Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 930:

"What is this, jellyfish?"

When the two of them led under zero to a sealed observation room, Guo Xiaolian saw at first glance that there was a transparent jellyfish wandering inside.

"Accurately speaking, this is a mental brain of Jingling, something similar to our intellectual core." Zero explained to Guo Xiaolian.

Cheng Chengyuan looked at the jellyfish in front of his eyes and frowned, "Where did you find this thing, haven't all the brains in the outpost been destroyed?"

In order to better understand the outpost, Cheng Yuan is trying to eliminate the crystals still existing in the outpost as much as possible while also looking for relevant information.

已经 Because he already knew the mental brain of Jingling, Cheng Yuan went straight to find something similar.

I finally found it, but it was all broken. Apparently, the manager of this outpost had destroyed everything that could provide them with information before leaving.

Zero suddenly showed him a crystal brain, and Cheng Yuan naturally wondered if there was any trap in this brain.

"It was found in the library. According to the information I obtained, it is the management brain of the outpost library." Zero explained: "In case of the crystal trap, I specially created a separate core for searching This intellectual brain contains a lot of information related to the life of the crystal spirit. "

As soon as I heard it was about life, Cheng Yuan's eyes brightened. He quickly asked: "Can you get a better understanding of Jingling through these materials? So far, we know too little about Jingling. "

Zero looked at the brain in the sealed room and nodded: "Of course, there is a lot of knowledge related to the crystals, including their physical characteristics, living habits, and customs."

Speaking of this, I turned around in zero tone and rejoiced: "The most important thing is that I found a piece of data related to the area of ​​Jingling in its data."

"However, the data shows that after the war with the" Yellow Head Worm ", their crystal spirits still have the power of several star domains. They have a population of hundreds of millions and a large number of troops. To look at Cheng Yuan solemnly.

Cheng Chengyuan naturally understands what zero is worrying about. With such a large population base, it goes without saying that the potential for war is unnecessary.

The main thing is that from the zero mouth, it is known that just one outpost is worthless to the number of planets that Jingling has!

This also made Cheng Yuan understand why he hadn't seen any action from Jingling for so long.

Emotional people don't take this planet into their eyes at all!

This makes Cheng Yuan feel a little depressed.

"Are there any related star maps in the data?" Cheng Yuan felt that he needed to be more careful with Jingling. This is really the kind of frightening.

He said with regret, "No."

"What shall we do next? Now we only know the directions of the crystals who escaped, and we don't know anything about the specifics. There is no relevant information in the battleships left by the crystals?"

晓 Guo Xiaolian didn't disturb the conversation between Cheng Yuan and Zero. She watched intently a little bit of transparent jellyfish near the tempered glass, and spread her palm on the glass with curiosity.

The magical scene of , appeared, the jellyfish seemed to be able to see her behavior, and even stretched out two tentacles like thin lines, placed in the position of Guo Xiaolian's palm.

At first Guo Xiaolian just thought it was very interesting, she smiled when she saw the behavior of jellyfish.

Suddenly, the tiny tentacles from the jellyfish's eyes emitted a faint blue light. When Guo Xiaolian was surprised, she stepped back a few steps and watched the jellyfish's reaction in surprise.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Yuan, who was discussing with Zero, saw Guo Xiaolian's movement and asked with concern.

At this time, the jellyfish was shocked to return to its original posture, only to swim slowly near the glass.

"When I stretched my hand and stuck it on the glass just now, this intellectual brain also leaned over the tentacles and emitted blue light. I think it seems to want to do something." Guo Xiaolian shook her palm.

Cheng Cheng glanced at the jellyfish and wondered, "Near you?"

He reached forward and put it on the glass, and soon the jellyfish did the same thing.

He not only did not far away, but did not withdraw his hand like Guo Xiaolian, but curiously observed the behavior of the jellyfish, and at the same time said to Zero, "Have this ever happened?"

"Never appeared, what message does it want to convey? But it should not have a separate thought?" Zero didn't understand the crystal mind.

Although their brains are biological brains, even biological brains only indicate that the other party is using biological materials, but the behavior of this jellyfish has overturned his guess.

"Should you try it?" Cheng Yuan also felt that the jellyfish in front of him didn't seem to be just a brain for storing data and assisting management.

"It's hard for you to try it yourself?" Guo Xiaolian immediately looked at Cheng Yuan as soon as she was about to do an experiment, for fear that Cheng Yuan would go up on her own impulse.

Would Cheng Yuan do this?

Naturally cautious, would he do such an extraordinary thing?

当然 "Of course it is impossible. In such an unknown situation, your husband and I are so stupid? Then do your own experiments?" Cheng Yuan glanced at zero.

Zero knew, reached out and stuck his hand on the glass.

After a while, the jellyfish also leaned over and stretched out its tentacles.

Seeing this, the two had a bottom in their hearts at the same time.

"I'm going to prepare a new body and try to see what this jellyfish wants to do ~ ~ Say nothing and leave quickly.

Guo Xiaolian was relieved. "I thought you were just like the experimental researchers in the movie, and you would take yourself as your experimental subject."

Cheng Chengyuan rolled his eyes, and said badly: "That's a movie. They don't take their own experiments. What do the audience see? How can the plot continue?"

晓 Guo Xiaolian put out her tongue, he smiled and then stopped talking.

I soon came over with a stiff man.

"Ready, I let this body go in and see what the jellyfish would do." After that, he directly opened the hatch of the sealed room and controlled the blank body into the room.

After the blank body walked in, the jellyfish soon left the glass and slowly wandered around the blank body.

Zero didn't move, and the jellyfish just wandered around the blank body, and did not behave as it did just now, which made the three people who had been observing the situation somewhat confused.

Can this jellyfish also sense that the other party's thinking is not successful?

Zero showed for a while, and found that the jellyfish did not respond, he controlled the blank body and suddenly raised his hand, his palm stood upright against the jellyfish.

At this time, the jellyfish had a reaction, and in the meantime it extended more fine tentacles to stick to the palm of the blank body, and the soft blue light gradually brightened.

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