Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 874:

Old Hua Hua's speech, naturally, will not be trivial. After Liu Weimin came out of the transmission base, there was a huge publicity on the Internet.

Almost as long as people connected to the Internet, did not know this news. And this time the promotion is not limited to domestic, but also extends to all parts of the world through the quantum network covering the whole world!

As Huaxia spares no effort to propagate, everyone who knows the news is also looking forward to it.

Some people are full of enthusiasm, imagining what the Chinese leader will say, and at the same time imagining how they will start a new life on Mars.

There are also some people frowning, worrying about how Mars development will affect their future lives.

At the same time, I was also worried that the leader of Huaxia would not make any specific policies.

After all, not all people are Chinese, and there must be different treatment between countries. Don't say that everyone is equal. If everyone is truly equal, there will not be so many global problems.

But no matter what you think, everyone knows one thing. That is, the future of humanity will no longer be limited to the earth! They have started to walk out of the planet!

Huaxia capital, Huaxia high-rise almost gathered in the highest-standard hall.

Huaxia official media is also ready to broadcast live early.

The leaders of this global live broadcast are very concerned. The media staff who are arranged to shoot are carefully selected.

Everyone attaches great importance to this live broadcast, and dare not take the slightest care.

The atmosphere in the grand hall was serious, but he still couldn't hold down his low voice. At this time, no matter who it is, it is inevitable that they do not want to discuss their views with their colleagues.

Soon after, the wooden door on the west side of the Great Hall was pushed open, and the old man in a suit and leather shoes lined up with the remaining eight in order to enter the Great Hall.

I saw a few people from Hua Hua appear, and the voice in the General Assembly Hall quieted down instantly. When media reporters were busy, they aimed the camera at Hua Lao.

After the old Chinese people were sitting on the place with their name plates, this talk was officially started!

"Today, it's a special day for you and me." Hua Lao's first sentence was not as official as usual, but rather simple.

This opening made everyone stunned.

"What we are talking about today is mainly a plan for the future of Mars, for the future of Huaxia, and for the future of all mankind."

"The change of Mars is well known. Humans are also destined to set foot on Mars. So, in the face of a brand new planet, what do we need to do, and what do we do?

This is worth our step-by-step exploration and accumulation in the future.

But for now, let's start with a few points. The change of Mars, let us see the near future, we will set foot on a brand new planet.

Beacon is a starting point, a starting point for us to officially enter the era of interstellar development. We are fortunate to be able to witness and participate in this era.

However, a brand-new era must also have a complete set of laws and regulations to ensure that in this new era, there will not be too many wrongdoings. "

Old Hua Hua sounded majestic and echoed throughout the hall. Everyone sat upright and listened to Hua Lao's words and figured out what Hua Lao wanted to express.

But judging from what Hua Lao is saying, is Hua Lao planning to formulate a relevant law, or is it a law on Mars?

Many people are interested, Mars is a big fat!

Moreover, once the laws related to Mars are introduced, they will directly face the technology crystallization companies. Is Hua Lao going to deal with a technology crystallization company?

Or do you plan to restrict the development of this company?

A series of thoughts flashed through these people's minds, which made them a little excited. But now Hua Lao is still talking on it, this part of people dare not think more, and continue to listen patiently.

Hua Lao naturally did not know what his words would cause the following people to think, and he said solemnly: "To this end, we are going to use the international cosmic law that has been stipulated in this area before and continue from there extend."

As soon as the old Mr. Hua Hua said, not only were the people in the General Assembly Hall stunned, but also everyone in the world who watched the live broadcast was stunned.

A lot of people don't know at all, there are so-called international regulations?

Someone quickly opened the searcher and started searching for what they wanted.

Hua Laoke will not specifically wait for these people to check the information before continuing. He continued: "According to international space law regulations and our negotiations with the delegation of science and technology companies. Decided that the jurisdiction of Mars will belong to the technology companies, This is beyond doubt. "

Old Hua Hua's words aroused everyone's exclamation. Not only do people in China look aggressive, but even many people in foreign countries stare blankly at the screen.

They didn't expect that Huaxia had such courage and gave up Mars directly! This bold approach is completely beyond their knowledge of Huaxia.

他们 In their opinion, China is always the official host of everything, such a pioneering approach should appear in their Western countries!

However, while they have not been relieved from the shock just now, Hua Lao continued: "At the same time, the development of Mars will also be modified and deployed according to the requirements of the technology crystal company."

When the old man said this, the people in China couldn't sit still.

Old Hua Hua's first sentence didn't matter to them ~ ~ Jurisdiction was one-sided in their eyes. After all, under the official standard system, many things are not necessarily what you say.

But Hua Lao's sentence will be adjusted and coordinated with the requirements of the technology crystal company. This is to completely give the leadership of Mars to the technology crystal company!

Everyone can't believe this is true!

Many people cannot understand why Hua Lao gave up Mars. Although they agree with Hua Lao's guess and opinion on the future, Mars is different from other planets.

Pluto Mars is special. She is very similar to Earth, and is the closest planet to Earth. Because of her uniqueness, Mars has spread a lot of legends from ancient times.

Mars can be an outpost for humans to explore the universe, but we cannot think that we can live on Mars to show that we can explore further.

多 How big is the universe?

的 The distance between the planet and the planet is counted in light years!

Although there is a higher-level unit of distance in the scientific community, for the general public, light-year is the unit they know and hear most.

不管 But anyway, the limitation of distance makes them not much interested in exploring outside. Instead of wasting a lot of money and investing in the exploration and development of other planets, it is better to grab Mars in front of you!

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