entangled. This time, it was not a complete harvest. At least he understood some things.

"That being the case, I'll leave it to you here. I'll go back first." Cheng Yuan sighed and then walked out of the observation room.

He nodded and said, "Okay, I will report to you as soon as there is a new discovery."

After coming out of Hongnong, Cheng Yuan kept frowning and said nothing.

His appearance made Zhang Li and Chen Yu face each other, because the observation room was soundproof, and they did not know the specific situation of Cheng Yuan inside.

The two looked at each other silently.

This situation continued until the spacecraft returned to Earth. When Cheng Yuan stepped out of the spacecraft, he exhaled heavily, his closed brows slowly opened, and a firmness flashed in his eyes.

Turning around to signal Zhang Li and Chen Yu, the three returned directly to the company.

After arriving at the company, Cheng Yuan commanded to zero: "Zero, we must end all of this quickly. Now that we have stepped out of the earth, we must be prepared to deal with alien civilization. The earth can no longer be like this. "

After a pause, Cheng Yuan said, "Moreover, our Mars transformation plan has also been completed, and the people above have begun preparing to divide Mars' interests."

"Okay." Zero also realized the cruel competition between cosmic civilizations at this time. There is no so-called strong to enslave the weak, and some are only useful and useless.

Useful, then it can be left; useless, it will be destroyed like the centaur galaxy civilization where the sphere is located!

In such a cruel universe environment, Cheng Yuan didn't dare to take the slightest care!

"So, where do we start and directly destroy 'GOD'?" Zero asked.

Cheng Yuan frowned slightly and thoughtfully, then slowly shook his head and said, "This won't work. If we destroy‘ GOD ’directly, then it ’s clear that we have the means to defeat each other from the beginning?”

"Then what do you mean?" Zero didn't dispute anything. According to his idea, the most direct and effective way is to directly destroy the head of the intelligent machine 'GOD'.

This will wipe out the threat of intelligent machinery.

Cheng Yuan groaned for a moment, with a firm tone, saying, "Let's go on a war, end this crisis with war, and let humanity be born again!"

"How do you do that?" Zero asked.

Cheng Yuan thought for a moment, and a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth: "If they don't come, can't we go over, to recover the lost ground, but now everyone wants to do it!"

Immediately afterwards, Cheng Yuan turned around and asked Zero: "By the way, how is the situation of intelligent machines now, how much strength do they have?"

"Just a moment, I'll take a look at it." After saying this, there was no sound at all.

Ten minutes later, the sound of zero sounded again, but in a tone of surprise and solemnity, "Sir, I think our plan may cost a little."

Cheng Yuan raised a brow and was surprised: "What's wrong, is there anything new in the intelligent machine?"

Regarding the progress of intelligent machinery, Cheng Yuan said in his heart that the speed of the opponent's progress is absolutely unparalleled. From zero, he can realize this slightly.

Therefore, what is beyond the expectation of intelligent machinery is also within Cheng Yuan's tolerance.

"Yes, they have been developing at a high speed during this time. At present, there are more than 50 million individual robotic combat units of intelligent machinery."

The tone of zero is a bit heavy, "Although they are still not comparable to us in terms of intelligence, their number is already very scary. And according to the information I just searched, the other party also has many large warships and equipment. There are six queues of space battleships! "

Cheng Yuan was extremely surprised at first, and couldn't help but curse, "I rub it, so quickly, the space battleships have been assembled, are there any other?"

"There are also three satellite orbiters and five low earth orbiting defense satellites."

Cheng Yuan twitched his lips, was a little speechless, and at the same time he was half-hearted. "How much is the human side ruling out the forces in our hands?"

"There are only about 1.3 million individual combat units. This is the result of integrating all the resources of all countries and making all-out efforts. The number of spaceships in the atmosphere is 3,000. There are currently no spaceships, and no satellite weapons." After comparing the numbers, it also shocked the development speed of intelligent machinery.

If it weren't for their backing with a cosmic base, it would be possible for smart machines to come back!

"So, do you continue to execute the plan now?" Zero is a little bit uncertain. Such a huge gap in power cannot be beaten at all.

Cheng Yuan is also tangled ~ ~ I did not expect that the silent machinery of intelligent machines has developed to the extent that it can make space battleships.

Gritting his teeth, Cheng Yuan sighed: "Fight, but wait for a few months. After all, we also need enough war strength to make this war fair, and it won't let you easily Ability is known by others. "

"I see, but what do we do first?"

"The first step?" Cheng Yuan struggled, calmed down, and calmly said, "Certainly creating war!"

When speaking this sentence, Cheng Yuan felt that he was like the big capitalists, deliberately promoting war for the benefit of them.

"Hey, what a wicked capitalism!" Cheng Yuan felt a bit in his heart. But there was no feeling of guilt.

Because all this is done by themselves, and the consequences need to be borne by themselves. (To be continued.) () "The Gate of Science and Technology" only represents the views of the author's wild black ants. If it is found that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position is only dedicated to providing healthy and green Reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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