Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 888:

The path to the basement, one foot, one foot, two footsteps, one after another. The collision sound between the sole and the channel made of metal is extremely clear.

"How long is this **** passage?" The skinny man was impatient with a look on his face, and his thief gazed at the passage slowly.

The dark blue light emerged from the gap in the wall of the passage, and it looked very gloomy on the faces of the two.

Wang Ming ignored the complaints of the skinny man and continued to go deep. The passage is not just one road, it is in all directions and there are no road signs.

But Wang Ming seems to be very familiar with it, and every time he comes to the turn, there is almost no pause.

的 The skinny man behind him hadn't noticed this at first, but he soon realized that something was wrong, "Do you look familiar here?"

The dry and thin man's eyes narrowed for a moment, and the dark pupils showed a cold feeling of choosing people. While talking, he quietly reached out and held down the knife on his lower back.

This Wang Ming has been quiet since the way to Tokyo by transport ship, to see who is cold. But not speaking does not mean that he is a stuffy gourd, an honest man who can be bullied casually.

As a person in the organization, who hasn't done one or two things?

He walked in front of Wang Ming, and his actions immediately made the skinny man look like a bow-struck bird, and stepped back to make an alert gesture.

It's not that the skinny man is afraid, but that there is a huge gap between the body shapes of the two sides, and the distance can make a better response.

Wangming, although he doesn't talk much, is at least one meter and eighty-five tall, just five centimeters shorter than Jin Dayuan's reckless husband.

Especially the strong muscles of Wang Ming's arms make the skinny man vigilant. He knew very well that his thin arms and legs could never be entangled with the other side.

He seems to be aware of the actions of the other party, and Wang Ming doesn't look back. He said quietly, "I'm not familiar with it, I just follow the feeling."

I explained a word and he moved on.

Wang Ming's behavior made the skinny man hesitant for a while. He didn't believe what Wang Ming said.

Everyone will have a certain degree of hesitation when making a choice, but the person in front of him has no pause at all, and he seems to have planned for each intersection, and he is not worried about danger.

Although he didn't believe Wang Ming's words in his heart, the skinny man kept up with him after hesitating for a moment.

After all, he has a different purpose than others. He not only wants money, but also weapons and equipment! Otherwise, he won't wait for Li Long's announcement to volunteer to come to the basement.

After all, in addition to the hidden warehouse, the basement is also a very good place to put weapons.

The two of them followed one another and soon came to a dead end. Although I don't know why Wang Ming stopped here, but the skinny man is more sure of his guess, this Wang Ming absolutely knows something.

He stood quietly about two meters behind Wang Ming without asking, waiting for Wang Ming's next move.

This dead end is empty and there are no hidden control valves next to it. This makes the skinny man more curious, what will Wang Ming do next.

The next scene was so scary that he almost made him pee!

I saw Wang Ming suddenly stretched out his right hand and placed it on the metal wall in front of him. The skin on the back of his right hand squirmed frantically, and then a trace of blue light passed through the back of his hand. The skin on the back of the hand was cracked, exposing the dense precision mechanical parts inside.

三角 A small triangle like a toothpick is sticking out of Wang Ming's palm and sticking to the wall, and the blue energy halo swings on the wall.

But at this time the mind of the skinny man was blank.

"Machine ... Machine ..." The skinny man felt chills all over his body.

He had thought of many possibilities.

Regarding Wang Ming's identity, he originally thought that this not-so-talking person was an undercover agent sent by the military, or a high-level official sent by the organization secretly.

But he didn't even think about it. Wang Ming, who is no different from other people in appearance, is an intelligent machine!

He trembled, and he was full of fear before he turned and ran away, but the moment he turned, Wang Ming suddenly raised his left arm, and the left arm turned into a mechanical long arm in an instant.

The long arm of the cricket is like the tentacles of an octopus, and it quickly stretches around the waist muscle of a dry man.

"I ... don't ..."

The dry skinny man felt only a tight waist, and then a strong pain came from the waist, and the next moment his brain fainted because he couldn't bear the pain.

In the cold metal passage, a crisp clicking sound made the skin of the skinny man softly to the ground.

Wang Ming's indifferent eyes glanced lightly at the dead man's body on the ground, and then stepped into the opened metal gate. After Wang Ming entered, the gate closed again.

The bright red blood slowly dripped from the eyes, ears, nose and nose of the skinny man, and the twisted corpse was soaked with blood.

"Welcome back, commander." A dry electronic voice sounded with Wang Ming's arrival, and overhead lights illuminated him all around him, he was inside an elevator.

"Take me to Zone A." Wang Ming's arm had returned to its original state, and said coldly.

明白 "Understand, commander." The intelligent voice dropped, the elevator started, and descended deep into the ground at an extremely fast speed.

The elevator descended quickly. About one minute later, the elevator door opened and Wang Ming came to Area A in his mouth. The lights were brilliant here and countless intelligent robots were working here.

The most conspicuous is the huge assembly line, and the assembly line is a huge robot, each robot is about 120 meters high ~ ~ a huge mechanical boom next to the robot is replacing one Robots install weapons.

机器人 These robots are not colored, but the pure metal is chilling in the light.

"What about the camouflage on the surface?" Wang Ming asked with satisfaction at the robots on the assembly line.

"All normal commanders, but the other party has already controlled the entire city's monitoring equipment. Do you need to open the passage in Area C?" Intelligently answered and asked.

Wang Ming's indifferent face didn't have any expression: "It's not needed at present, and the camouflage robot on the surface will be activated after half an hour. We can't let them perceive it. Without the core of GOD, we can't resist that existence!"

Smart: "I see. How are you in human society?"

"Also, this nano body can easily transform between machinery and flesh, allowing me to integrate well into human society." Wang Ming looked at his hands, a stiff smile appeared on his expressionless face. .

Smart: "Does that need to make more nano-body?"

不用 "No, although that person focused most of his attention on Mars because of Mars, but we can't be careless. He hasn't reduced his attention to the earth. At present, I'm enough."

Wang Ming shook his head and rejected the intelligent proposal.

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