Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 943:

布兰 Bran was sober as he waited for the order.

To be honest, he would rather send nothing to the team he sent out than to see the purple light condensing in the distance.

"Gambo, let your vanguard team back a bit, we don't know how much the force field of this thing covers." He glanced at the location of Gambo on the screen, could not help but remind him.

The inability of the puppet fleet to approach him made him extremely disturbed.

He didn't know if it was the effect of the purple light itself, or if the bugs still alive in it were deliberately made.

"Okay, commander." Gambo responded.

However, he had not had time to command his team to retreat. A few energy reactions suddenly jumped out in the range of radar exploration.

"Commander, a small fleet is approaching on my radar, the number is about twenty," Gambo said.

"Small fleet! Whose fleet?" Bran looked puzzled.

He doesn't remember that other high-ranking troops were sent by the high-ranking team.

"Yes, I'm matching each other's energy response data." Gambo replied.

"Is it our fleet, or those of mechanical life?" Bran asked, and he thought it was most likely the fleet of mechanical declarations.

After all, if the high-level officials send other troops over, they will not greet him. What's more, even the high-level dispatched troops commanded to jump directly based on their current coordinates, instead of sailing directly as they do now.

After a while, Gambo replied heavily: "Commander, according to the energy response type matching result, the other party is the fleet of mechanical life, what can we do to stop them?"

Luan Bran's eyes flashed and he stopped: "Block? Why block? Let them come over. They may not know the weirdness of this area, so let them taste it here."

I remembered that because I was not clear about the situation, I directly sacrificed a team of warships, and the tens of thousands of crystal spirits suddenly disappeared.

He Ganbo heard what he said, and also felt that the officer made sense. He agreed: "Okay, but do we need to hide it, or ..."

Before Gambo could finish speaking, the fleet of mechanical life on the radar suddenly stopped.

They did not continue to drive forward, but stopped somewhere about 30 million kilometers away!

"Commander, they stopped moving." Gambo's tone was a little surprised, and the actions of the other side made him think that these mechanical lives discovered this place earlier than them.

Bran Brian: "..."

咳 "Ah, they didn't find us?" Bran coughed lightly.

"Should not, we ..." Gambo took a look at the situation on the radar, and the other side did nothing but stop moving.

Maybe there is, but they are too far away for them to observe.

既然 "In that case, let's ignore these mechanical life, remember that our task is to look at the anomalies in the ruins, not to fight these mechanical life."

He Bran stated again, but he had a new understanding of these mechanical lives in his heart.

According to the report of the First and Second Corps, Clo's annihilation gun at the time completely destroyed all mechanical life on the battlefield.

But it now seems that the opponent is still moving in the ruined area, which shows that the previous battle was not a bruise to mechanical life.

Bran frowned. "It seems that this situation needs to be reported."

He made up his mind, and Bran immediately relayed what happened here to the central star.

When there is no offensive tendency in this aspect of the crystal, the zero side is also quietly relieved, and does not care about those crystals staying on the edge of the purple light.

He arranged for the battleship to release the biological metal embryos.

At this time, his heart was still very tense. After all, the strange situation in the purple area was obvious to all, and he didn't know whether the embryo would be crushed and twisted into powder directly like the battleship.

他 When he was nervous, the released embryos entered the range of purple radiation.

No exception, the embryo just entered the radiation range, and was instantly squeezed into a flat shape, then twisted and stretched and finally disappeared into the screen.

I saw this scene, silent.

"Is it because the environment is so bad that these embryos have no chance to adapt?"

When he secretly considered the embryo's ability to withstand the environment, he unexpectedly discovered that there was still signal source feedback for the embryo that had disappeared from the screen!

This made him couldn't help but approached the screen and opened his eyes to look at it. There was still nothing on the screen, there was no shadow of the embryo, but the signal source actually existed, and the signal source was still slowly moving towards the established Go on track!

Although this situation is still unclear, he understands that the embryo does not seem to be completely crushed, and it seems to be compressed to the extreme!

证明 In order to prove his guess, he quickly controlled the carrier to continue launching.

As a large number of embryos are put in, although the situation on the surface is still the same, the source of feedback signals increases one by one, which makes Zero more certain of its own guess.

"Maybe such a special growth environment will create something more special?" Zero can only comfort himself like this, and then he is ready to talk about this situation with Cheng Yuan.

After all, his model embryos are now exactly the same as his original embryos, and there is no need to distinguish them.

Cheng Yuan is still with Guo Xiaolian at this time, and the two have returned to Mars under boredom.

Although Guo Yuan was worried about the situation when Cheng Yuan proposed to return to Mars, Cheng Yuan said that it did not matter, because after seeing Jing Ling ’s terrible annihilation of artillery, Cheng Yuan was in the wormhole between the ruins and the solar system. A large number of countermeasures are arranged inside.

Once encountering an irresistible situation, he will immediately return and detonate the wormhole directly!

Without the wormhole, even if Jingling knows that his location is the solar system ~ ~ It is impossible to come here without a few decades!

For decades, Cheng Yuan believed that by that time, he didn't know how many times he would be stronger than he is now. He had enough time to solve Jingling!

In addition, the cultivation of bio-metal embryos also requires constant time. In a short time, he will not take any offensive means except to arrange defense lines.

This approach does not rule out his fear of the crystal annihilation gun.

收到 After receiving the zero return message, Cheng Yuan thought for a while and replied, "Let them grow freely and see what they will look like in this extreme environment."

After thinking about it for a while, he added another sentence: "Put more biological metal embryos into various extreme environments, let's see how these embryos will eventually grow in various environments."

After Wu returned to zero, Cheng Yuan pulled Guo Xiaolian to prepare a weather satellite network on Mars. With the large population immigration and the vigorous development of the Huaxia government, Mars can be said to prosper day by day.

Except for the Mars city he first established, there are already nine large cities on Mars.

Five of these cities were established by Huaxia, and four cities were jointly established by other countries. Cheng has not asked much about this.

After all, human beings now need more population for development!

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