Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 891:

In fact, as Han Zhaoguo thought, when he contacted General Pang, the other party stated that this was not the case at all, and immediately started investigating.

The most important thing is that General Pang did not find the call records of himself and him in the internal information storage of the headquarters.

An unknown force penetrated into the military!

This not only made Han Zhaoguo panic, but Pang Zhenguo was also uneasy. When he was afraid to order the relevant personnel to investigate, he also reported the incident.

However, because of Han Zhaoguo's phone call, he also understood what was going on in Tokyo.

He also couldn't figure out what the other party's purpose was for this. In order to avoid any unintended consequences, Pang Zhenguo decided to leave the matter to a professional think tank team to think more reliably.

Moreover, compared to this matter, there are already two obvious points in the entire Huaxia senior management. A group of people think that taking this opportunity to win Tokyo and then reasonably incorporate the entire country into their own territory.

Another group thinks that this is not appropriate, they are not opposed to the return of the country to China. After all, everyone present was holding the highest purpose of unity.

However, they do not think it is appropriate to do so at present. Although the emergence of intelligent machinery has indeed attracted attention, no one knows whether this is a bait deliberately put down by people with intention.

After all, this kind of thing looks like heaven and earth, and they all want to put the unearthed country into the territory, but someone happens to do it for them.

There is no ghost in it, they don't believe it anyway!

Therefore, they think it is best to wait and see until the investigation is clear.

In addition, there is another thing that they are more worried about, that is, the survivors who survived the country. For the country, more than 90% of people in Huaxia hold a different attitude.

But rational people also know that although the country is not a good image in the hearts of Chinese people, ordinary people also have likes and dislikes, and some people are kind and evil.

This is no different from Chinese people.

And these survivors are one of the main discussion contents of the two viewpoints. If the troops are dispatched directly to clean up the country ’s intelligent machinery, what will they do if these people are afraid to return to China after the end?

Although they have the ability to make these people silent, it is a hidden danger. After all, not all of the survivors of the state live in Huaxia, they are scattered all over the world.

Once some kind of speech is formed, they believe that no country will give up collectively to talk about China. Although it is not possible to drive the aircraft carrier to the vicinity of the Huaxia waters as before, they are willing to move their tongues.

Of course, these are not what they worry about. Those who have absolute force can be said to be equal, even if they forcibly occupy the country, who dares to stand up and blame them?


They will only say a few words before Huaxia has made a statement. Once Huaxia makes a decision, they will be just like a turtle son.

What caused Huaxia to worry was not on the bright side, but on some secret means.

Now most of Huaxia's thoughts and energy are devoted to the development of Mars, and there is no effort to accompany them to play these house-like games.

Therefore, most people still think that it is better to be safe. First, prepare for defense and watch the situation in Tokyo. Then vigorously develop Mars resources, and when you have freed up your energy, slowly take your goals into your pocket.

This is the most stable method, and it is also very satisfying for senior representatives such as Hua Lao.

A more appropriate plan was determined, but another thing made Hua Lao, Liu Lao and others have to pay attention.

It is very worrying that individuals or organizations can penetrate into the military, although this time it is the other party who uses a loophole to accomplish its purpose.

But even Hua Lao cannot eliminate this loophole, after all, this is the national condition. This kind of thing itself is a hidden rule, and prevention is difficult!

What they worry about is that this time the other side got into the military. So what about mixing into the government next time?

Although the violent organization of the military looks complicated, it is actually very simple inside. The government looks simple, but the inside is very complicated.

If this organization is deliberately infiltrated into government and chaos in a city, the result will be more terrible than the infiltration of the army!

It's like everyone only sees government officials eating, drinking, drinking and living leisurely every day, and every time they see a certain corruption, Bao Xiaosan.

But if you carefully understand, you will find that if a city does not have good managers, the situation in the city will definitely be a mess.

And these good managers are people who eat, drink, and drink.

Is it easy to manage a city?

Not simple, but very difficult. The officer is envious, but the officer is not easy to do.

If you just arrange one person to manage a city, you can't even get a valid decree.

As for those who are corrupt and take bribes, most people only see his opposite. But never thought, if he had no ability, would he take that step?

"Lao Liu, you have to supervise this matter, you must thoroughly investigate!" Hua Lao looked extremely serious, since the other party dared to impersonate the military. That would certainly dare to impersonate high-level officials.

Liu Weimin nodded heavily, and he was equally nervous about this. As for this strange organization, he is clueless and can only take a step at a time.

"I will put down the matter at hand first and pay attention to it myself!"

After receiving Liu Weimin's reply, Hua Lao relaxed a little, then asked: "Everyone, our seeds have arrived in the black soil plains of Mars with the wrong transportation. Professor Yuan has arranged for people to plant and start farming."

"Professor Yuan?"

As soon as Hua Lao's words fell, an astonishing voice sounded immediately: "You are talking about Professor Yuan? I remember Professor Yuan is almost 100 years old, is his bones OK?"

"I'm 96 years old, and I'm 100 years old in four years!" When talking about Professor Yuan, Hua Lao's face also showed a smile. He also admired the professor who benefited the people all over the country.

"It's four years since 2030. Professor Yuan should be using a gene enhancer, right?" One said with emotion.

Hua Lao smiled, the meaning is self-evident.

Regarding gene fortifiers, all the people present have used it. After all, strengthening the body can be considered an indirect way of extending life ~ ~ Although the gene fortifier cannot be recycled, it is at least better than useless.

"Cough!" Liu Weimin coughed and knocked at the table. "Let's talk about the planting of Mars. How many acres are you now planting?"

Liu Weimin turned away from the topic, and everyone didn't discuss too much about the age. They looked at the report on the conference table. The report did not mention the sown area, after all, it was less than three days, and even if it was fast, it would not be much faster.

The meeting ended after a short while, and Liu Weimin hurriedly left to prepare to investigate the mysterious organization.


A week later, Tokyo.

In seven days, the intelligent machines scattered throughout Tokyo spread early and went to various areas of the country, and the smoke was once again permeating the island country.

Although there are no rivals, intelligent machines never hunt for ammunition.

As long as the target is found, it is a bombing.

The process of destroying the remaining humans went smoothly, but Wang Ming didn't feel much excitement.

Because the human side, no, exactly, there is no movement at Huaxia!

This surprised him!

"Smart, what's going on with Huaxia?" Wang Ming asked.

Intelligence: "They arranged a large number of troops to gather near the sea, but did not take any action, maybe they were watching. One more thing, your identity in human society has been exposed, what are your plans?"

Wang Ming shrugged indifferently: "I don't care about identity, as long as I think, I can become anyone. By the way, since Huaxia does not attack, then we will change our strategy and arrest all the survivors of the country. We arrange a good show. "

Wang Ming's eyes flickered and he didn't know what idea he was working on.

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