Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 774:

"Sir, it's not the time to think about other things, maybe you should look at these places." When Yuan Yuan's thoughts fluttered, he suddenly said, but there was a little meaning in his voice.

Cheng Yuan raised an eyebrow and wondered: "What's wrong?"

"Please take a look first." Zero didn't explain it, but reached out his hand, and ten holographic screens appeared in front of Cheng Yuan.

The first screen is on the sea, but the situation in this area is very strange. The sky is red as the fire burns, and there are stars in the air that burst out and continue.

On the sea surface, a large amount of water vapor forms a foggy state, and the sea waves undulate and swirl toward the center of the mist.

After the lens was zoomed in, Cheng Yuan's pupils suddenly shrank, revealing a surprised look.

In the middle of the fog, there is a huge black hole, like a bottomless pit, which is constantly engulfing the surrounding water.

The seawater poured back into it, forming a stream of surging water vapor, and forming a sea fog.

"This ..." Cheng Yuan was speechless for a while, and his eyes turned to the second screen, where the picture was in space.

From the perspective of the super-Earth in space, a huge hole in the ozone layer is extremely obvious, and can be clearly seen with your eyes!

Because this cavity seems to have been purified, there is no substance, the most strange thing is that at the edge of this cavity, there seems to be a circle of flames burning.

Seeing this picture, Cheng Yuan's gaze involuntarily glanced at the first screen.

Cheng Yuan frowned and didn't speak, he continued to watch.

In China ’s coastal cities, among the run-down cities, a great deal of land has been desertified, and some crystalline circular pits can be seen in some places.

The rest of the screen shows the same situation as these places.

In some places, the sky is burning, and the air is full of sand and dust. In some places, the water is steaming and the smoke is shrouding.

"Is it caused by our weapons?" Cheng Yuan's tone was very heavy, with doubt in the words with affirmation.

Nodding his head, no expression on his face: "Yes, sir, the greater the power of weapons, the more severe the damage to the environment, which is why those powerful space-class battleships can easily destroy a planet."

"If you think about it, if our space-based weapon attack range is further expanded tenfold, and we continue to attack the ocean, what do you think will happen?"

The words of zero made Cheng Yuan's heart jump suddenly, and he immediately thought of a picture in his mind, a huge energy light tiger penetrated the sky directly into the sea floor.

The high temperature burns impurities and oxygen in the air, the blue ocean turns into a boiling cauldron, marine organisms quickly die in boiling water, and the bodies of these organisms quickly decompose into some organic matter in the boiling water to accelerate the ocean's boiling.

A large amount of water vapor is discharged from the ocean and rises into the sky, forming a thick layer of steam in the sky ...

The next situation, Cheng Yuan dare not imagine.

With a lingering caress, he stroked his forehead, and Cheng Yuan said, "Is there a chance for saving now? Or is it time to let the entire ecological cycle repair itself?"

"I think we should make the necessary external interference to perfectly repair these environmental damage caused by our weapons." Zero thought.

"I don't know the environmental reformer on Mars?" Zero said the external interference, and Cheng Yuan immediately thought of the environmental reformer on Mars.

This is the only machine in his hand that can quickly transform the ecological environment.

As for the other methods, there are either side effects or Cheng Yuan's disdain.

"Environmental reformers are indeed a good choice, but before that, we need to wait for the temperature in these places to drop. After all, the high temperature in these places will have a great impact on the equipment." Zero said.

Cheng Yuan nodded and said, "You're right, Earth and Mars are not the same. Earth's atmosphere is much thicker than Mars, and the temperature preservation is quite perfect."

"Originally protected by the ozone layer, when the sun's rays come in, it will block most of the temperature, but there are too many holes, and the sun can come in directly. This will cause the temperature of the hollow area to be much higher than that of other areas. The atmosphere is intact again, which will save this part of the temperature. "

Cheng Yuan can imagine that if the environmental issues left over from these wars are not dealt with as soon as possible, then the overall climate of the earth will definitely change!

And this change is still changing in a bad direction.

And all this is because of Cheng Yuan!

This naturally makes Cheng Yuan unable to escape this responsibility. After all, he still needs to live on this planet, and the environment of the earth is getting worse, which is not a good thing for him.

"Zero, how can we minimize the impact." Cheng Yuan didn't say anything to completely eliminate the impact. After all, this damaging impact on the environment had already begun when they spoke!

The blue light in Zero's eyes flickered, and extremely small white text quickly turned in his eyes. After a while, Zero gave the answer: "Sir, according to calculations, it takes about one to two months. "

"How long? It's not enough equipment?" Cheng Yuan frowned, although there were a lot of holes left by his weapons in the sky.

But the scope of these caves is not large, the largest is only 300 meters, and the smallest is only tens of meters.

But Zero said that it took a month or two to repair, and this efficiency naturally made Cheng Yuan frown.

Zero seems to have long guessed that Cheng Yuan will do this. He smiled calmly and said calmly: "Sir, if it is repairing, it is natural to repair the entire ecological environment cycle. After all, the airflow is constantly flowing, and they are not fixed. In what area! "

"Furthermore, apart from our destruction in the war, do you think that the earth's ozone layer was intact before then?" Zero's voice suddenly added an inexplicable sorrow.

Cheng Yuan froze for a while, and then suddenly remembered that the ozone layer holes did not appear only at the poles, but because these two places at the two ends of the earth had extremely special environments and magnetic fields, obvious ozone layer holes appeared.

Elsewhere in the world, with the release of man-made pollution, the ozone layer can be said to be numerous. Today, the earth's ozone layer is just like a piece of stale cheese gnawed by mice, and there are gaps everywhere.

"Then try as much as possible." Cheng Yuan sighed, then looked at the screen and asked, "How long will these situations dissipate?"

Glancing at the screen with zero, he immediately replied, "If it is fast, it will end in a few hours. If it is slow, it will take two or three days."

Although this answer still made Cheng Yuan very unsatisfied ~ ~, he also knew that even in this case, he was helpless.

After all, he doesn't know how to solve this kind of combustion and use physical cooling?

He was more worried that his physical means would have a more serious impact there, and it would only be two or three days at a time, and that time would pass.

Maybe there are some people who like wonderful scenery will take pictures to appreciate it.

After all, a sky that is constantly burning will definitely attract many people.

"Wait a minute, don't forget to speed up the manufacturing of the environmental reformer, and then get ready." Cheng Yuan shook his head and left the company.

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