Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 947:

Melrose is a scout of the vanguard, and today it is his turn and his teammates to perform patrols.

The patrol mission is very boring. If he can't communicate and chat with each other, he really doesn't know how to pass this boring time.

As he passed over a huge wreckage, Melrose continued to fly along the surface of the wreckage, and an unidentified energy signal suddenly appeared on the radar.

报告 "Report, found a mechanical life reconnaissance aircraft, whether to pursue it." Melrose was calm. He didn't yell or get excited about the mechanical life that came out suddenly.

The encounter with mechanical life was too common for members of these patrols.

So this time, he also reported habitually, and then rushed straight up without waiting for the command feedback.

And his teammates also came around in another direction, ready to intercept the burden.

After a short while, his weapon locked the mechanical life reconnaissance aircraft in front, without any hesitation, directly launched tracking missiles to attack the opponent.

Twenty-six tracking missiles with striking red tails approached each other extremely fast.

Although the Scout of the Life of Machine did several dodges, it was still directly hit by the tracking bomb, and it instantly exploded into a pile of debris.

"The mission is complete, continue the patrol." Mellos said with a smile, and then turned his direction to continue his mission.

But he was comfortable, but his teammates complained: "Melrose, can you leave me one too, but I have detoured and you didn't leave him for me, it's too much!"

Melrose grinned, "Next time, I'll leave it to you next time!"

The two said and continued to patrol with a smile, but neither of them found that at the moment when the reconnaissance plane just exploded, a metal ball similar to the sea urchin flew from the explosion debris to the Melrose reconnaissance plane.

The sharp puncture of the metal ball is as easy as piercing the tofu, piercing the metal surface layer on the surface of the reconnaissance plane and adsorbing on it.

Two days later, Melrose and his companions ended their patrol mission, and the two returned to the vanguard's battleship smoothly.

After leaving the reconnaissance plane at the maintenance port, the two left.

But when the maintenance personnel came to Melrose's reconnaissance plane and connected to the intelligent network, the surface of the metal sea urchin flashed blue light like flowing water.

The light was fleeting and no one noticed it.

At the same time, a look of joy appeared on the zero face inside the Titan fortress.

"I successfully entered the other party's network, but I have to check their network situation first." Zero said to Cheng Yuan, and then he was ready to see what was special about Jingling on the intelligent network.

After hearing about the zero-invasion success, Cheng Yuan was also quite surprised. At first, they thought that the plan would take longer to succeed, but they did not expect to succeed in only two days!

"Can you directly enter the opponent's intelligent core?" Cheng Yuan couldn't wait to ask.

"Wait." Zero signaled Cheng Yuan not to be in a hurry: "I'm learning about their network situation. To be unaware of the ghost, I must learn the characteristics of the Jingling network. After all, they are completely different from us. Something has improved for them. "

"Okay." Cheng Yuan thought a lot in his mind at this time, such as using the powerful ability of zero to directly destroy all the information network of Jingling.

Will this paralyze the entire crystal spirit?

If such a thing can be done, it will be exciting to think about it.

Zero entered Jingling's intelligent network and found that their network characteristics were not much different from the intelligence inside the Titan fortress they got.

For thousands of years, there has not been much change, which makes zero doubts and raises vigilance.

进入 After entering Jingling's network, he intercepted the maintenance report submitted by the maintenance staff, and then mixed his own data stream into the core area instead of the maintenance report.

He needs to find in the core area to see if Jingling has not made much change and development on the intelligent network or he did not find it.

After carefully mixing into the core area, he was hidden in the interactive information flow of the entire battleship to quickly understand everything about the battleship.

The more he understood, the more puzzled he was.

"Don't you think you think too much?" Zero thought, and then carefully mixed into an information flow that interacts with the intelligent core.

After entering the battleship's intelligent core, it was discovered that the battleship's intelligence level was very low, and it was no different from their ordinary intelligent robots.

要 Even if the intelligence core of the battleship has a huge resource library, even their intelligent robots cannot compare!

However, this discovery also relieved Zero, it seems that the other party really did not develop too advanced intelligence.

Although he does not understand why Jingling does not develop higher-level intelligence, the other party is definitely great news for him.

He quickly told the news and Cheng Yuan: "Already understand, Jingling's intelligence level is developing very low, I don't know the reason, but the intelligence on this battleship will at most assist the control."

When Cheng Yuan heard the news, the smile on his face was even worse.

"What about the other warships?" Cheng Yuan felt that there had been no news that was more pleasing than the news since he met Crystal Spirit, and he asked with a smile.

"It should be almost the same, let me see." Zero inference.

After confirming that Jingling's development in intelligence was very low, Zero released his hands and feet. He directly invaded Bran's entire army through this vanguard battleship ~ ~ and his behavior was not affected. Anyone found that after invading the entire Crystal Corps, Zero Nature took over all the information.

"I took over the information of the entire army of the other party. It seems strange that the other party does not have high-level intelligence. This is strange." Zero pair Cheng Yuan nodded, then puzzled.

他 In his opinion, such a huge empire of Jingling certainly needs intelligence to assist management, but even if it is auxiliary, it should not use such low-level intelligence!

However, looking at those jellyfish that swim, I thought about the reason why Jingling may be so ambitious. Maybe it is that biological intelligence cannot be easily invaded?

Maybe he couldn't do it at first, but after understanding biological intelligence, for him, simply transforming the data wave can invade silently.

"Don't care about Jingling's thoughts. Maybe Jingling has also experienced an intellectual crisis. It's not necessary to look at the reason why Jingling is deployed here." Cheng Yuan doesn't care about this. What he wants to know is that Jingling has What action.

Wu Ling naturally understood what Cheng Yuan wanted. He shrugged his shoulders and continued to check Jingling's communication information.

But soon, Zero's complexion changed.

"What's wrong, what do you see?" Cheng Yuan, who had been following zero, was seeing the other's face change, and asked quickly.

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