Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 953:

Luan Bran's face was hard to look at, and her green face seemed darker now.

The disregard of the high-level officials did not make him feel that his dignity was hurt. He just felt that the high-level groups had lost some judgement because of the Zerg.

He took a deep look in the direction of the mechanical life, silent.

He did not choose to do what he thought was right, because he knew very well that if he did, it would definitely not be praise, but martyrdom and punishment.

A commander who ignores discipline, acts arbitrarily, and ignores high-level orders is not tolerated by any high-level!

Because each commander is led by a fleet, although this fleet will not be much, it can definitely occupy a planet with no defense or low technological strength.

He was under zero surveillance of every move of Jingling at this time.

After watching this high-level meeting, Zero lost his interest in observing these crystal high-level people. He focused his attention on the huge database of Hubble Stars.

Crystal Spirit Empire, from the beginning of civilization, has a history of 363229 years!

比较 Compared with the crystal empire, human beings have calculated from agricultural civilization, and only have more than 5,000 years!

The two are compared, just like adults and babies.

It took 360,000 years for the Crystal Empire Empire to evolve its empire from a planet to a super empire spreading across several huge galaxies!

A completely different history of the development of civilization, let zero be intoxicated.

I also learned more about Jingling.

But when he looked through the historical texts, he found that many historical texts mentioned a special word.


The crystal spirits are regarded as the origin!

I thought at first that this was a unique religious term in the Crystal Empire.

After all, there are similar things in human civilization, but because of different regions, the names are different, such as Buddha, God, Emperor, etc.

However, after he had a deep understanding, he found that this [Ai] was not a fantasy product belonging to the crystal spirit but what he believed was real!

And now this [Ai] is also perfectly preserved in the origin star of Crystal Spirit, Luyuan.

Although the central star is now the core planet of the Jingling, the central star has to be transferred only to better control their huge empire.

Its role is similar to the capital of a country, and it can be relocated if necessary.

This surprised Zero and made him interested in [Ai].

However, when Zero wants to learn more about this [Ai], he finds that in the data books of Jingling, there is no very detailed introduction to [Ai].

Only one-sided introduction of the existence of Ai in these data materials, Ai is a towering tree with a height of more than 30,000 meters!

The most detailed data shows that the surface height of this big tree is 31255.7 meters!

Seeing this game, 零 is aggressive, a tree of 30,000 meters! He felt like he was reading a fantasy novel!

Such a tall tree is almost out of science!

If such a tall tree really exists, his root system may cover the whole earth of the planet.

It is well known that the earth's core exists at every moment of the planet. If the root system of this tree extends into it, it will have no other result than being burned to death!

Then he looked at the origin of the crystal, Luyuan Star.

This is a planet that is one third larger than the Earth, but such a planet is not enough to 'feed' the tree!

Zero wants to know more, but helplessly, although the central star has concentrated Jingling's cutting-edge technical strength in scientific research and military, there is not much historical data.

Apart from some necessary historical knowledge, it is not more detailed.

的 The one with the most detailed historical information is Origin Star, Luyuan!

Knowing this, Zero suddenly couldn't bear it. He began to search the coordinate position of Luyuan Star, and at the same time began to monitor each piece of information entering the central star.

He wants to go to Luyuan Star to see this real ‘towering tree’!

At the same time, he must prepare a working body.

After all, on the Origin Star, there is still a lot of information that is stored physically.

Because of the distance problem, it will take about 10 days for the information obtained on the central star to be returned to Cheng Yuan. Therefore, it was ten days after Cheng Yuan got the news.

When he and Guo Xiaolian first heard the news, they were both unbelievable and surprised.

Such a tall tree makes people feel incredible just listening, not to mention the real thing!

"Don't Jingling say anything about the role of this [Ai]. If such a unique tree exists on the earth, I don't know how many times it has been studied." Cheng Yuan expressed doubts about this Ai.

Before he really saw it, he wondered if this was the bragging.

As a powerful interstellar empire, they may deliberately exaggerate their identity in order to show their uniqueness to other civilizations.

Let other citizens of other civilizations hear the crystal spirit, they will think of the magical [Ai] son.

I said straightforwardly, just like the heirs who claimed to be dragons.

"Uh ..." Zero, as Cheng Yuan said, if there is such a unique tree on the earth, I don't know how many times it has been studied.

Maybe during a certain world war in history, high-ranking generals who were directly ruthlessly ordered to be blown up or cut off.

It should be clear that in ancient times, there was no concept of protecting cherished species. Even tigers were food in the eyes of hunters.

If there is such a tree, maybe an emperor's head was shot in history, and you want to use the heart of this tree to make a set of furniture or something. Do you think you can save this tree?

"Well ... do I need to continue my research?" Zero's enthusiasm dropped a lot.

Cheng Yuan looked at Zero silently and said, "Is there no image data stored in Jingling, maybe you can judge whether this [Ai] really exists through the image, if it does exist, Jingling cannot have no corresponding data. "

Wu Chengyuan's remarks made Zero more impossible to continue, because he found that the data in the central star did not mention this aspect.

This makes [Ai] 's existence even less credible.

"You should continue to monitor the Crystal's every move first, it would be better if you can control their Titan fortress. As for this [AI], you can go to check when you have time." Cheng Yuan sighed, although he expressed doubt, but he felt As long as there is no delay in business, it is not impossible to have a bit of amateur activities.

"I know." Nodded, while preparing to completely invade all of Jingling's intelligent networks, he also quietly probed the information about [AI].

After all, [AI] is the existence of the crystal spirit as the origin, if there is any, there must be something special!

During the quiet invasion of Jingling, there was a change in the rift that Jingling focused on, but the change was very slight, and they were not discovered.

In the restricted area of ​​life, this dark place without a trace of light, hundreds of golden battleships are juxtaposed in front of a broken rift.

The edge of the fissure fissures surges, and a tide of energy bursts from time to time.

每 Every wash of these energy tides will make the surface of these golden battleships dazzle.

Through these lights, the appearance of the golden battleship is also looming.

战 The surface of these battleships is full of aesthetic streamlines, and the lines are soft and smooth like finely crafted artworks.

They are extremely huge, the smallest one has the same volume as the moon!

At this time, the battleships were surrounded by funnel-shaped instruments.

These instruments are constantly absorbing the huge energy from the tide of energy ...

These are the Zergs who are so terrible!

However, these powerful Zerg did not find that in the gap of the crack, some undetectable fine metal particles poured in with the energy tide.

Some of them are absorbed on the funnel instrument, and then continuously absorb the energy in the energy tide, while others directly enter the depth of the forbidden zone of life.

"Overseer, there is a new situation. The energy absorbed by our energy absorber has dropped by 20%!" A creature with a human body but a bug appearance came to a huge room.

The room is very large. The ground is made of unknown materials, and there is a huge chair in the center of the room. A fuzzy back sits there.

人 This humanoid worm is kneeling on one knee, covered with heavy red armor, the surface of the armor is engraved with special energy symbols, and the symbols emit a faint light.

The stern armor wrapped his slightly bloated body tightly, only one head and two hands were exposed.

But it can also be seen that this humanoid bug has a height of nearly three meters!

没有 There is no hair on its head, but gray-white skin with layers of wrinkles, and black spots of various sizes on the skin, scattered on it.

The most striking thing is that it has a pair of black and white eyes!

"Is the cause clear?" The Overseer asked in a deep, deep voice.

"No." The bug lowered its head deeply in shame, and the dark, sharp fingers clung to the armor.

"How long will it take to reopen the breeding chamber, our soldiers have been asleep long enough, and I have endured too long in this lonely space, and the millennium has consumed me too much energy ..."

The chair slowly turned around, and he stood up from the chair, and the huge figure naturally formed an unspeakable oppression when he got up.

It has a height of five meters, a white streamlined armor draped over the burly body, and the armor is dotted with simple lines.

I can't be underestimated.

He has a very similar appearance to the worm on his knees, but his right eye has a deep scratch on the bone ~ ~ The scratch makes his already fierce face even more horrible.

"Lieutenant, how long have we been here, four thousand or five thousand years?" The Overseer's heavy body slowly walked towards his own lieutenant, asking casually.

"If you don't count the time we come to the silver plate, it will be 5,700 years," the aide replied, bowing his head.

"Your memory is still so good." The Warlord flatly praised.

"Because 5,700 years ago, we just ended the 30th gene launch." The deputy answered honestly.

"Genetic evolution is really interesting." The Overseer sneered, and then said with emotion: "I don't know which species that have been injected with genes have grown up and which have disappeared without supervision."

"The survival of the fittest, the strong will always stand on top." The deputy said of course, and then he reminded: "I think we should give priority to those guys who sent us in when we go out. The idea of ​​that year let us here Endured loneliness for thousands of years! "

Speaking of the Crystal Empire, the Lieutenant gritted his teeth and wished to rush out immediately to give a deep lesson to those who do not know the height of the green skin!

"This opportunity will come, this time I will destroy them with my own hands!" When the Jingling was raised, the Overseer's face was also cold, and his right hand grasped fiercely as if he would crush the Jingling directly!

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