Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 925:

Cheng Yuan looked at Curiously, but there was no action, but the screen in front of him suddenly split into two, the data sorting continued, but there was a control program in another window.

Zero entered a series of instructions on the control program, and when Cheng Yuan probed over, he explained, "I am now controlling those satellites to create a storm.

As the most destructive natural disaster, the storm is very horrible. You have n’t forgotten the war in the country. The horrible storm caused by the intelligence equipment directly leveled the whole of Tokyo and its surroundings. "

"That storm."

Although nearly a year has passed, the scene at that time is still fresh in memory, and the real visual destruction can only be described by terror.

At first, he did not pay attention to the follow-up situation, but he also heard Xiaolian said that it seemed that because of the storm, the coastal areas of Huaxia not only experienced a sudden drop in temperature, but also continued to rain for more than a week.

When he shook the gods, Zero had completed his instructions. He controlled the side of the picture in front of Cheng Yuan and came to an unfamiliar area of ​​the outpost.

"The temperature is just right here. These satellites control the airflow and air pressure in this area and create a huge vortex here. Basically, we don't need to do anything. It will naturally turn into a huge storm."

Bu Chengyuan still doesn't quite understand such a simple explanation, "As you said, as long as there is a vortex on the sea, there will be storms? Is this too exaggerated?"

With a slight smile: "Of course it is impossible, so we need to control the air flow and give it a rising air flow, so the storm is formed."

"Of course, the explanation of how it is formed is also more complicated. You just need to understand that we can create various natural disasters through these satellites."

During the discussion between the two, the calm and calm sea surface suddenly moved, and a strong swirling air current stirred on the sea surface. Then Cheng Yuan saw the sea water tumble and rotate, and gradually formed a huge vortex.

Then he watched the vortex slowly expand and gather a large amount of water vapor, and the storm gradually formed. In the process, Cheng Yuan also found that even the clear sky was gloomy with the storm.

Not only that, zero is only creating a vortex, but because of the influence of this vortex, four or five smaller vortices have been formed, and a storm has gradually formed!

Just when Cheng Yuan was looking at it, Zero suddenly turned the screen and zoomed out from a distance. The whole storm looked even more spectacular.

I saw the storm eye as the center, and a thick cloud of white rice was hovering in the sky. The coverage area of ​​the cloud was like holding a football in the palm, and it looked extremely scary.

But the situation is far more than that. After the formation of this super storm, it also swept up a tsunami dozens of meters high!

The tsunami was faster than the storm. It first landed in cities that flooded Jingling with an unstoppable force. The number of Jinglings that would be killed or injured among them could not be calculated by Cheng Yuan.

"Oh, this thing is too horrible. Jing Ling has such a fierce thing. When they attack other planets, do n’t they need to send troops to conduct internal battles on the planet, and use this satellite to arrange one directly on the entire planet. Network, and then use natural disasters to kill each other! "

Cheng Yuan feels that this thing is a big killer of aggression. As long as no creature can resist the invasion of natural disasters, he now suspects that the so-called outpost is crystal spirit to grab other civilizations.

"Uh, this method is also suitable for dealing with the previous Earth. Even the previous Earth also has a way to shoot down such satellites." Zero Jian Cheng Yuan this method looks very good, can't help but hit his mouth.

Seeing Cheng Yuan seemed to refute, Zero didn't want to argue with Cheng Yuan here. He shifted the topic and said, "Don't care about such trivial matters, or prepare for the counterattack of Jingling, they will definitely not send some kittens after successive failure Here comes the puppy. "

"And if we continue to deepen, we must also follow along, otherwise if there is a problem with the contact, it is very unfavorable to us." Zero has always expressed concern about the connection problem.

This is the weakness of their intelligent army, and if there is any interference in communication, his troops may be like headless flies.

Disturbances in communication are very common in the universe, and any natural disaster in the universe may cause this.

So now there are two options before him and Cheng Yuan. One is to keep going, and the other is to keep the troops in their current state and not take the initiative to occupy this area.

This option is in Cheng Yuan's hands. Of course, he wants to be more radical, and of course choose to move forward, but his own risk factor will also increase accordingly.

Although it seems that they have a great advantage between them and Jingling at present, who dares to say absolutely such things as war?

Cheng Yuan is also silent at this time. He believes in avoiding danger and avoiding danger as much as possible. He can continue his career if he is alive.

As for the kind of trouble that can be clearly solved by his subordinates, he has to choose to go alone and have a lot of things, and then make a lot of things to make himself dangerous. This is definitely not his choice.

"What do you think?"

Cheng Yuan tossed this question to zero, he believed that zero would give him a very reasonable solution.

"Stay in place, we can retreat at any time, and the frontline troops have not exceeded the signal coverage." Speaking here, there was a pause.

"Keep here ..." Cheng Yuan liked this choice, after all, he thought the same way.

Although it seems timid to do so, Cheng Yuan doesn't care. The person who lives to the last is the one who laughs to the last.

The general tomb grass that is rushing forward can be cut down and fed to the cows.

With the expression on Cheng Yuan's face, Zero also judged Cheng Yuan's choice. He smiled slightly and continued his thoughts: "Of course, stopping here doesn't mean we do nothing, do you look Did n’t you think about the previous ruin? ”

Cheng Yuan looked up, looked through the portholes of the Titan Fortress, and looked at the countless debris floating in the dark and distant ruins.

"There is no shortage of materials and places here. We can build a base here!"

Cheng Yuan's eyes are bright. Developing in this dead area is definitely more convenient than zero-base construction. I don't know how much! Moreover, it has always been his advantage in terms of construction.

What's more, he doesn't need to transport supplies through the solar system!

Whether it is a space factory or an agricultural space station, he has rich construction experience. It can be said that once it is successfully built here, he will not only get more valuable technology, but also bring great convenience to this war!

"Zero, how many nano-robots do we have?"


Jingling, the star field where the central star is located.

About 50,000 kilometers away from the central star, three planets very similar to Cheng Yuan's Titan Fortress were suspended there.

The difference is that these three purely mechanical planets are surrounded by a ring-like belt around the ring of stars.

Near the three mechanical planets, countless battleships were hovering.

As one of the three strongest legions guarding the central star, the three Titan fortresses are enough for them to destroy all hostile forces.

Although young as the commander of the Third Legion, Clo, as a commander of the Third Army, did not have the power to let any of the crystal spirits.

The three major legions of the Jingling, except for his third corps, are resident around the central star, and the second and the first corps are always on the border of the Jingling forces.

I thought that even if foreign civilizations attacked their crystal spirits from other directions, they could not be the ruins bordering the dark area.

It may be that invaders have appeared in dark areas where they believe no life exists.

This is simply the face of the top of the crystal fan!

But whatever happened, it happened. He was going to leave the front line directly after the meeting.

Although the news of the defeat from the front line kept coming back, he didn't really face it. He didn't think the enemy was invincible. The legions around the outpost were very mediocre among all the crystal corps ~ ~ The really powerful legions are guarding the border for Jingling!

The main thing is that the battles between the two sides are now in close contact, and the overall strength of the two sides cannot be reflected at all!

That's right, in Clo's eyes, the combat range of tens of thousands of kilometers belongs to the close contact station.

This kind of distance fighting is not worth mentioning in his eyes, but his arc light has a super-strike with a distance of more than 2.5au.

It can be said that the enemy has been destroyed by him before he sees them!

As for the intractable energy barrier, though, he can take it seriously, but that's it. The simplified version of the annihilation gun can be broken. His arc light gun is the positive annihilation gun!

Although the yellow head worms destroyed their crystals at the beginning, although they were not as strong as before, they were reflected in the scope of their crystals and the number of legions.

In terms of terminal force, they now have an advantage!

After all, relying on the recently-developed oblique cannon to defeat the enemy, how powerful the oblique cannon is. How can it not continue to be studied for thousands of years?

So in every way, he has an absolute advantage.

The problem was that he was ready to go and was ready to go to the front line, but new news from the high level interrupted him.

Commander Harvey of the Fourth Army was alive and led the remaining troops back!

The news shocked Clo for a few seconds before he digested the news that made him feel incredible.

Didn't Harvey send the last word of his death, why did he come back?

Could those machines still kindly release him back?

In any case, Harvey did have good reasons to stop his current operation. After all, Harvey has been to the front line, and he can provide himself with more information.

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