Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 900:

At half past eleven.

Representatives from Huaxia Equipment Department came to Zheng Jia's office on time.

"Hello, President Zheng, I'm Feng Zhang who contacted your secretary before." Feng Zhang, in a suit and leather shoes, stretched out his hand and shook Zheng Jia with a smile: "It may be troublesome for President Zheng this time."

Zheng Jia said politely: "Mr. Feng joked. Our company is just an ordinary private company. If we can help, we will try our best to help."

"Hehe." Feng Zhang chuckled: "General Zheng is too modest. If your technology crystallization company is an ordinary company, then companies all over the world have become black workshops."

"Mr. Feng is really funny talking, I don't know if there is anything I can help with this time?" Feng Zhang was so funny that he surprised Zheng Jia, and his attitude improved a lot.

When it comes to business, the smile on Feng Zhang's face also slightly converged, and he said, "We plan to buy some new equipment from your company."

"Purchase equipment!" Zheng Jia froze for a moment, when she looked back, Feng Zhang looked strangely: "Mr. Feng, are you sure you are right?"

"Of course I didn't make a mistake." Feng Zhang also stunned, and then continued: "General Zheng, your company's weapons and equipment, to say the least, that's the top in the world!"

But Feng Zhang's praise made Zheng Jia's look even more weird. "Mr. Feng, what could be wrong with you, our company is a technology company, not a military enterprise."

Feng Zhang twitched his lips. He would like to say that your technology crystal company is also a robot and a space battleship. Is this an ordinary technology company?

are you kidding me?

But he looked at Zheng Jia's earnest look, and this sentence was stuck in his throat.

After a while, he was calming down, looking at Zheng Jia with a serious look, and suddenly a flash of light came to mind, thinking of the information he had obtained.

The technology crystallization company is indeed a technology company on the surface, and their registration letter does not include the military industry. He just said what weapons and equipment directly, and Zheng Jia as the company's president naturally cannot admit it.

After all, the company has its own business scope. Once it exceeds the scope of its own company's operation, it becomes an illegal operation.

Thinking of this, Feng Zhang quickly explained: "It may be that I have expressed some problems just now, and I want to buy some new products from your company."

"New product?" Zheng Jia shuddered, looking at Feng Zhang who was still dead, she said helplessly: "Sorry, Mr. Feng, our company has no new products recently."

Seeing Zheng Jia's attitude so determined, Feng Zhang frowned.

"Mr. Zheng, Mingren doesn't speak secretly, I know your concerns, but this time it was the state that offered the company a willingness to buy, not my personal or equipment department."

"My concerns?" Zheng Jia was baffled. "Mr. Feng, I have no concerns, but I have never dealt with such things as weapons and equipment. You can directly contact us, Chairman Cheng."

Looking at Feng Zhang, Zheng Jiashen said, "I can only say that you have found the wrong person."

"Missing the wrong person !?" Feng Zhang's eyes jumped. Their equipment department had no communication with the technology crystallization company. This was the first time. It was not a surprise to find the wrong person.

Feng Zhang looked at Zheng Jia very awkwardly: "Sorry, if that's the case, I'm interrupted. I don't know if President Zheng can help me to contact Cheng Dong?"

Zheng Jia did not refuse this time.


"Boss, someone is looking for you to buy!"

Cheng Yuan, who was still at home, suddenly heard Zheng Jia say this, and the whole person froze. "Look for me to buy something? I didn't open a store !?"

But Zheng Jia didn't manage that much. After introducing Feng Zhang to Cheng Yuan, he left to deal with things in the company.

"Mr. Feng, you said you are here to buy weapons and equipment?" Cheng Yuan and Zero heard each other after Feng Zhang's visit. Buying a weapon from him is so straightforward that this is the first time I have encountered it.

"Can you tell me what you need?" Cheng Yuanda refused to refuse to sell them some weapons.

Feng Zhang did not refuse to see Cheng Yuan, and a happy smile appeared on his face. He quickly took two photos from his arms: "We want to buy two space battleships, and it is best to buy a team of guardian robots. "

Cheng Yuan looked at the photos taken by Feng Zhang. One photo was a huge space battleship, which was displayed when he mobilized the battleship to destroy the intelligent mechanical fleet.

On the other photo is a striking Gundam look.

After taking out the photo, Feng Zhang looked at Cheng Yuan slightly, for fear that Cheng Yuan did not agree with him and explained: "Mr. Cheng, we bought battleships and robots this time to clean the Tokyo area better and more perfectly. Intelligent machinery. "

"Although we have the power we have to clean up there, but senior management hopes to show a stronger and faster and more efficient way."

Cheng Yuan nodded gently: "I understand that you have this idea, but whether it is a warship or a guardian, is the price low? Are you sure?"

When it comes to money, Feng Zhang is not so nervous ~ ~ He has a relieved smile on his face: "Mr. Cheng, you may think it is ridiculous, but for the time being, it is really true for us does not matter."

Cheng Yuan thought about it, and followed it with a smile: "Also, I said something wrong."

Today's Huaxia holds commercial and abundant natural resources in various regions of the world. From a financial point of view, it is equivalent to mastering all the resources of a planet, and money is naturally nothing.

"The battleships are naturally okay. But how many units are you talking about as a guardian?" Since there are no economic problems, Cheng Yuan naturally needs to ask in detail.

"Six stations!" Feng Zhang grinned.

"When will it be delivered?"

"The sooner the better, the plans have been discussed above, and the army has begun to be adjusted."

"Well, give me a week and your warships and guardians will be in place." Cheng Yuan nodded.

As soon as I heard it for a week, Feng Zhang could not help but ask: "This, you haven't said how much money you need?"

"Money?" Cheng Yuan grinned and shook his head: "I don't need money, I will send you the bill when I deliver it."

"Can you talk about the specific price?" Feng Zhang would send the bill directly when he heard it, and his head was too big.

Isn't it good to negotiate prices in business? If he doesn't know the specific price, he promises to come down and Cheng Yuan will make a big lion's mouth, but he wants him to cook it!

Cheng Yuan saw Feng Zhang's worry at a glance. He laughed: "Don't worry, it's just two precious metal veins. Hualao will agree."

Feng Zhang can only nod at this time, because he seems Cheng Yuan's attitude does not want to bargain. In this case, he feels that he should report Cheng Yuan's requirements quickly and let the senior leaders discuss this issue.

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