Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 908:

Cheng Yuan didn't know at this time that because of this battle, Hua Lao had the idea of ​​retirement, but even if he knew it, there was nothing he could do.

After all, he is not a person in the system and cannot control the changes at the high level.

Now all he has to do is to eliminate the last hidden danger.

"Zero, how is the fleet preparing?" Cheng Yuan took a deep breath, his expression suddenly sharpened.

Zero did not answer, but controlled a holographic screen to directly display the picture to Cheng Yuan. In the low-earth orbit, a team of huge warships, like a steel torrent, has been extended for less than half of the low-earth orbit.

Since Cheng Yuan did not issue a halt to the construction of warships, his military base in outer space has been continuously manufacturing warships and related intelligent robots for combat.

At this time, the entire screen was filled with various warships. Thanks to the fusion reactor used by his main energy source, if it was replaced by oil, energy consumption alone could drag him to death.

Looking at his huge fleet, Cheng Yuan calmly nodded.

Fleets of this strength are absolutely invincible in the eyes of anyone, and this does not depend on the individual performance of the fleet. The quantity alone makes people desperate.

Not far away without any excitement or pride, after watching the war fragments left by the centaur galaxy civilization and the mysterious golden civilization that has no idea how powerful it is.

Cheng Yuan knew he was not enough!

He is not thinking of making a super-sized warship the size of a planet like these two civilizations. He has the technology in his hands, but also has very superior manufacturing technology, and is not inferior to the centaur civilization!

But he couldn't make it because he didn't have enough resources to support him to make such a huge super battleship!

After all, his mining efficiency of resources is still too low, although the navigation technology has been updated, so that most of his warships have a powerful flying speed.

But this is not enough, and the mining ships that mine the resources are only updated.

He already intends to find suitable portals around the remaining eight planets of the solar system, which can increase his mining capacity many times.

Relying on portals, he was also able to build suitable bases around the major planets, and then gradually develop each base, eventually leading to a base that echoed each other.

The plan was huge and it was not easy to complete in a while.

At zero, Cheng Yuan was dazed. He didn't give an order. He could not help but cough, and whispered, "The fleet is ready. What shall we do next?"

Cheng Yuan went back to God and asked, "What do you think?"

"The two solutions, the first one is to hit that intellectual weapon alone, but it is not very safe to do so, because we don't know if there will be a second or a third one.

The second option is to directly uproot bases located in various parts of the world to eradicate the perpetual problems, but this solution may have more resistance. "

Cheng Yuan frowned: "Just use the second solution, regardless of what other countries think."

A slight smile: "OK."

With the zero voice down, the warships originally hovering in low-earth orbit immediately started. After receiving Cheng Yuan's order, these warships went directly to the base location hidden by the intelligence equipment.

Regarding the wisdom weapon, although Cheng Yuan didn't take his mind, he didn't care about anything. He had never been vague about where to watch.

Especially when God was still, every action of Zhi Zhi was recorded in detail by him, mining minerals, building bases and so on.

God was later destroyed, but the act of monitoring the intelligence equipment did not stop there. Although the intensity of surveillance has been relaxed a lot, it has not been revoked.

Therefore, Cheng Yuan's side can say very clearly about the location of the base of the intelligence equipment.


Europe, La Manche Strait.

Three teams of warships descended from the sky. This strait separated the United Kingdom from the European continent and connected the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. It has been a strategic strategic point for military soldiers since ancient times.

Under the close proximity of the French coast, the Zhizhi set up a huge military base under the sea. This base was a strategic base specially used to match the Mediterranean offensive line after it captured Britain.

At that time, after the Occupation of Intelligence in Europe, large and small bases were established in various countries, but this subsea base has never stopped operating. It has always been hidden in the dark and no one knows.

In the naval military bases along the coast of France, the rapid siren sounded a long whistle. The French soldiers stationed here looked in horror above the fleet that seemed to see no end, holding the weapons in their hands tightly, as if The gun can give them a sense of security.

Compared with these panicked soldiers, the supreme commander of the entire naval base, Admiral Hayforth, looked at the warship above his head, with fear and doubt in his eyes.

The warship above him was very familiar. He had watched the decisive battle between humans and intelligent machines. He was impressed by this type of battleship that suddenly appeared on the battlefield and eliminated the main force of intelligent machines with absolute advantage.

He always thought that these warships were special fleets specially hidden by Huaxia.

At this time, watching these warships descend over the naval military base, he wondered how Huaxia's fleet suddenly came to his country.

But when facing the battleship, the fear in his heart made him dare not act rashly.

Moreover, he did not want to provoke any Chinese units at this time. Now the whole world knows that China suffered a loss in the battle in Tokyo ~ ~ If you accidentally provoke the commander of this fleet, people will count as backhand After destroying their naval base, no one will jump out and cry out for them.

"Notify all soldiers to gather at the base of the base, and be ready to retreat at any time!" Hayforth hesitated for a moment, and then ordered the adjutant seriously.

"Yes, General!" The deputy officer who had been cold and sweaty saluted quickly. He had long wanted to retreat, but Huffus didn't move, and he dared to run first.

At this point, he was ordered to rush out, ready to inform the soldiers in the real base.

On the other side, Cheng Yuan ’s fleet did not control the French navy, hovering in mid-air for about two minutes, the fleet ’s flagship gun suddenly dazzled, and a beam of energy about three meters thick blasted out, stinging The surface was broken straight into the ocean floor.

Hayforth stunned, staring blankly at the attack direction of the fleet overhead. Before he could figure out what these fleets were going to do, there was a sudden strong shock at his feet.

With the tremor, a dull explosion came from the ground, Häfels calmed down quickly, looked down at the concrete floor under his feet, and as the explosion kept sounding, severe vibrations began to cause large-scale cracks on the ground under his feet. The entire base Most of the buildings collapsed as a result.

One minute later, the flagship ended the energy attack, and the ground vibration stopped slowly as the attack stopped. At this time, when Hayforth looked up again, he found that the entire fleet above his head, except for the flagship, remained in place at this time, other warships had long been missing.

He swallowed his saliva, and then looked back at the long-recognizable naval base, the whole person was as lost as a soul.

Huaxia, what are you doing! ?

That was the only idea left in Häfsch's mind.

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