Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 720:

Chapter 720 Fighting

Although Zhao Jun expressed some doubts about Cheng Yuan saying that the space-based weapons that have destroyed intelligent machinery, after all, if the space-based weapons were so good to destroy, they would not be feared and threatened by so many countries. ..

But he even believed that Cheng Yuan would not deliberately deceive him in this matter. Since Cheng Yuan said that he had been destroyed, he must have been destroyed!

From the reports of the regional command centers, to the order of the No. 1 Chief, and then to Zhao Jun, the entire process took less than three minutes.

But in these three minutes, to the soldiers who have already gone to the battlefield, it is like a century!

The battleship of the battlefield intelligent machinery ambush, where countless soldiers have died under the muzzle of the intelligent machinery.

Naturally, there are also soldiers who do not know how many intelligent machines are destroyed by soldiers.

A fierce battle unfolded on the battleship.

Mo Sheng gasped, watching a blue laser beam fly past him, and then landed on the surface armor of the battleship. The laser left a large bowl of melting pits in the metal armor, and he remained motionless. Dare to move.

Hiding behind the bunker, Mo sounded extremely nervous. Although he was wearing a helmet, he still could hear his heart beating like a drum.

After successfully landing the intelligent machinery battleship, because the main airship was destroyed by the opponent, without new orders, he has been hiding behind the bunker after destroying three units of intelligent machinery.

Not because he is timid, but without the backbone. In the entire huge battlefield, if he chased away, he would be like a headless fly and easily become an undead soul under the intelligent mechanical muzzle.

Although the armor of the individual soldier is very good, but even if it is not good, he can not let him rush against the laser. If there is such a powerful armor, they will come to the front line so enthusiastically?

Send a division's army casually, and you can harvest intelligent machines!

When he was thinking about it suddenly, a deafening noise came from the depths of the clouds. When he heard the sound, he immediately came to the spirit.

Although the sound was harsh, he knew that it was caused by friction between the aircraft and the atmosphere when flying at high speed, but he did not know whether the upcoming aircraft was his own or an enemy.

In any case, this loud voice caught the attention of the soldiers who were still fighting on the deck.

"Attentions of all units. Attention of all units. It is our fighters who come to support. Everyone insists. We must repel these **** robots and then take control of this warship!"

A familiar voice sounded in the earphones. This sound surprised Mo Sheng, because it was the voice of the sergeant. I thought the sergeant had not spoken for so long, and he had already sacrificed it!

With the support of the rear, Mo Sheng also had the motivation to fight back. After all, he has been so scared, he will be surrounded by a single robot sooner or later.

At that time, the success will not be very good, because intelligent machines have no such words as captives, these are what he instructed them when he received military training.

Mo Sheng hid behind the bunker, took a deep breath, quickly adjusted his state, and calmed his rapid breathing.

In order to save his life before, although he killed three individual soldiers, but now it is different from before. It was to save his life before, but it is time to counterattack.

The place he hid was exactly a balance wing protruding from the surface of the battleship.

At this time, the surface armor of the battleship had already become potholes under the strike of laser weapons. Many of the turrets had been destroyed. He could see that many people were still fighting.

But some people are just as timid as they are, and occasionally put a few cold guns.

Naturally, the living soldiers understand the practices of these people, but everyone maintains a tacit understanding. No one will scold or blame their current practices.

Except for a few individuals who have participated in the battle before and experienced the test of iron and blood, more of them are pure new recruit eggs.

Expect these people to be brave and brave when they go to war?

This is not a weapon or a hero story, so this situation cannot happen at all, and only a very small number of recruits can show their normal training status on the battlefield.

All commanders knew this very well, but they did not go back to blame these soldiers, because everyone needed to go through and familiarize themselves once.

Many recruits die in this process, and only the surviving soldiers can slowly get used to adapting, and then change themselves in battles, until they die or the war ends!

The only comfort they had was that no one flinched in this battle.

From this we can see that the training still has great results!

As Mo Sheng quietly massed the form of the battlefield at this time, a roar flashed past him along with a violent air current.

The support that the Chief has said is here!

Mo Sheng looked at the sound and saw a Huaxia latest fighter. The streamlined fuselage is equipped with a pair of folding wings. The fighter is equipped with a brand new nuclear fission turbine engine. Endurance.

At the same time, the powerful core energy also allows the fighter to carry more weapons and bear heavier weight!

Shortly after the first fighter passed, Mo Sheng saw more fighters passing by beside him.

Without waiting for Mo Sheng to be surprised by the arrival of the fighter plane, he suddenly found that behind the fighter plane, an intelligent robot followed closely behind.

Although the speed of intelligent robots is not comparable to that of fighters, the shock to Mo Sheng is even more shocking.

Mo Sheng didn't know how big the battleship under his feet was, but when the tall intelligent robot passed by him, he found that he was only one third of the intelligent robot's skull!

The huge body of the intelligent robot cannot be seen at all!

This is also the first time he has contacted an intelligent robot at such a close range!

The passage of the intelligent robot brings more severe airflow effects. Although there is power and stability provided by the individual armor, Mo Sheng still feels a little floating under his feet.

Mo Sheng was shocked to see the intelligent robot, such a huge reminder, if you have a car that can be driven, how good!

With such emotions, when Mo Sheng was preparing to cooperate with other people to support this time, he found that one of the intelligent black robots suddenly stopped on the side of the battleship.

Then Mo Sheng saw that this black intelligent robot very quickly pulled out a super-large chopping knife made of pure metal from its back ~ ~ The heart-blinking energy flow flashed on the blade.

Seeing this scene, Mo Sheng twitched his mouth and cursed: "I rely!"

Then he jumped directly from the deck and jumped off the battleship!

After jumping off, Mo Sheng turned around and looked back, and saw that the black intelligent robot was holding the sword of the Big Mac, and was severely approved by the battleship!

Then the huge warframe was divided into two!

At this time, Mo Sheng saw that although the battleship was extremely large, it was ten meters shorter than the black intelligent robot!


Just when Mo Sheng was so shocked, the warship that had been split in half by a knife exploded suddenly. The flames from the explosion stained a sky, and the thick smoke rose with the wind, blocking the sight of cricket.

The huge impact of the explosion also made his body in the mid-air fall faster at a lower speed.

Through the smoke screen, he could see many soldiers jumping out of the exploding battleship, just like himself.

Seeing this, Mo Sheng didn't have much to worry about, except for abusively abusing bad behavior of high-level officials without notice, because he knew the function of individual armor.

Just as he scolded in his heart, the intelligence inside the armor suddenly issued an emergency alert sound.

"Warning / high-energy aggregate is approaching fast, please be careful to avoid it!"

"Warning / Notice"

Before waiting for the warning to sound again, Mo sounded as if he had been hit by a truck and flew out. The whole person was spinning in the air, the sky and the ground were constantly interlaced in sight, and the ear was intelligent. Chris hastily warned.

Mo Sheng fainted in this staggered picture and harsh warning sounds. Before the coma, he saw a few red rays rushing up from the ground.

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