Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 822:

Yu Hongtao was frightened, Tao Ying himself would be better off. Although he felt that he could think more, everything was not afraid of 10,000, just in case!

What if President Zheng wanted to connect himself with Yu Hongtao?

Thinking of this, his face was even uglier.

Looking at Tao Ying's increasingly ugly face, Yu Hongtao also trembled and asked, "President Tao, what arrangements does the company have for me?"

At this time, Yu Hongtao knew that he couldn't escape the punishment, but he still wanted to ask the company what his punishment was.

Tao Ying looked up at Yu Hongtao and said blankly, "I'm not sure about this, it seems that President Zheng went to the big boss to discuss it."

As soon as I heard this, even the big boss knew it. The next words don't need to be stressed by Tao Ying. Yu Hongtao feels that he can guess it.

For a moment he felt that sweat was all over his forehead, and he raised his hand to wipe it, and found that it was just his illusion.

Although people are particularly prone to sweating when they are excited and nervous, they can't get sweaty on their forehead in an instant.

Looking at Liu Hongtao, the six godless owner, Tao Ying sighed and said, "Manager Yu, I'm not going to talk to you anymore. President Zheng will be in Donghai City immediately, and she will personally explain the company's punishment to you."

Yu Hongtao only felt his head cyanotic, dizzy, and looked at Tao Ying in shock, stuttering: "General Tao, you, are you Zheng Zheng coming in person?"

Yu Hongtao simply suspected that something was wrong with his ear. Isn't this just a news report? Even Zheng Jia has to come over!

Yu Hongtao now understands that the company attaches importance to space portals. After stunned for a while, he ended the conversation with Tao Ying and silently got into his car.

After getting on the car, Yu Hongtao gradually recovered. He suddenly realized that he couldn't just stay in a daze like this. Although he didn't know the company's punishment for him, he had to think as bad as possible.

If he is fired, he must guarantee the quality of his life in the future.

Realizing this, Yu Hongtao quickly turned the front of the car and drove the car to a few housing areas he had long been optimistic about.

‘Even if he is fired from a technology crystallization company, he can still live the most nourishing life by relying on the house! ’With a decision in mind, Yu Hongtao felt that he was full of motivation again.


The next day, the sun was shining and the weather in Anhe was as good as ever.

However, the state-of-the-art laboratory building of the technology crystallization company was busy. In the president's office, Zheng Jia and Guo Xiaolian sat opposite each other.

"Lian, I'm going to the East China Sea for a while, and the company's affairs will be left to you, okay?" Zheng Jiahan looked at Guo Xiaolian with a smile.

The sunlight came in from the window, and the entire office was completely exposed. Guo Xiaolian frowned, wondering, "Sister Zheng, how long are you going to stay in Donghai City? I haven't heard it there, and there are very few people. I am afraid There are intelligent machines to pass by. "

Guo Xiaolian's question made Zheng Jia do not know how to answer for a while, she went to Donghai City not to deal with Yu Hongtao.

For the company to come, Yu Hongtao is just an insignificant role. She went to Donghai City to ensure that the construction of the space portal continued smoothly.

Now that the space portal has been exposed, the bosses at the upper levels will definitely carry out some cooperative promotion when they see this.

They don't care who made up this news report, they just need to cooperate with this sudden news.

As for the impact of the space portal, they can naturally see it. But it will not stop, although the real estate economy is the most important industry pillar in China.

But compared with the development of Mars, the real estate economy is relatively less important!

As long as there is Mars, it is equivalent to more land and resources. Can domestic house prices compare with this?

Zheng Jianeng probably guessed the idea of ​​the upper level, so the topic of space portals will surely get hotter. In this case, she can't guarantee whether the construction of space portals will continue smoothly.

After all, the space portal has been built, but the surrounding facilities have not yet begun. She doesn't want to wait for her to pass by, and the area in the triangle area of ​​Donghai City has been divided up by messy people!

Waiting for that time will cause great inconvenience to the future operation of the space portal!

So this requires her to pass in person, and in her current status, even if Li Kangbing of Donghai City meets, she must maintain a certain amount of respect.

As for how long to stay, Zheng Jia felt that it would take at least three months! Although the company's construction speed is very fast, three months is still necessary.

After all, in addition to the task of construction, the company also needs to set up a branch in Donghai City to specifically manage the space portal, which also takes a lot of time to integrate.

Thinking of this, Zheng Jia said: "About three or four months, you have to work hard during this time, I hope that after I return, you can seriously help me share some."

Zheng Jia arrived here, with a hint of trembling in his tone, and stared at Guo Xiaolian for a long while.

Guo Xiaolian was staring at Zheng Jia's eyes a little uncomfortably. Of course, she understood the meaning of Zheng Jia's words. Her original role of vice president was to help Zheng Jia manage the company together.

As a result, she was very incompetent to work for three days fishing and two days drying the net, and took care of her daughter at home.

So what was supposed to be her job could only be handled by Zheng Jia.

When Guo Xiaolian thought of this, she was also red-faced and red-eared. She sneered and explained, "Isn't it all because of Cheng Yuan, it's always Ya Ting."

Regarding Guo Xiaolian's explanation, Zheng Jia just gave her a blank eye and said badly: "You two ..." She sighed and shifted the topic: "Ya Ting has gone to school, how about studying?"

Mentioning her daughter ~ ~ Guo Xiaolian immediately showed a proud smile on her face and replied proudly: "The second time is the first in the class. Ya Ting is very smart, just like her father."

Zheng Jia thought for a while, and silently looked down, agreeing: "Also, there is such a sinful gene as Cheng Yuan, and it is difficult for Ya Ting to think if she is not smart."

"Well, don't gossip, the company will leave it to you." Zheng Jia got up and was going to go out, but before taking a few steps, she turned suddenly, "Yes, the company's intelligent control need not be handed over, you should some."

Guo Xiaolian quickly headed: "Yes, you can rest assured. When you arrive in Donghai City, you also need to take care of yourself, remember to arrange more robot bodyguards."

Zheng Jia smiled gently. "Relax, I'm very sad."


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