Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 982:

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Lee couldn't sit still at this time, he was surprised how the other party could kill all the Zerg soldiers in a battleship silently.

If it was the most direct violent killing, he couldn't possibly have known it!

And the internal facilities of these empty warships have not suffered any damage, which means that the other party did not use force to achieve this effect.

This puts a shadow on Li's heart. If this silent means appeared inside his battleship, how would he deal with it?

While he was thinking about this, his followers suddenly panic reported: "Overseer, we have lost 2,000 battleships, and this number continues to increase."

Lee narrowed his eyes. Although this number can be too small to ignore, this weird situation continues to spread.

If this situation spreads further ...

This had to alert him.

If this was the result of a head-to-head battle, he might not have paid much attention to it.

After all, sacrifice in war is inevitable, otherwise they would not rack their brains to make their own cannon fodder.

Isn't this to minimize losses?

But now, Li looked coldly at the soldier standing under his eyes, and Shen asked, "Do you know the specific reason?"

"It's not clear, but the problem has been found." The soldier quickly answered, "We found that the lost ships were the ones that had been invaded by robots before."

"We suspect that the other party may have placed something on those robots that could be specifically targeted at us."

Li raised a brow, and he was not satisfied with the answer. This was the first time he met the other party. How could they have developed a weapon specifically for themselves in such a short time?

"Forget it, launch a full-scale attack directly, and after occupying these two planets, we will know everything." Lee did not think about these issues too deeply.

When you are in an absolute advantage, it is better to just kill the other party and study why not?

Hearing Lee's decision, the soldier nodded calmly: "Yes!"


Near the wormhole in the solar system, Cheng Yuan on Titan Fortress also stared firmly at this first battle with the Zerg.

He did not venture to withdraw the Titan Fortress near Mars. The volume of the Titan Fortress would definitely become the first target of the Zerg attack. He did not want to be stared at by the Zerg so early.

Moreover, the Titan fortress is still the thing of the crystal, the Zerg will definitely think whether they have anything to do with the crystal when they see it.

Thinking of the results of Jingling, Cheng Yuan had to mourn for them for a while.

"The effect of the biological virus is not bad. It is a pity that it cannot spread directly." Cheng Yuan sighed regretfully, watching the continuous swarm of warships rushing towards the Zerg, which was a pity that disappeared instantly.

At this time, the Zerg also began to use high-power weapons to fight back.

Several hundreds of meters of energy cannons swept out. Even if the bee swarm fighters were protected by energy shields, they were directly destroyed by the opponent's powerful energy.

Although they are also energy cannons, the Zerg's energy cannons are significantly more powerful than the Crystal Empire.

Each swept past energy cannon clears a swarm of fighters in an area.

In this case, Cheng Yuan has no effective way for a while, and can only be piled up with quantities.

But soon, the entire fleet of the Zerg started, and the main battleship, which was several times larger than the earth itself, was launched, just like a mountain range covering the sky.

When the bee swarm fighters that developed their energy shields hit this main battleship, they exploded directly into a pile of cosmic debris, and even the outer armor of the opponent could not be broken!

The Zerg just pushed straight across, and this hand directly caught both Cheng Yuan and Zero.

After seeing the Zerg and Jingling's fighting methods before, the opponent suddenly changed their style, using this most direct and simple and crude method.

What they can do is to avoid their warships as much as possible, there is no other way!

At this moment, Cheng Yuan can be regarded as an alternative combat method of super-large warships.

This method of pushing forward all the way, without fear, is shocking and makes Cheng Yuan envious.

With the resources he currently has, even a Titan fortress cannot be built, let alone the main battleship of the Zerg.

Envy is envy, and Cheng Yuan has not forgotten the goals of the Zerg.

"How is the electronic virus prepared?" He asked Zero around him, and now it is impossible to fight against the Zerg.

So he can only choose the way he had thought about before and defeat them from the inside!

"It's ready, as long as you have an order." Nodded solemnly, the power of the Zerg really can only be felt after a real confrontation.

At the same time, he also realized a little bit that the Jingling Empire is really powerful. At least, if there is no other means, they will be ten thousand times more powerful than the Jingling may not be enough.

Despite this comparison, I feel like a weak chicken. Fortunately, their positive measures are not enough, and there are other ways to change the current weakness.

Moreover, they are just a new civilization that has just stepped out of the planet civilization within a few years.

Whether it is the Crystal Empire or the Zerg, their civilization has existed for tens or even hundreds of thousands of years.

This is longer than the time it took for human civilization to be born, and their development has been very fast. What is lacking is only time.

"So what are you waiting for, launching an electronic virus directly? I don't want these behemoths to rush to the earth." Cheng Yuan looked seriously at the Zerg's huge fleet.

Although it is only a small part, it still looks like a continuous long dragon to the naked eye, without seeing the end.


With Cheng Yuan's approval, Zero Direct started the electronic virus that had been lurking in the neural network.

As soon as this infectious and destructive virus was activated, it broke out within the Zerg neural network instantly. Whether it is a Zerg army in the solar system or a large army that is speeding up the destruction of the crystal spirit, all Zerg soldiers are here. At this moment I felt a little blinded.

At first they didn't know what the reason was, but soon they were shocked to find that they couldn't use the neural network to communicate with other peers!

This time directly blasted the inside of the Zerg.

All Zerg can't believe that bio-intelligent chips will have problems!

At the same time, Lee also felt a sting in his head, and then he found that he had lost control of the neural network.

"What's going on, Grotos, find out the situation!" Li stood up ugly, growling loudly at the assistant intelligence.

"Overseer, the battleship control center is disconnected from you, and the neural network connection is exiting ..."

The auxiliary intelligent program also answered Li's question very seriously at the beginning, but UU's reading quickly changed the intelligent voice: "Unknown program is changing control permissions ..."

"Clearing administrative rights identity ..."

"Administrative rights are being rewritten ..."

"Injecting identity ..."

A message came from his ears, which made Li Yan's face grim. He gritted his teeth and smashed the armrest with a fist, yelling, "Grotots, close the main program and start the backup assistant."

He certainly knew what he would face once his identity rights were revoked.

Without authority, he could not control the behemoth under his feet, and his orders could not be communicated. His entire fleet would become headless flies in the universe, and then be lost in the vast universe, and the waiting time would gradually decay them!

"Starting ... Identity information is wrong, order rejected ..."

(= Remember in a second)

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