Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 991:

The universe is too big, so far no one has said that he can explore the entire universe.

So in the universe, a trusted navigation is very important!

Once the spacecraft deviates from its orbit during navigation, or the auxiliary intelligence of the warship does not promptly warn if the direction is wrong.

So the end result of waiting for this spacecraft is to get lost in the depths of the universe.

Even if your spaceship is only a few million kilometers away from the target planet, you can't find it!

This is the silent terror of the universe.

Inside the Hope's control room, Mosali stood on the podium, and now he can be said to be upset.

He was very proud. After controlling the Hope by force, he felt that he could use this spaceship with various resources to develop on a habitable planet.

Then he can logically become the leader of the crystal spirit.

You say go back? This is just an excuse for them to control power. They are not fools. They will not only face the threat of the Zerg, but also continue to be dominated by the scum of the Supreme Senate!

So when they combined, they simply found a brand-new place for development, why not go back! ?

Moreover, for the current Supreme Senate, he feels that he can completely ignore this group of people. What would they do other than the garbage of the corpse vegetarian meals that would bring disaster to the empire?

In Mosali's eyes, if it weren't for the group of members of the Senate to play with the young commander during the war for his own benefit, then the Empire would not be like this now!

The exiled Zerg came out of the forbidden zone of life because of their acquiescence!

The huge army of the empire was destroyed in an instant!

If they could be judged, this group of people would not be enough to atone for even 10 million death sentences!

Thinking of these high-ranking big men, Mosari gritted his teeth for a while, wishing to eat their meat and drink their blood!

"Mosalis, come here!" Suddenly an anxious voice interrupted Mosali.

He frowned, wondering, "What's wrong, Kelly?"

"Navigation failed, we can't change the course of the battleship!" Kelly was sweating on his forehead, anxious.

As soon as Mosalis heard that navigation was out of order, he was a little bit confused. As an interstellar empire with a long history, he was too aware of the consequences of navigation problems in a spacecraft!

"How can there be a problem !? Can it be repaired, and the auxiliary intelligence can't be controlled?" Mosali walked quickly to the navigator, which was a smooth silvery white sphere.

Mosari reached down and pressed on the navigator, turning it slightly.

The sphere has no problems and can be turned, but the course of the spaceship has not changed with the rotation of the navigator, and it continues to fly towards the course set at the beginning!

"Damn!" Mosari let go, screaming angrily, wandering anxiously.

His face is getting more and more annoyed. If the course is not changed, this set destination is recorded!

This is to have a direction you can look for in the future!

And if he wants to get rid of it, he must change course!

"It must be what the guys did! Kelly, follow me to interrogate them!" Mosali's eyes were red, and his green face looked like a biting goblin.

The two went to the cell with anger.

The so-called detention room is not a small room that is cold and dark as imagined, but a luxurious room that is spacious and bright, has a suitable temperature, and has a simulated landscape.

There are a variety of high-tech equipment installed in the room, and it can be said that living here is a pleasure.

These detained crystal spirits were merely restricted in their movements.

Upon seeing Mosali and Kelly, the crystals inside were slumped, and said coldly, "What are you doing?"

"Do you need me to do what you do yourself?" Mosali questioned indifferently.

"What we do !?" One of them, who was obviously in a higher status, took a stun, and turned his head in confusion with his friend.

It was found that everyone was aggressive.

"What's the matter?" His tone slowed a bit, though Mosali restricted his movement, although the two sides disagreed.

But if Hope goes wrong, none of them will be better off.

Besides, the starting point of both sides is for the survival and future of the crystal spirit, and it is not a life or death feud.

Looking at these people, it seemed that they really didn't know anything. Mosali was also half cold in his heart. He hurriedly said, "Did you not lock the navigation of the spaceship?"

"A navigation problem !?" The crystal head, headed by it, looked surprised: "Take me to see!"

"Okay!" Mosari did not hesitate, and quickly got out of his way to lead the way.

The crowd followed closely, and each Jingling's face was not very good-looking. If there was a problem with the navigation, he would be finished with them!

"Now it's physical condition, have we changed the route we set?" The crystal spirit asked during the walk.

Mosali shook his head: "No, when I was about to change course, I realized that the navigation had nothing to do."

Upon hearing that the heading had not been changed, the inquiring Jingling's nervous expression slowed down slightly.

"It's okay, at least we don't have to drift in the direction of the universe to wait for death." Muttered, everyone came to the control room.

Here, there are already a lot of people who are so busy that there is a problem with the navigation of the spacecraft, which is a big trouble.

They can't say that they can settle in immediately when they reach their destination. The specific situation there is still unknown, and whether the planet has changed significantly in these thousands of years is also unknown.

If that planet is a deadly threat, they need to go to the next alternate planet.

In order to continue civilization, there are hundreds of such spare planets.

Many planets were selected after a simple survey, and the last survey record of the planet they are traveling to is still 16,000 years ago!

If navigation can't be repaired before reaching their destination, they will have to bite the bullet.

Although specific security cannot be guaranteed, at least that planet is suitable for their survival!

With the environmental foundation, others can take their time, but this will greatly delay their development.

Just when they were doing all they could to repair, they didn't know that this ship, representing the Hope of Crystal Spirit, was not far from the Hope, it was in the very famous area of ​​the Crystal Empire.


When an observer who had been observing the surroundings found the ruined area, the whole person was stunned, followed by an inexplicable fear covering his whole body, and he shouted with trembling: "Come on, something big! "

His trembling shout caught the attention of the others in the control room.

"What did you find?" Mosali walked to the trembling observer, UU read a book www. asked softly.

The observer saw Mosali, and shouted in horror: "We have been played! This spacecraft has been controlled by others. We did not go to the new planet, but to the ruins! Ruins!"


Everyone was stunned, and everything at hand stopped at this instant.

What does the ruin represent?

It represents that they are on the front line of war!

There is not only the horrible threat of the zerg, but also the mechanical life like a shadow!

Isn't their Hope, which doesn't have many weapons at all, coming here not a large moving target?

At this moment, the inside of Hope was messed up.

Rushing black ants say

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