Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 6: Uplifted

In busy times, time always flies very fast, and it’s the dinner day in a blink of an eye.

During the morning meeting, everyone reported on the progress of the work in turn.

The first is Lin Yao. The goods she should have shipped a year ago have been shipped out, and the payment has been collected. Only some finishing work and daily inquiries from regular customers need to be processed.

Lin Yao's situation went smoothly, and the salesmen were in an embarrassing situation.

Jian Wen’s Pakistani customer only placed an order and met the Lunar New Year.

A large part of the workers in factories in China, especially those in coastal areas, are from the inland areas. When the New Year's Eve is approaching, many workers will choose to return to their hometown early, and after the Lantern Festival in the coming year, many people even return to work after the entire first month. In other words, the delivery date will be delayed for at least one month due to the New Year!

In this way, Jian Wen's first order will not be shipped until several months later.

The other salespersons are not much better than her. The factory is under heavy delivery pressure at the end of the year. Lingyun’s trial orders often have a large variety of products, but the purchase volume is small. Such orders will generally be placed last if they are not particularly cared about.

Ever since, the orders originally planned to be shipped at the end of the year have become completed after the end of the year.

If it is delivered by the factory at the end of the year, it is no longer possible to book the shipping space of the year before, so the shipment will still be delayed until the end of the year.

If it is completed after the end of the year, it will be even more troublesome. It is conceivable that after the long holiday, all factories will face a backlog of orders. Wait until the goods are actually completed before booking the space, most likely it will be more than a month later!

Salesmen deal with these "old customers" orders just to familiarize themselves with the business, or to practice their hands.

These orders, even if they handle them well, there is no commission; if they are not handled well, customers will have to complain, and the bosses will definitely be upset.

During this period of time, most of the salesmen of Lingyun Industry were overwhelmed by the orders they had placed.

Among all the salespersons, the most unlucky one is Zheng Yuning. The supplier she cooperated with was very unreliable. Every time she said "completed these days". As a result, a few weeks passed, still the sentence "this Finished in a few days", not even a quasi-credit!

Lin Yun glanced at Zheng Yuning, she slowly took a cigarette from the pack of cigarettes, and asked, "What are you going to do with it?"

Zheng Yuning didn't dare to look her eyes directly, and was so nervous that she stammered, "Me, I'll call Mr. Zhao later."

Lin Yun raised his eyebrows and declined to comment.

Zheng Yuning flushed and suffocated, "I will ask him to give me a specific delivery time, otherwise"

"Otherwise, we can't continue to cooperate with them in the future. We can be stronger if necessary. If you are really unsure, let Xiaolin help you." Lin Yun raised his eyes and said to Lin Yao, "Xiaolin, did you hear that?"

Lin Yao was taken aback. Why should she help with the orders already distributed to others?

This is not a question of whether she is willing to help, but whether this kind of help is not helpful.

If it is handled well, there must be nothing wrong with her. If something goes wrong, isn't it her responsibility again?

This is obviously thankless!

Besides the order Zheng Yuning had, Lin Yao had a lot of new orders waiting for her to process, but Lin Yun had already named...

Lin Yao pondered for a moment before saying "Yes."

Lin Yao reluctantly agreed, Zheng Yuning flushed with embarrassment, and the other salesmen watched their noses and hearts.

Everyone had their own concerns, but no one felt uncomfortable in their hearts.

After the morning meeting, Lin Yun called them into the office alone.

This time, her focus is on foreign trade salesmen.

Everyone's expressions are different after coming out of Lin Yun's office. Some are smug, such as Jian Wen; some are discouraged, such as Zheng Yuning...

While Lin Yao was nervous, she was also very curious. What did Lin Yun talk to with someone alone?

Finally it was Lin Yao's turn. After walking into Lin Yun's office, her heartstrings tightened.

Lin Yun neither smoked nor touched up makeup this time, but frowned seriously... Counting the money? !

Lin Yun has a hobby, which is also the common hobby of most Chinese people.

This money does not refer to the cold numbers on the bank card, but the real cash!

Since Lin Yao came to Lingyun Industrial, his salary has been cash.

I have to admit that the feeling of repeatedly counting the banknotes in my hand is really not bad, which is much more than looking at the numbers on the bank card!

The difference is that in the past, the finances paid wages, but this time Lin Yun actually went out in person.

"This is your year-end award!" Lin Yun first handed Lin Yao a bank paper bag that was already super invincible in her opinion, and then took out a thicker one from the drawer, "This is your commission."

Lin Yao stared blankly at the two envelopes in her arms, so Lin Yun came in to give them red envelopes?

Let each person come in and receive it separately, does that mean that the amount in the red envelope for each person is different?

The sum of these two red envelopes is at least more than twice her estimate, right?

Lin Yun explained with a smile, "After the goods are shipped, the customer will settle the balance with us before the commission will be settled. I will calculate it for you. The total is..."

Lin Yao received a total of 16 million orders in these three months, and one million was allocated for small and fragmentary orders. The actual shipment and receipt of payment was about 10 million, that is to say. This second envelope contains a commission of this ten million yuan, twenty thousand yuan? More than that?

What made her even more unexpected was that while receiving the commission, she also had a year-end bonus, and she could receive a salary in a few days.

Counting it all, she can have tens of thousands of dollars in her hand during the Chinese New Year this year, which is really a great thing she didn't even think about!

If possible, Lin Yao has the urge to take all the money home to sleep with her arms around for a night, but her sanity is still there. As a bus family, it is not safe to put tens of thousands of cash in her bag.

In this regard, Lin Yao was quite sorry She took the time to go downstairs and deposited the huge sum of money that hadn't been warmed up in the bank.

For Lin Yao, this is a memorable day - she finally doesn't have to worry about not being able to pay the rent!

Not only that, she also has a deposit of 50,000 yuan in her name.

At this rate, she should be able to save the down payment for a small apartment now, one year later.

For Lin Yun, this is also a commemorative moment - she, a layman in the foreign trade industry, made millions in just three months!

You should know that Qin Yi is a senior in a listed company, but he claims to have an annual salary of one million. After deducting various taxes and fees, his annual income is only 800,000 yuan, not to mention that his company only pays half of his salary every month, and the bulk is left until the end of the year .

She felt that she could finally raise her eyebrows in front of Qin Yi.

She couldn't wait to take out all the millions, and then threw it at Qin Yi to see what his expression would be!


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