Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 919:

"That being the case, why not use the annihilation gun directly to destroy these **** outsiders !?" Ogudim couldn't help gritting his teeth when he looked at Carlo's breezy appearance.

The guy made it clear that he was targeting him. Which of these legions he was talking about was not the unit under his Augustim?

Why didn't he send his main force, the Eleventh and Twelfth Legions, to face the enemy? In particular, the fourth legion controlled by Carlo has almost no less strength than the three major legions of the Crystal!

This old guy is really hateful!

However, under the watchful eye of the Chief Senate, he would not dare to make trouble even if he had an intention to argue with Carlo.

However, his proposal moved many members of the parliament, and even the Chief Senate's heart moved.

Although Carlo's method is quite reliable, after all, they know nothing about Cheng Yuan, even now they don't even see each other's appearance.

The only impression is that the number of opposing warships is huge, with an extremely powerful energy barrier technology, and the rest are unknown.

Faced with this situation, sending troops in the past will obviously cause some sacrifice. If they follow the method of Augustim, maybe they can wipe out each other without spending a single soldier.

Seeing the heartbeats of many members, Carlo frowned inconceivably. He glanced sneer and looked at his Augustim with a cough and said: "His Excellency, our purpose is the civilization of the other Technology is not to destroy each other. If we directly destroy each other, what can we gain? "

Carroll's words immediately cooled the minds of many members who had just moved. Although annihilation can help them reverse the war, after using this stuff, they will also think that Carroll said nothing, this is their unacceptable.

Even if they can find a controlled area of ​​each other's civilization after destroying this legion, but will they send a second legion or even a third legion or more?

None of the people present was a fool. A civilization capable of interstellar exploration cannot have just one army.

Even a small civilization has no less than five legions!

What were they going to do at that time and use the obliteration gun again?

Carlo saw a change in attitude of the MPs and the Chief Senate, and he calmed down a bit, he continued: "His Excellency the Senate, this army that invaded our crystal spirit is only the vanguard of the other party. I think there will be more A huge army is waiting. "

As soon as he said this, all the crystal looks were a bit ugly.

"So, the annihilation gun is a last resort weapon, and with our current energy reserves, the annihilation gun can only be fired three times. If three times can not destroy the opponent, the result is conceivable." Carlo glanced over August Dimm, one by one the results of his analysis.

Augudimu pulled his face a bit, and he reluctantly retorted: "Carlo, maybe you forget that war is not just a confrontation on weapons. There are too many factors that can affect the outcome of a battle. If we use Killing the cannon can give the other party great psychological pressure.

One shot can solve their entire vanguard army, and the other party is not a single-celled creature without any emotions. As long as they cause fear, it can be said to have a decisive effect on our next battle! "

Ogudiem's ​​explanation also made everyone nod after hearing it, and what he said was very reasonable, and it did not seem to be inferior to Carlo's method.

"in case……"

While Carlo was preparing to refute, a rush of footsteps sounded, and a soldier broke into the conference room: "Report, emergency intelligence, the Sixth and Eighth Army annihilated!"

In a word, the lawmakers who were ready to scold the soldier for being unruly were blocked.

The look on their faces changed directly from anger to consternation, and then there were thick worries.

"Her Excellency the Chief Senate, I think it is very necessary to use the annihilation gun. Only in less than half a month, we will have three legions destroyed!" A member of the legislator stood up excitedly.

He was a little out of control and shouted, "This is something no other legion can do. Even if our three major legions were pulled out alone, we would not be able to completely wipe out the sixth and eighth in just half a month. There is the Tenth Army! "

The Chief Senate was also stunned by the news for a while. When he returned to God, he realized that it wasn't the sheep but the jackal that he had provoked this time!

The strength of the opponent is obviously beyond their expectations, which shows that the opponent is a civilization that is not weaker than them. Although it is unclear whether the opponent has a star-level battleship, but the strength shown now is enough to allow them to treat it carefully!

"Ready to annihilate the cannon!" Shen Sen said after thinking about it for a long time.

This command made Augustim look very happy, although he was also shocked that the other party was so powerful, but now he still had a hint of luck.

As long as the annihilation gun is fired, then the army under his hand does not have to attack?

Just when he was secretly thinking, he heard the voice of the Chief Senate again: "Carlo's plan was unchanged before. This time we are not facing ordinary civilization. From the current situation, the other party ’s civilization strength Not much weaker than us! "

When he heard this, Augustim's face suddenly turned black.

Why did he say so much before? Still not to ensure the strength of your army?

But it turns out that nothing has changed!

He looked carefully at the serious Chief Senate and Calro, who had no expression in his mind.

When Carroll got the result he wanted, he no longer squeaked, and sat back calmly in his chair, without looking at the gloomy Augustim.

The battle between the two chief commanders was as clear as the mirror in the crystal spirit present.

It is nothing more than a question of strength within the military.

Left commander Carlo and right commander Ogudim, the two of them are the strongest in the military except the three major commanders.

It is normal for the two to compete with each other.

However, they will not watch the left wing grow larger. The Chief Senate glanced at the gloomy Augustim and said to Carlo in an unquestionable tone: "Commander Carlo, send your Fourth Army to the outpost Let the Fourth Army control the obliteration gun! "

"Yes!" Carlo answered without comment.


The outpost, UU Reading, the planet originally recovered as ruins, has already become the focus of military deployment at this time.

But today, the entire outpost was filled with a solemn and tense atmosphere.

Because less than 100,000 meters from the outpost, the golden square array stood there like a solid wall, and it was getting closer!

In front of the outpost, the lineup composed of the seven major legions of Jingling is like a galaxy, and can't see the head at a glance.

In the main ship of the Fourth Army Corps, the commander of the Fourth Army Corps watched the enemies approaching with cold eyes, and said slowly, "Ready to destroy the gun!"


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