Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 975:

Cheng Yuan didn't know if he was playing, but after these biomes were out of the gravitational field of the stellar furnace, Cheng Yuan and Zero were both stunned.

These creatures, which were not more than a few hundred meters long, have been in the gravitational field for a short period of time, and their size has expanded exponentially, especially some individuals are even larger than the Zerg battleship!

The main battleship of the Zerg, regardless of its overall size, is larger than an ordinary planet in diameter and length. Looking at each creature like a Big Mac, Cheng Yuan felt like he was dreaming.

If these creatures form an army, they can basically sweep everything away! ?

At least in Cheng Yuan's opinion, the Zerg can't solve these difficult creatures.

"Zero, does this thing have no growth limit !?" Cheng Yuan looked at Zero with anticipation after looking back.

If it really is as he imagined, then he will definitely vigorously cultivate these creatures.

Shaking his head with a sigh of zero, "I don't know about this either. These biological characteristics are logically similar to the jellyfish's gene sequence, but it looks like they have not only the same assimilation as the jellyfish, but also the replication and Unlimited growth. "

Zero felt that the jellyfish he had captured was a huge treasure trove, a magical creature with too many places to be evaluated.

"Maybe we can look at the growth of the embryos that we dropped on the extreme environment planet." Zero said seriously.

Cheng Yuan didn't hesitate, and immediately and zero-checked the embryos growing on the planetary environment.

The first place is a hot, dry planet. The potholes on the surface are filled with burning magma. There are no dark clouds on the sky. The poisonous gas fills the atmosphere of the planet, leaving the planet with no sign of life.

Cheng Yuan chose to launch a thousand embryos in this hostile planet as experimental objects.

When Cheng Yuan and Zero set their sights here, they were sure to find their subjects.

The embryos dropped on this planet have grown into behemoths covered with lava, with humanoid shapes, fuzzy features and limbs.

Cheng Yuan was surprised to see what these creatures looked like. His fixed template seemed to work, but the effect didn't seem to be significant.

They do not have flying wings in the design, nor do they have slender flexible limbs and knuckles.

"Is this a failure !?" Cheng Yuan was slightly disappointed when he saw how the embryos grew up.

After all, the template he designed has all-environmental combat, but the creature like the lava monster in front of him obviously does not have this ability.

The bulky and sturdy body doesn't look like it can fly.

"Look at the next one." Cheng Yuan glanced at zero without a trace, and found that the other party didn't make a laugh while he wasn't paying attention, and he coughed to look at the situation on other planets.

Zero did not make fun of Cheng Yuan, because he knew that even if given a growth template, judging from the growth of the embryos, they would more likely choose a more environmentally friendly way to grow.

In the end, this kind of image, which has a part of the template shape, is completely different.

Just like the embryos he placed, although no fixed growth template was given, the random growth made the appearance of these embryos even more non-descript.

It's hard to imagine how a creature with a net structure grows. It is also difficult to accept those that are flat, square, irregular, or even directly similar to the Zerg ...

These embryos not only change themselves according to the environment, but also perform similar physical imitations based on the surrounding life detected.

He felt like he and Cheng Yuan had created a very remarkable creature.

Perhaps the numbers are even larger, can these organisms be called a population?

Thinking about it, they next looked at an absolute zero planet, where the embryo is still an embryo, without any change.

It may be that low temperature inhibits embryo growth, but it may also be that the embryo grows extremely slowly in this extreme environment.

It may take longer to grow to the same level as theirs.

They looked at the super-gravity planet again. All the embryos here have grown into sphere-shaped things. The whole body is black and black. There is no slight luster or corresponding template concept.

That is, in this extreme environment, they chose a more suitable form, and Cheng Yuan's template was directly abandoned.

And on another gravitational planet, the embryos grew into twisted noodles, and the spirals were almost turning into the mosquito coil he knew.

These embryos, which have little fighting power at first glance, are completely discarded.

Then they looked at the situation of many planets, and the two quickly concluded a conclusion.

The growth of embryos inside the planet, both in speed and size, is much lower than embryos in the universe.

As for combat effectiveness, they are not clear without an accurate assessment.

Among other things, on the planet of supergravity, those embryos that are black and non-slippery appear to have no combat power, but their own mass is compressed to the extreme.

No one can predict what these black **** will look like once they get out of that planet.

But one thing is that these black balls, whether they are going to hit people or being smashed, are extremely strong and easily impossible to destroy!

Looking down, Cheng Yuan felt very upset.

Especially if he had not listened to the opinions of zero at first, and put some into the universe, the template he set is absolutely complete, and none of them is useful!

It made him embarrassed.

On the other hand, although the embryos released at zero, they are strangely shaped, but they are so powerful that even the Zerg can't figure out how powerful they are.

"Really, everything is afraid of comparison."

Zero Han Xiao looked at Cheng Yuan with a gloomy face ~ ~ with a smile and said, "Growth is uncontrollable. Moreover, the innate environment is also doomed to a lot of things, which is the same as the birth of people.

Some people are born into a wealthy and wealthy family. They don't have to worry about food and clothing for a lifetime, but some people have the opposite situation. "

"Stop talking about this, now that the Zerg have completely come out of the restricted life zone, can we arrange these big guys in this space?"

Looking at a proud face, Cheng Yuan could only shift the subject, especially that face was very similar to him, which made him even more uncomfortable.

However, he was not upset, and he did not forget the business, an independent space, a space medium that seemed to be minable, these were all he wanted!

"Yes, this independent space can be used as a living place for these creatures in the future, and after these creatures occupy this space, neither the zerg or the crystal spirit will pay attention to it unless they think of a way to deal with these creatures." There was a smile again.

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