Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 704:

After Zhang came out of the room, he encountered Zhao Jun who hurried over. network

"What about corpses?" Zhao Jun asked, opening his mouth.

"The son of the deceased is with him," Zhang Shen said, and then he asked, "What about my two men, what do you do?"

"You mean Wang Quan and Li Long?" Zhao Jun stunned and said, "I arranged for someone to take them to the hospital." Then Zhao Jun said suddenly: "No wonder you would arrange such a hand, just in the banquet hall. Did you run into the son of the dead here? "

Shrugging. "Yeah, luck really isn't very good."

"How did you explain to the other party?" Zhao Jun quickly ignored Zhang's complaints. He was more concerned about whether Zhang said something more than the harmless things born in the banquet hall.

I must ask myself clearly, otherwise he and Xiong Yan's son met, and it would be bad to say something wrong.

"I told him that this attack was premeditated." Zhang naturally understood what Zhao Jun meant, and he said, "The benefits of being a base etymologist are too great and very jealous. Their family has risen. It's too fast and there is no special protection. It's not a fuss to be followed. "

Zhao Jun heard the words, frowned for a moment, then nodded: "This is a good reason, and it will not drag things to Mr. Cheng."

"Furthermore, their family is indeed getting up too fast. I have recently dealt with a lot of things targeted at their industry, and when those things are shown to his family, it will be considered a success."

Feeling that there was nothing serious about it, he patted his shoulder. "I'll go and see Xiong Yan's son first. You remember to pay attention to the situation in the banquet hall. Although we already know the identity of the other party, we still have Just in case. "

If it weren't for this banquet, he wanted everyone to go home individually and wait until the results were found before re-planning.

Shaking, Zhao Jun walked towards the room pointed by Zhang.

At the same time, in the VIP boxes, all the figures in Anhe City had ugly faces.

Especially those business elites who have only recently risen, their faces are extremely pale, and Xiong Yan's family history. Which of them does not know?

Even if it is not the non-rule body, it is heard.

The process of their exhibition is not different from that of Xiong Yan. It is not clear who the target of the attackers was, although they all thought it might be Cheng Yuan.

But through Zhao Jun's mouth, they learned that the opponent's original goal was Xiong Yan, not Cheng Yuan at all!

Why this is the case, Zhao Jun also explained the reason. There are indeed many people who want Cheng Yuanming's life, but it has almost disappeared since the crisis of intelligent machinery broke out.

Besides, the protection of Cheng Yuan above, and the protection arranged by Cheng Yuan himself, will never let such a thing happen.

The simplest example is that the entire network of Anhe City is under the artificial intelligence monitoring of a technology crystallization company. In this case, a little bit of news related to Cheng Yuan will be specially selected.

Therefore, it is simply impossible to arrange an ambush in advance.

Although Zhao Jun's explanation could not completely relieve everyone, it was also justified and let everyone know that this time the opponent's goal may not be Cheng Yuan.

Moreover, if the opponent's target was Cheng Yuan at the momentary attack just now, how could he not judge in advance where Cheng Yuan was doing?

After all, the materials used at the top of the room are the same, and no part is different.

This group of people was fooled by Zhao Jun. Although they had forgotten their relationship with Cheng Yuan, they made the hearts of those businessmen who showed up at the same time as Xiong Yan endless.

"Who is so sad and dare to hire a killer? This time is Boss Bear. Will it be us next time? We don't have the security protection of Mr. Cheng!" A timid man looked at the scene trembling Everyone.

"Yeah, we are not the same as Mr. Cheng. I heard early on that those forces abroad used mercenaries against Mr. Cheng, but in the end they were beaten and caught. Mr. Cheng was a little bit. Nothing! "

"The protection that Mr. Cheng can do with such vigorous efforts, but we do n’t have such treatment, we may jointly give it to Mayor Zhao so that he must be arrested, otherwise we will have a good life in the future?"

Xiong Yan's unexplained death before left a big psychological shadow on them. Who can think of a person who is fine in front of me and talk to them with laughter, but in the blink of an eye, there is a gap between yin and yang?

If it were on their heads, wouldn't it even be safe to go home?

Some people are worried, but some people even think that they don't look good, but they think more.

Although Zhao Jun said that it has nothing to do with Cheng Yuan, is this really the case?

Although they expressed doubts about what Zhao Jun said, they were not stupid and didn't point it out directly, otherwise the life would be bad.

After all, not only did this offend Zhao Jun and the Anhe Municipal Government, it also offended Cheng Yuan.

This does not meet their standards of interest.

Hearing these people's panic words, the few people who took Guo Qiang looked at each other, then nodded secretly.

Guo Qiang gave a cough, so that the others in the box stopped.

Everyone looked at Guo Qiang, his face confused.

"Oh, guys. What happened today also illustrates one thing. Someone is jealous of what we strive to get! Everything we earn by our own skills! Everyone knows that there have been too many and many recent things. This situation is also a necessity. "

Guo Qiang looked around the crowd, clenching his fists, and said loudly, "But even then, we can't let others scatter on our heads! The people in Anhe City can't just provoke them casually!"

"Yes, General Guo is right. People in Anhe City are not provoked randomly. We must fight back!" As soon as Guo Qiang finished speaking, someone immediately echoed loudly.

Although all present were savvy people, they would not just follow the will of others ~ ~, but at this moment also have a kind of meaning to contend with the enemy.

After all, Xiong Yan's death is still vivid, and the blood on the sand that has not been cleaned up still tells them that they are not safe.

"After the banquet is over, I will explain to the Mayor Zhao about our current situation and let his family resolve the follow-up effects of this incident, and in order to ensure our safety, I think it is necessary to strengthen our own protection!" Guo Qiang His eyes flashed, and his words contained deep meaning.

"Strengthening your protection? What to do?" A businessman asked in confusion.

Guo Qiang strained his face and said calmly: "Bodyguard with a gun!"

When everyone heard it, they took a sigh of cold air, and then each one of them showed a surprised look: "This is good. If there is such a bodyguard, our security will undoubtedly be improved!"

Although they have money, being rich does not mean that they can hire a bodyguard who can legally hold a gun. Such bodyguards are very rare, and not everyone can get them!

After everyone was discussing how to deal with future crises, Cheng Yuan, who was sitting outside, did not say anything after receiving the report from Chen Yu, but just nodded.

"Yes, what is the name of the dead man?" Cheng Yuan asked suddenly.

As soon as Chen Yu was ready to drag, Zero suddenly appeared again, saying, "Xiong Yan, the boss of Anhe Mining Company."

"Do you have any business cooperation with our company?" Cheng Yuan asked.

"No, at present, only one-thousandth of the basic materials used by our company are purchased, and the rest belong to our own industry." Zero return.

Cheng Yuan bowed his head and pondered for a while, then sighed: "Find an opportunity and give them the purchase contract. After all, his death has something to do with me. This is compensation."

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