Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 700:

In the dark, a black Mercedes-Benz rushed out of the Jianguo Hotel like a ghost and came to the main road. network

A man with a stiff expression was driving. Suddenly, a blue light suddenly appeared in the dark eyes of the man. While the light was flashing, he stepped on the brakes suddenly!

"Squeak!" The tire rubbed a clear tire mark on the ground, and the harsh noise made the surrounding pedestrians look surprised at the Mercedes.

In the back, many drivers were frightened because the two black Mercedes cars suddenly stopped in the process.

If it weren't for the quick response, the brakes would be hurried, which could cause a car accident!

This made them tremble, but couldn't help but open the window and yelled at the Mercedes in front.

"Front, you have a problem in your head. Will you drive?"

"Nima, don't drive any way!"

"What the hell; what does braking mean ?!"

Facing the scolding from the rear, the man didn't respond, and a dry, non-tonal voice popped out of his mouth. "The target was wrong, and he acted rashly."

After speaking, he opened the door directly and walked out.

The owners, who were still abusing loudly, came down at the sight of the Mercedes-Benz, and they were shocked at first, thinking that the other party was preparing for something.

But then, a rage sprang up from the bottom of their hearts.

"Mad, a broken Mercedes, thought it was before?" A young and enthusiastic car owner shouted and pushed the door, ready to pass the other side.

But he just opened the door and saw that the owner of the Mercedes car didn't come to him, but ran straight to the road!

Before he could speak to himself, the man disappeared before his eyes in a blink of an eye.

"Grip the grass, this man is running too fast!" Looking at the degree shown by the other party, the young car owner ripped the corner of his mouth, quickly returned to the car, and then drove directly around the Mercedes-Benz.

The other car owners met and were equally surprised, but they were even more surprised that the other party even left the car and just left?

Some of them were more curious. They walked to the Mercedes-Benz car and stunned it. There was no one in the car, and they were even scratching their heads.

However, these people did not dare to drive away. They could only call the traffic police and then hurried away from the Mercedes-Benz car.

At the same time, after the man abandoned the Mercedes-Benz and left on his own, he did not go far, but ran down the road to Jianguo Hotel again!

At this time, there were many pedestrians on the road. Most of these people just finished their meals after work, walked with their families, and some of them were out shopping.

The man walked along the lively streets, but was as flexible as swimming fish, and ran all the way without hitting anyone. And his hurried figure naturally attracted many people's attention.

But the people who noticed him were not surprised, everyone had their own urgent things, and those who ran on the road saw more of them!

Especially after the holographic game of the Pokémon produced by the technology crystal company, they have already seen this situation.

Although this person is older, who said that he can't play games when he is older?

And just as the man ran, he stopped suddenly and looked up into the sky. There was a huge holographic screen above his head, and an advertisement was displayed on the screen.

As he looked up, Zero, who controlled the guard robot, was also annotating the other side. The creature in front of him made him very curious.

This man is not a human, but not a robot!

It is a combination of the two!

By scanning, Zero can get the complete body structure of the other party, and the person's body has been partially mechanically modified in front of him.

Although the transformation method was very rough in his eyes, the combination of machinery and flesh was reasonable.

Men's hands and legs have been mechanized, and the bones of the legs have been implanted with metal plates. The body is normal, but nano-materials have been implanted in the eyes, and a nano-chip similar to the nerve endings has appeared The same thing.

Zero looked at each other curiously, and started calculating data madly.

He is very interested in such an alternative combination, although it cannot be compared with the body he is about to complete.

At the time of zero calculation data, the opponent pulled the pistol directly from the waist and aimed at the four guard robots to shoot directly!

At the same time as the man withdrew the pistol, the four guard robots also moved. They quickly raised their hands, and four glare white lasers shot directly at each other.


The man pulled the trigger continuously, and before he fired the fourth shot, a white laser beam struck the pistol in his hand, and at the same time directly penetrated the opponent's palm!

The three bullets landed on the guard robot, except for a few sparks, not a single trace was left.

Suddenly heard the sound of gunshots, the people close to him subconsciously hid for a while, then looked back in surprise at the sound of the sound.

However, they only saw a few white lights flashing, and then they stunned, totally ignorant of what was born.

All this was born too quickly, it was a momentary thing, they had no time to react!

"Well, aren't there any armor-piercing shells?" Seeing the **** robot was intact, he was surprised, and then gave the order: "Grab."

Four security robots were ordered to drop the man Bao Wei directly.

At this point, the man remained expressionless, standing still, as if he didn't take everything around him seriously.

Seeing this scene, he has been observing his thoughtless expression, "Is it a controlled person? No wonder he has no reaction to the outside world."

When talking at zero, he looked at the palm of the other person's pierced hole, the wound was blackened, and the blood was steamed away by the high temperature of the laser.

Faced with such a wound, how can most people have various adverse reactions due to severe pain, such as falling to the ground, convulsions, screams, coma and so on.

But he behaved as if the arm was not his own.

This makes it possible to guess at zero instant that the other party may have been deprived of all human feelings, just a tool to obey orders!

Zero has no pity for this. All he has to do now is to invade the other person's brain to make up the chip, and then query the information he wants.

"But before that, let's pass on the situation here," Zero muttered.

Jianguo Hotel, as early as I heard the attack inside the banquet, but also dead!

Zhang Li and Chen Yu rushed in directly from the outside. The two saw Cheng Yuan, who was safe and sound, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Boss!" The two walked to Cheng Yuan's side ~ ~ and screamed with concern.

Seeing the two, Cheng Yuan nodded and said, "Rest assured, I'm okay, but I'm still dead. I've let zero arrest."

Just after he finished speaking, the zero holographic projection suddenly appeared beside him.

"Sir, the target has been captured, but the other person's body has some problems." Zero didn't worry about how many people around him, but directly stated the results of his observation.

Cheng Yuan heard the words and wondered: "Is there a physical problem? What is the problem?"

"The other party is a semi-robot, and the transformation method is very rough. According to estimates, the use is the product of the transformation before the crisis of intelligent machinery." Zero calmly said.

After listening, Cheng Yuan nodded silently without any special expression.

Although Zhang Li and Chen Yu were shocked by the results, they were both soldiers. It is clear that some special agencies can do everything for the benefit.

Guo Xiaolian and Zheng Jia are different. When they heard that, their brows frowned, and they obviously couldn't accept such a thing.

As for Zhao Jun, what he wanted to say after zero appearances after hearing ‘cyborg’ was directly swallowed back.

Cheng Yuan didn't care what Zhao Jun thought, he could only lament in his heart: "Sure enough, it is a sin created by man!"

For cyborgs, Cheng Yuan initially suspected that it was made by intelligent machines, but after saying the word ‘rough’ in January, he was sure that this sentence was not what intelligent machines would do.

If they are intelligent machines, they will not produce products that are regarded as “rough” by zero. After all, in intelligent thinking, only sophisticated products can bring the best efficiency!

Of course, these robots may not be made by the other party, but it is likely that they are in control behind this time!

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