Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 1: Wonderful flowers every year

At the foot of Wushan, Jiang Mingshu and Lin Yao stood facing the wind on the platform of a certain bus station.

Lin Yao wrapped herself tightly, and Jiang Mingshu's clothes seemed a bit thin.

She wrapped her coat and continued: "Ren Jiaying said to introduce me to her boyfriend, but I actually didn't mean that! But after thinking about it, she felt good. At least she can deal with that person, right? But she... , Do you know who Ren Jiaying is going to introduce to me?"

Lin Yao didn't expect Jiang Mingshu, a small firecracker, to have a day of selling, and wondered: "Who?"

Next, Jiang Mingshu said something that was enough to shock her chin.

"Her boyfriend!"

Lin Yao suspected that she had heard it wrong, "Who?"

"I mean, Ren Jiaying wants to introduce her boyfriend to me as her boyfriend!"


Lin Yao's mind seemed to have been dropped by a blockbuster, and Sanguan was almost shattered.

Lin Yao is a friend of Jiang Mingshu, and Ren Jiaying is a colleague of Jiang Mingshu. Lin Yao probably knows something about Ren Jiaying.

Ren Jiaying has a boyfriend. It is said to be her college classmate. The two have been dating for seven or eight years, and they have lived together for seven or eight years. They behave like an old husband and wife. Jiang Mingshu also went to their house for dinner.

Ren Jiaying is now going to introduce her cohabiting boyfriend and future husband to Jiang Mingshu?

Lin Yao pondered for a moment and asked her, "Ren Jiaying wants to serve your two women together?"

Jiang Mingshu glared at her, "How is that possible? What I said is that she wants to introduce her boyfriend to me..."

Lin Yao asked again, "Is she still living with her boyfriend now?"

Jiang Mingshu nodded, "Yes."

Lin Yao bluntly said: "Isn't this trying to serve your two women together? What is it?"

Jiang Mingshu suddenly looked like a cat with a blown up hair, "Oh, what mess is in your mind?"

But Lin Yao felt that she was not the one who was filled with mess in her mind!

And she couldn't understand how she thought, what happened to everyone?

Isn’t it the mainstream to be serious about love, marriage and childbirth?

Although Lin Yao didn’t ask, Jiang Mingshu was like pour out beans in a bamboo tube, telling her what happened in the past few days, “I tell you, on Monday morning, I saw Liang Kaiwen when I first arrived at the company, that’s the representative you met. He wore a white suit with a rose in his hand and smiled like a silly x..."

Lin Yao listened to her, but her thoughts had spread far, far away.

"...Later, Ren Jiaying insisted on introducing me to one, and said that the person was'good-looking','satisfaction with tens of thousands of family properties' or something. Last night, Ren Jiaying and her boyfriend invited me to dinner, and then I knew she was I want to introduce her boyfriend to me! Ren Jiaying used to show off to me, saying that her boyfriend is'good-looking' and has'million possessions'. I just said that sounds so familiar. I really don't know her. ..."

Lin Yao interrupted her and said concisely, "What are you going to do?"

Jiang Mingshu glanced at her, "What do you plan to do? How could I get entangled with her boyfriend and refused on the spot!"

Lin Yao nodded, Jiang Mingshu never procrastinated in his work!

"Although I don't know why she wants to introduce her boyfriend to me, can't it be over if I refuse to accept it?" Jiang Mingshu frowned, "But, that Liang Kaiwen is really annoying, do you know?"

Well, Lin Yao decided to take back her previous evaluation.

The "stupid x" who "worn a white suit" in Jiang Mingshu's mouth was walking toward the chairman's office excitedly.

When Liang Kaiwen opened the door, he found his chairman sitting behind the ebony desk.

In front of him was a stack of files. He had just read a document and signed his name on it.

He raised his head and glanced at the door.


Liang Kaiwen greeted him with a grin. He scratched his hair and asked: "I got the news that Lin Yao went to the bar. I don't think it's safe to go this night. You see you are so busy that you can't go away. How about I go to the bar to find her for you?"

Before Liang Kaiwen had finished speaking, he heard a cold snort slowly spreading from the nose of the man in front, with a touch of disdain.

Liang Kaiwen shook, "Chairman, I really do it for the little sister Lin Yao, by the way, Ming Shu is also here."

The chairman of this person, Liang Kaiwen knows best. He looks like a dog. In fact, he always thinks about things in his heart, and he will report it. If he provokes him, whether it is reasonable or unreasonable, it must be unlucky. Yourself.

If he doesn't make it clear, he is afraid he will have to suffer.

Qin Rongze just snorted like that, and didn't say anything, but continued to immerse himself in reviewing the documents.

With a look of indifference, Liang Kaiwen's heart tightened for another two minutes. A few days ago, Liang Chen was still in Hangzhou. In order to chase Lin Yao, the chairman could take any job and go directly to her.

Now it was his turn, but he couldn't leave without hesitation, after all, he was just a part-time worker in Orlando.

Now that Liang Chen is not in Hangzhou, the chairman of the board does not chase Lin Yao anymore. Everything is back to its original state.

In other words, why doesn't the chairman pursue the victory? What is he going to do?

He didn't really care about the chairman and Lin Yao, but Ming Shu was in the bar!

If he doesn't go to to save his little fairy Mingshu from the pack of evil wolves?

"Oh!" Liang Kaiwen dissatisfied: "Chairman, Ming Shu hasn't spoken to me today, I have to go and see."

"No." Qin Rongze said in a cold tone, "You have been careless about business these past few days, and you have accumulated a lot of work..."

The chairman spoke, and Liang Kaiwen had to go back to work.

Qin Rongze took out his mobile phone, as if he had a heart, he received a message.

Lin Yao: "If you find that all the cars are retrograde when you are driving on the highway, what would you do?"

Pass my hand through your black hair: "Stay away from them."

Lin Yao: "I think so too [happy][happy][happy]"

Lin Yao: "By the way, you haven't told me your name [smile]"

Passing through your black hair my hand: "Qin Rongze."

Pass my hand through your black hair: "My name."

Lin Yao: "Oh, so your surname is Qin..."

On the bus, Lin Yao looked at the phone screen, smiling slightly.

She has no opinion on this name, it's just that Qin Wenyuan and Qin Yi are both people she hates, so my hand is Qin when I pass through your black hair!

However, there are tens of thousands of people surnamed Qin in this world, and their character has nothing to do with their surnames!

The point is that he is finally willing to say his name. It is not easy to think about it!

Not long after, Lin Yao's phone screen lit up again.

Passing through your black hair my hand: "Is there any problem with the surname Qin?"

Lin Yao: "It's okay. It's just that I know a lot of gentlemen surnamed Qin."

Lin Yao: "May I not call you Mr. Qin? [Blink laugh]"

Passing through your black hair, my hand: "You are Lin Yao: "It's not good for you..."

My hand through your black hair: "Why?"

Lin Yao: "I'm afraid I will get an inch."

Qin Rongze looked at the screen of the phone, his frown that was originally frowned finally loosened. He originally thought that Lin Yao still remembered his ex-boyfriend, but it turned out not to be the case!

He edited a message: "If I say, I can't ask for it?"

After sending this message, he felt nervous and inexplicable.

Only a few seconds later, he received Lin Yao's reply.

"Hello, Rong Ze!"

Qin Rongze couldn't help but chuckle.

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