Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 780:

Rockefeller Jr. tapped his fingers on the arm of the sofa, his lips twitched gently, and on the other side of the holographic screen, David saw that Rockefeller Jr. was silent, and he said, "Sir, I don't think I can Kick him off. "

"Oh?" Rockefeller Jr. raised his handsome eyebrows lightly, knowing that David's stupidity outside was not really him.

After all, no fool can be a qualified politician.

"Do you have any idea?"

David looked serious. He seriously said: "It is best not to expose our relationship. You just need to give me a chance to meet with Mr. Cheng. Next I think that the smart Mr. Burke will help us. Solved. "

He seemed to think of something, and David suddenly smiled slightly and said, "If he can't convince Mr. Cheng, it also proves that Burke has no ability to cooperate with us, and we can use this excuse to kick him away."

Xiao Xiao Rockefeller pondered for a moment, and he raised his eyebrows, and smiled: "This idea is good, I will help you to communicate with Mr. Cheng, as to whether it can be achieved, it is entirely up to you!"

当然 "Of course, I don't want to see this thing fail, do you understand?" Rockefeller Jr.'s eyes suddenly sharpened, emphasizing.

David nodded quickly and said, "I understand, sir!"

My little Rockefeller nodded and said, "Okay, wait for my notification. I will tell you if there is news."

Hang up the phone, Rockefeller Jr. did not immediately contact Cheng Yuan, he was sitting alone on the sofa, thinking quietly, the matter of national reconstruction is of great importance! He has to think carefully about every step that follows.

He must not only ensure that the United States can be truly rebuilt, but also be alert to certain people taking the opportunity to reap the fruits of their victory in the reconstruction process.

Although the possibility of the latter is extremely small, Rockefeller Jr still does not want to bet on this extremely small probability.

I thought for a moment, he picked up the phone and dialed the special line within the family. At this time he needed other members of the family to work together to accomplish this.

If they can do it, their Rockefeller family can become the true leader in the United States!

虽然 Although the entire United States is broken, the foundation of the United States is still there. As long as it can be rebuilt, both the economy and the population can recover extremely quickly.

And their Rockefeller family will control the economic, political, and even military lifeline of the entire United States. It can be said that the new United States will serve their Rockefeller family!

Thinking of what might happen in the future, Rockefeller Jr. felt hot inside.

Soon after, members of the Rockefeller family gathered around Rockefeller Jr.

"John, your caution is commendable, but sometimes you need to let go of it. After all, the Rockefeller family is no longer a family that was suppressed by Congress and the military before!" Opening, the old man's blue eyes were very sharp, like a hawk.

As an elderly person in the Rockefeller family, he naturally has a great voice. The escape did not destroy the old man. In the stable environment of China, his old body was restored.

Lawrence looked at John with reassurance, and he was satisfied with his grandson 100,000. Because of John's vision, the Rockefeller family did not lead to the destruction of their home because of the crisis of intelligent machinery.

Although he believes that other American families may also survive, the living conditions in the past three years will definitely not be on the same level as the Rockefeller family.

Because it owns some shares of Huaxia Lanyin Technology Co., Ltd., the Rockefeller family's living environment is also excellent and there is almost nothing in it.

But other families can't. Although Lawrence is not clear about their situation, he can get a vague situation just by guessing.

First of all, although the major US consortiums have made considerable investments in all walks of life around the world, these investments collapsed almost instantly under the cloud of war.

Because the countries where the companies they invest in can't resist the invasion of intelligent machinery, these companies will also be destroyed!

For a shattered company, stocks are like waste paper and worthless.

For the big consortiums, the biggest hit is the financial industry. In a war, all financial industries in the peace era were instantly broken!

The impact of the financial industry is global. Even the investment of these families in Huaxia has suffered the same.

Hua Xia's prosperous economy is also affected by the invasion of intelligent machinery, but Hua Xia also has its own strengths.

Facing the economic environment in the country that was affected by the global war, they forcibly used the resources held by the state to save most of the enterprises.

Of course, although a lot of money is wasted here, it also brings inexplicable benefits. At the same time that many enterprises receive assistance from the state, most of the value of the enterprise has also become the state!

Similarly, all companies that accept foreign investment are not on the list of protection. If in the past, Huaxia did this in the eyes of Lawrence.

After all, there are several special Internet companies in Huaxia that really hold most of the economic lifeline of Huaxia. These companies also have foreign investment.

But after the rise of technology crystallization companies, the value and status of these companies themselves have also declined with the technology crystallization companies.

When the quantum network, holographic technology and artificial intelligence assistants of the technology crystallization company fully cover Huaxia, the existence of these companies does not seem so necessary.

Network information search, relying on artificial intelligence assistants, can be done easily. The existence of intelligence in social networking has almost eliminated the communication barriers between people and greatly improved the authenticity and security of personal information.

The superiority of intelligence is also the same in online shopping. These companies have no significance in giving Huaxia assistance. Compared with these, industrial companies are the most important.

After watching Lawrence say something, she sat there in a daze, and Rockefeller Jerked a cough.

I was awakened by the grandson's cough, and Lawrence smiled bitterly, and said, "When you are old, you want to think wildly. John, let it go. Those families are not a threat!"

"I know, Grandpa, I want you to come here, but I just want to tell you that our plan has begun, and I need to stare at each step next, as you said, we can't stop it, but just in case , I don't think it's wrong to be cautious. "

Lawrence smiled comfortably and said, "You have such a good idea. Now that you are the patriarch, it is up to you to order. I think they will cooperate with you."

The other family members around nodded quickly, indicating that they would cooperate with each other.

As a member of the family, they are not stupid, and naturally know the importance of things. If the reconstruction of the United States can succeed under the influence of their family, what they represent, they know very well!

Upon seeing this, Rockefeller Jr. had a passion for his whole life. After he nodded to everyone, he got up and went to the villa's garden, and then called Cheng Yuan.

Technology Crystal Company, with the development of the universe, with the support of a large number of resources, the company's development is orderly.

However, in order to avoid suspicion, most of the company's basic industries have been placed in space. In the company's premises in Anhe City, there is nothing too exaggerated.

The intelligent machine was broken up, but Cheng Yuan did not relax. The existence of Zen is an unstable factor, and Zen is more difficult to handle than GOD.

Even if there is no ability to solve Zen, it will take a lot of time and resources.

According to the calculation of zero, if the two sides fight hard, then it will take twenty years to defeat Zen based on the resources available to both sides.

If Zen has no meaning, then no one on either side can do anything, unless Cheng Yuan can make more powerful hardware equipment.

Such a result, Cheng Yuan naturally can only roll his eyes, for twenty years, Huang Hua has thanked!

So he didn't mean to ask Zero to find Zen trouble, and focused his energy directly on the Centaur galaxy.

顶层 On the top floor of the quiet and cutting-edge laboratory, Cheng Yuan looked at the complex metal structure picture in the picture, the explorer had entered the interstellar fortress.

The internal conditions are very bad, the energy is extinguished, the interior is completely black, and the broken metal structure is uneven. The explorer flying inside should not only record the places he walks through, but also pay attention to the possible contact with the diamonds.

This greatly increases the difficulty of exploration. Not only that, Cheng Yuan also ignored a problem before, that is, the problem of volume.

The huge interstellar fortress can't be explored in a short time at all. The time required for full exploration is about 14 months to 22 months.

If you can find the control center in advance, then this time can be shortened infinitely.

However, another question also came. This interstellar fortress was divided into two. God knows if the control center also broke into two halves.

If this is the case, then the result is haha.

Therefore, after synthesizing all the factors, Cheng Yuan came to a conclusion that this exploration was completely an act of fighting for character.

"Sir, Mr. John Rockefeller called." Zero said suddenly, with a look of surprise on his face, because he hadn't received the call for a long time.

"Little Rockefeller?" Cheng Yuan looked away from the screen, and he turned his head to zero.

Nodded his head and said, "Are you going to pick it up?"

"Come on," Cheng Yuan said, and then asked: "What happened recently?"

The blue halo flickered in Xu Ling's eyes. After a second, he said, "Just now, Huaxia agreed to the reconstruction plans of various countries. I think the call from Rockefeller Jr. is related to this matter."

Zero finished talking, the phone was connected, and a new picture came out.

Wearing a white shirt, blond hair combed with meticulous little Rockefeller appeared inside.

"Hi, Cheng Yuan. I heard that you took the smart machinery and defeated it. You have a very, very powerful fleet, don't you?" Rockefeller Jr. greeted.

"Yes, John." Cheng Yuan wasn't surprised that Little Rockefeller knew about it. He just looked at the other person with interest and said, "You called me just to say this? Is this not like your previous record? Same ~ ~ I can't believe this is you. "

"Er." Rockefeller Jr. shrugged his shoulders, smirked, and said, "Sure enough, I can't hide anything from you. There is really something to do with this call. I want to use your information channel. You should know that Huaxia has agreed Have the reconstruction plans of all countries been right? "

Cheng Cheng nodded and looked at Rockefeller Jr., waiting for his following.

Rockefeller Jr went on to say, "Our current leader of the United States, David, wants to visit you, but he has no contact information and no means of access, so he asked me here, and in this matter, I cannot refuse Yes, so ... "

Little Rockefeller looked at Cheng Yuan with a embarrassment.

Cheng Yuan narrowed his eyes. He probably guessed what Rockefeller said. He thought for a while, then looked at Rockefeller and agreed: "Yes, I will talk to the president of the company and arrange the time. Meet that David. "

Cheng Chengyuan has not refused. If this matter is successful, it can also bring a lot of benefits to the company, and even his own company can go to the mines of various countries.

After all, he secretly dug a lot before.

Now that the intelligent machine has been solved, it is impossible for him to continue digging. This matter can just solve this problem, and it can also allow Zheng Jia and Guo Xiaolian to do something.

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