Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 939:

Amy stared at Clo for a while, then sighed, and said bitterly, "Why would I not know the reason, but I never wanted to admit it."

She's not stupid, and she has confidence in her abilities.

But she is not a man, but a woman!

This is the only way in which Lu Xun hindered her from becoming a commander.

Clomer, and then his hoarse voice said, "Just understand, we will take Arc 2 and 3 to the nearest supply station."

He said something, and Clo could not help but glanced at the ruined battlefield, and an inexplicable look flashed in the dark eyes.

In fact, he did not regret using the full-power annihilation gun, because the enemy's energy shield is really unprecedentedly powerful. Even if Arc Light 2 and 3 use anti-matter particle guns, it is difficult to destroy them at one go. broken.

But that's just it.

As long as they give each other enough time, won't they strengthen the total energy cap of the energy barrier?

I can no longer prepare a spare barrier in advance to replace it at any time, so their anti-matter particle cannon is useless.

The only thing that made him a little guilty was that because of his miscalculation of the power of annihilating the artillery, it has led to today's results.

Last point, he found someone targeting him in the dark!

Even a full-powered annihilation gun will not connect the energy source to the energy core of the Arc Light Fortress itself!

肯定 There must be something tricky in it!

Now that things have happened, even if he talks broken, he will have to bear the corresponding consequences for his orders.

I thought of this, and he was very angry.

He knows that many people can't get used to his youngest commander, but even if he doesn't look good to himself and wants to let himself go, he shouldn't take the means to the battlefield. Does this person hiding behind the scenes think that he has a good chance of stability?

Wu Jingling's troops retreated.

Scouts dispatched from frontline bases discovered this after some inspections.

This made Cheng Yuan and Zero both very surprised. Why didn't Jingling pursue?

Although wondered, Cheng Yuan still decided to seize this rare opportunity to develop himself quickly.

Uh ...

Somewhere on the edge of the battlefield of the puppet ruins, the faint purple light flickered.

Cracks, purple rays formed a horrible rift.

Is attached to the whole space like a cracked mirror, and there is darker darkness in the gap through the crack, and there seems to be a sound from inside.

Uh ...

After three months.

Wu Chengyuan and Zero saw the re-formed troops, and the tension that had been strained finally eased.

In these three months, Cheng Yuan not only worked hard to expand the number of mechanical units, but also took the opportunity to extract the bio-metal technology he wanted from the core of his mind.

产物 Mechanical and biological products.

Wu Chengyuan thought of "EVA" for the first time, but he didn't want to imitate the body inside, but to use the related technology inside.

Although in EVA, both apostles and human-made organisms have very unique abilities.

如果 If this ability is placed on the battlefield, it can naturally play a great role, especially the A.T force field, which is quite a BUG ability.

He did not find far away that he could learn and use the relevant organism manufacturing technology and the application of bio-metal without any difficulty.

But regarding the technical data of the A.T force field, although it is also in the core of the crystallization of science and technology, he found it impossible to make it at all.

Because it involves a substance that is interpreted by the crystal of science and technology as ‘world’.

With regard to this substance, Cheng Yuan can say that his eyes were completely obscured, and he had no clue at all. When asked about the crystal of science and technology, the answer given by the crystal was.

The realm of the universe itself is a separate matter, not synthetically refined, and exists in the universe.

In other words, this kind of thing cannot be made at all!

After understanding these, Cheng Yuan can understand it. The A.T force field is not related to him. It is precisely because of the lack of the substance of the 'world'.

Cheng Chengyuan was too lazy to copy those organisms and apostles.

There is no apostle of A.T force field, even if there is a very special attack method, there is no special bright place under the huge army.

The only thing that Cheng Yuan finds useful is the growth and adaptability of biometals.

Just like the characters in the game evolve and grow, according to the needs of the environment, the bio-metals will adapt and evolve to a certain extent.

As long as Cheng Cheng creates a basic model for these biometals, and then puts them into different environments, these biometals will make certain modeling changes and adapt to changes according to the surrounding environment!

Maybe relying on this evolvable ability, Cheng Yuan may be able to create a body specifically to wander in the wormhole tunnel?

If this is the case, Cheng Yuan feels that his win rate in this battle can be improved by at least 30% to 40%!

Once the wormhole was blocked, Jingling wanted to attack just like dreaming.

As for the ultra-long distance transition, Cheng Yuan said that even if you take a star as the core of energy, a transition cannot exceed 50,000 light-years!

That is to say, the furthest distance that the transition can sail cannot cross the galaxy, but the wormhole shuttle can cross one or even several galaxies.

I thought of this, Cheng Yuan was very excited.

After he stored all these data in the core matrix of zero, zero also looked at Cheng Yuan with astonishment.

Zero's initial use of bio-metals was to prepare the original troops to eliminate some of the pure mechanical weaknesses and make their troops more powerful.

But Cheng Yuan threw him a brand new system directly!

"Such technology ..." I didn't know what to say.

Cheng Cheng smiled hesitantly, "Do you want to try it?"

当然 "Of course!" Where would zero reject such experiments, if it can really adapt to different environments for evolution, this technology is simply creating a top civilization!

Although the requirement of a top civilization is not just referring to the military aspect ~ ~, as long as the military strength is strong, the other can be better developed.

At the same time, it will make other civilizations aware that they are not a mess.

The two quickly got into the lab and started discussing how to create an 'embryo'.

Zero believes that the use of a circle as the embryo is the most perfect, and it can make bio-metals adapt to changes in various shapes without causing structural defects under the influence of the environment.

Most importantly, round embryos are also the easiest and most convenient.

But Cheng Yuan didn't think so. What would it become if he did not give a fixed model and let bio-metal grow?

It may become a net, a grid, an irregular spiny ball, or even a variety of ‘monsters’. And this uncertain growth, once the environment is changed, will the biological metal change in the worst direction?

Once that turned out, how would they be equipped with weapons?

Does it also allow bio-metals to evolve their own weapons based on environmental factors?

This is not what Cheng Yuan wants, because what he wants is a weapon capable of basic mass production, not a weird personality weapon!

The army is not a place to play personality!

Especially the huge army!

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