Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 3: People do not blame

Seeing the words "good morning" Qin Rongze replied, Lin Yao had just sat down at the table and was about to eat breakfast.

Although he responded quickly, the content of his reply was speechless, and the legendary topic terminator was probably like him.

However, Lin Yao is not afraid. The reason why she can spend such a short time in the Hangzhou Forum to become a small influencer, and also to interact with the "old customers" of Lingyun Industrial, is relying on her "excellent" chat skills. The premise is , This is also considered a skill.

Although she couldn't fully use this skill in front of Lin Yun, it was not a problem in front of Qin Rongze.

However, Lin Yao hadn't had a chance to perform, and Ms. Wen's routine nagging came from behind her again.

"I'm playing on my mobile phone again, and I'm just dragging my meal, like you, if I didn't meet a good boss..."

Lin Yao hurriedly put down the phone and concentrated on solving the hot noodles.

It was already past eight o'clock when she arrived at the company. At this time, most people were either on their way to work or on their way to work, so it was not suitable to chat.

Lin Yao stroked her thoughts and started a day's work.

The first problem she faced was that the samples of aziz were ready and could be sent at any time, but aziz asked to send some adult video discs along with the samples.

She needs to try to dispel aziz's thoughts, but the rhetoric she had prepared in advance seems a bit perfunctory and inappropriate now! The problem is that she is not good at composing stories, and she is not big enough to compose more convincing ones.

Hey, it would be great if the other party could give up on their own initiative.

In fact, she still had a chance. Maybe someone just said it casually or made a joke with her, so she didn't have to take it seriously.

Or just treat it as nothing like this, send the sample directly, and wait until the other party receives the sample, ask about the adult video, and then tell him: I'm sorry, I'm too busy, I forgot!

However, the risk of doing that is high.

If aziz deliberately finds the difference, or asks her to re-send the sample, that is no joke!

What's more, what if aziz gets angry and just finds someone to go to the chairman of the board to complain to her?

Since entering Lingyun Industry, Lin Yao has been conscientious and diligent. If he was complained because of this, wouldn't it be unjust?

It can be seen that cutting first and playing later will not work...

Fortunately, the sample is still in her hands, so she can think of a way.

Lin Yao was suffering in the afternoon, aziz was online, and she decided to take a look first.

Li Yao: "hi, aziz, yoursalesareready, willsendyouidiatelyurierservice" (Hi, aziz, your sample is ready, we will send it to you as soon as possible.)

azizabudulhy...: "so,, right?" (So, you have already bought me an adult DVD, right?)

Li Yao: "no,," (No, I told you before that adult video discs are illegal and cannot be bought and sold!)

azizabudulhy...: "nonono! ihavetoldyou, youcan'tfdthebookshonorsuerarket, yohouldark, tostreet..." (No, no! I told you a long time ago, don't buy in bookstores and supermarkets, you should go to the park, go to the street... )

Li Yao: "aziz, iwillsentjail, yousist" (If you insist on asking me to do this, I will go to jail.)

azizabudulhy...: "noooooo, itellgyourtruth, youhaven'tbought, iait, onedayodays, oneeeks, icanwait" (no---what I told you is true, if you don’t buy adult DVDs, don’t send samples first, two or two a day Days, two weeks a week, I can wait.)

azizabudulhy......: "doyouunderstand?" (Do you know what I mean?)

Lin Yao really understands, aziz means that if you don't send adult DVDs, there is no need to send samples.

This is a threat!

I have to say that this development made her very broken!

Lin Yao thinks she needs to ask Lin Yun for instructions. What should I do if this happens?

The key thing aziz wants is adult video discs. She definitely can't talk to Lin Yun about things like this!

As for other things, if she can't even handle the trivial matter of sending samples, why does Lin Yun want her?

Do you want to get a huge year-end bonus?

Do you want to become a foreign trade salesperson?

Lin Yao hadn't decided whether to mention it or how to mention it, Lin Yun came to her first.

Lin Yun went straight to the point and said: "Since the samples from Middle Eastern customers are ready, why don't they send them out?"

Lin Yao had to confess, "That's it, aziz asked me to order Chinese New Year gifts for him."

The New Year for Crooked Nuts is now over.

Lin Yun looked at her suspiciously, "When did the client say that?"

Lin Yao hesitated and said, "I told me around New Year's Day and asked me to send it to him with the sample, but I haven't thought about what to send yet."

If you tell Lin Yun the truth, it might be something wrong. According to her explosive temper, it is very likely that the attack will happen on the spot, and Lin Yao thinks she can't afford it.

It doesn’t work if you don’t give a reasonable explanation, you can only say seven points, leave three points, hey...

Lin Yun pondered for a moment, and said, "Let's go to the silk market later."

Lin Yao pursed her lips. What Aziz wants is an adult DVD, not silk products, but it is not surprising that many people are gifted, and prepare some small gifts with Hangzhou characteristics for customers. Presumably, Aziz will not be too disappointed when he receives the package. A solution!

Lin Yun has always been vigorous and resolute, and she immediately took Lin Yao to the silk market.

This afternoon, at the Hangzhou Silk Market located on Tiyuchang Road, a tall beauty with good temperament was welcomed, which attracted the attention of passers-by.

Because Lin Yun's appearance was too outstanding and her aura was too strong, many people actually mistakenly thought that she was a star, so they took out their mobile phones or cameras to take pictures.

Lin Yun seemed to be used to it for a long time, but he didn't care!

She chose a shop that sells high-end silk scarves. After walking in, she didn't ask for the price or looked at it carefully. She just pointed at it, "This, this, this... and this, don't!"

There were not many customers in the store at this time, and the owner greeted her happily as soon as she saw her. When I was about to wrap it up for her, I just heard the three words "Don't", and the action couldn't help but froze.

The scene was a bit awkward for a while.

Lin Yun said indifferently: "Ten yuan for each other style and color, no, twenty yuan for me!"

The shopkeeper was stunned for a while before reacting, and he was overjoyed, "Ai-ai-ai, great! I'll wrap it up for you now!"

Lin Yao came here with Lin Yun, ready to be a porter.

The silk scarves are very light, but what Lin Yun wants to buy is dozens of styles, different colors, 20 yuan each...Roughly speaking, there are thousands of silk scarves, how many large boxes can it fit, how will she move it?

Besides, Lin Yun's car is not big, Lin Yao wondered if she should remind her?

Lin Yao whispered: "Ms. Lin, it's not good for us to just buy silk scarves? It's not too late to see a few more and make a decision. Moreover, the silk market is very close to our company, so you can buy anything you need at any time."

What Lin Yao wanted to express was that there was no need to buy so much at once.

But Lin Yun understood something else, and she gave Lin Yao a glance of approval, "You reminded me, let's go to another store later."

Then, she took out her purse and said to the shopkeeper, "How many are there?"

Lin Yao was stunned. Did UU read what she thought it meant?

The owner not only calculated the total price as quickly as possible, but also took the initiative to make a discount. In the end, both buyers and sellers were happy.

Next, Lin Yun did not disappoint Lin Yao. She swept through several shops one after another, and bought countless silk fans, silk flowers, embroidered screens, embroidered handkerchiefs... and then ordered a van to the Yueyang Building.

Lin Yao was so shocked that she was dumbfounded when she was visiting the silk market, and it was not until the way back to the company that she gradually recovered.

Lin Yao can see that Lin Yun is essentially a shopaholic. Whenever she sees something that suits her, she will instinctively buy and buy, and she can't stop at all.

When they arrived at the company, the van arrived. Lin Yun's price was very attractive. The delivery master's service was also very good. Everything was perfect!

There are several boxes of silk products piled up in Lingyun's sample room, as well as many delicate and beautiful small objects.

Lin Yao chose the gifts for the aziz family, and then sent these gifts together with the samples. The big rock that had been hanging in her heart for a long time finally fell.

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