Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 897:

Cheng Yuan's decision made two intelligent life, zero and Zen, surprised at the same time.

Although Zen wants to keep Wang Ming, he doesn't mind Cheng Yuan cleaning up the intelligent machines coming out of the factory. Because those low-level mass-produced intelligent machines are not a level with him in his eyes.

Just like between humans and ants, ants' lives and deaths do not care.

But now Cheng Yuan asked him to solve the problem by himself, and he was lingering for a long time.

Zero is puzzled at Cheng Yuan, with doubts in his eyes, and seems to be asking why Cheng Yuan made such a decision.

"What's wrong with you?" Cheng Yuan glanced unexpectedly at zero.

Zero frowned, and asked, "Sir, this is not just our business. We are accepting the entrustment of Huaxia's senior management. We must give each other a reply. How do we give each other a reply if you do this? "

Cheng Yuan smiled and said, "It ’s good to tell them the real situation? The technical information has not been lost, just an intelligent machine wants to come back. They can now decide whether to attack Tokyo and occupy it by the way, I think they will Would make a very appropriate decision. "

Cheng Yuan is not a fool. He guessed Hua Laoda's idea a little while thinking. The technical information is just their excuse. Bacheng Cheng wanted to use his hand to explore the truth and reality of the other party.

Once it is confirmed that there is not much threat, the next operation will definitely include the entire Tokyo, including Japan, into its territory with Thunder Action.

Seeing nothing, and no longer talking nonsense, asked directly: "So we can reply to them now?"

"Of course!" Cheng Yuan grinned, and the depressing air in his heart dissipated a little.

After all, expect to come over, but the answer is disappointing, which is naturally uncomfortable.

"Okay, I'll give them a reply." Understand Cheng Yuan's meaning, nodded his head, and passed the situation here to Huaxia executives.

Looking at zero work, Cheng Yuan is thinking about another question. Can this alternative deformed nanomolecule of Zen be improved?

Although this alternative stable structure allows the nanomolecules to be in a special active state, in this stable and active state, the molecular structure can be changed according to their own needs to produce changes.

Although this idea is good, but because of this special stable and active state, it also makes the molecular structure quite fragile.

Of course, this vulnerability is relative.

Just like the Transformers in the movie, compared to humans, every Transformer is undoubtedly terrifying and powerful. Because they have metal structures all over them, how can human flesh and blood be compared with metal?

But the power of the Transformers compared to the shells is very fragile.

Cheng Yuan is very puzzled. As a race that can shuttle in space, Transformers can be hurt or even killed by human gunpowder weapons!

It is not bragging about Cheng Yuan. Whether it is a large warship or a single-man fighter, the strength of its deck alone cannot be solved by ordinary gunpowder weapons.

Not to mention the energy shields carried by battleships and solo fighters.

From this point of view, although Transformers can change their body structure, it also makes their metal bodies very fragile because of this.

All guns that cause humans can harm them.

The thought that if he adopted this technology, his own warship would become fragile. This result made Cheng Yuan powerless again.

"It's still too taken for granted. This technology is also reduced to the ranks of toys." Cheng Yuan sighed helplessly, and now he finally understands why the core of the crystal of technology does not have the kind he can want to change Powerful deformation technology of its own characteristics.

The technology that breaks the limits of science is only possible in magical fantasy. If it is only deformation technology, maybe he can achieve it by combining module folding and space compression technology.

But in addition to making the machine more complicated, the practical value is very low for him at present.

It is better to use the two technologies separately, so that whether it is module folding or space compression technology can bring him a lot of convenience.

Cheng Yuan thought wildly, Zero had passed the news here to Huaxia executives.

After receiving the news from Cheng Yuan, Liu Weimin was pleased with his face. He hurried to Hua Lao's office and shouted with joy: "Hua Lao, there is news from Cheng Yuan. The technical information has not been stolen. It's just an intelligent machine. "

Hua Lao raised a brow, and it is no wonder that Liu Weimin was so happy. If it was just an intelligent machine doing something, it would be too easy to deal with it.

Even he couldn't move at this moment.

After all, it is just an intelligent machine. It may be difficult for other countries to deal with it, but it is really simple in the eyes of Huaxia!

Although his heart was moving, Hua Lao had not desperate, and Shen asked for a moment: "Is the message correct? Is that intelligent machine powerful?"

"Um." Liu Weimin's face was instantly stiff, and his tone was uncertain. "Because it should not be that strong."

Hua Lao smiled faintly ~ ~ glanced at Liu Weimin: "Still call other people to discuss it first, and then make a statement to inform the leaders of other countries. Tokyo has smart machines again. How to solve."


When Huaxia started to operate, there was a change in Tokyo.

Under the control of Zen, the intelligent machines that had stopped hunting down survivors such as Jin Dayuan turned into action again! Under the trembling of Jin Dayuan, they fired directly.

The high-temperature energy rays caught everyone off guard and instantly took away one's life.

The tall and burly Jin Dayuan was dumbfounded. He originally thought that these people had escaped, but he did not expect that these robots were just playing them!

At this moment, Jin Dayuan is extremely sorrowful. If he wants to kill, he will simply settle down. Can you stop this ink?

If it weren't for knowing that these intelligent machines wouldn't bother his shouts, he would have screamed!

But although sad in heart, his body turned and ran honestly.

Seeing him running away, the only four remaining people reacted quickly and turned away in horror.

This series of changes stunned Zen and Zero, who had not yet cut off the screen. Zen couldn't believe how under the control of these intelligent machines, they would kill people!

After zero surprise, he set his eyes on Cheng Yuan. He believed that Zen would not do things without words, but the scene in front of him made him unable to justify Zen, and left Cheng Yuan to the decision.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Yuan was also weird in his heart. With the wisdom of Zen, he would never do such a stupid thing. Even if he wanted to kill these people, he couldn't be in front of him.

Although I knew in my heart that this matter may not have much to do with Zen, but I have already let go of it before, and Cheng Yuan can't just let his words go: "Zen, now you have only one choice."

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