Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 20: strong taste

Lin Yao admitted that she had an extraordinary affection for Qin Rongze, but she could feel Qin Rongze's resistance to her.

Emotional matters, if they are not consensual, are destined to become a burden on one side and a loneliness on the other.

Lin Yao didn't intend to force it, so she put Qin Rongze as a friend from the beginning.

She will remember Qin Rongze's kindness, repay at an appropriate time, and disappear automatically at an inappropriate time.

That's right, that's it!

As soon as Lin Yao arrived in the hall, she heard the sound of rain coming from outside, and she stepped out of the hall resolutely without hesitation.

Hangzhou is rainy in winter, but it rarely rains so much.

Outside the magnificent gate of the City of Flowers, the eaves blocked the torrential rain, but the rain was too rapid and the wind was too strong, and there was still rain falling under the eaves.

Lin Yao hurriedly backed up a few steps and stood leaning against the wall. She answered the call before the other party hung up.

On the other end of the phone, the man's voice was particularly low and hoarse on such a night, "Are you still in the city of flowers?"

"Yeah." Lin Yao looked at the shoe upper that had just been splashed by rain, and asked: "I saw the information, you, why did you suddenly tell me this?"

Qin Rongze chuckled, "I wanted to tell you everything a long time ago, but I didn't have the courage. I mean, I wanted to tell you that sentence, but I think it seems too casual to send a message to you."

Lin Yao thought to herself, in fact, making a call is the same as sending a message, no, the point is not that!

Lin Yao had never thought that while she was secretly killing Xiao Xiao, she was also thinking of others.

This made her feel extremely surprised and extremely unreal!

Are you dreaming again?

It's like dreaming of being proposed

Lin Yao's face flushed.

She hesitated: "Don't be like this. I don't know what you are talking about. If you don't say it, I'm going home."

Qin Rongze pondered for a moment, and solemnly said: "I mean, I, like you very much, we..."

He wanted to say, let's associate.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yao interrupted him.

"This kind of joke is not easy, I will give you a chance to take back all the previous words, and we will still be friends in the future!"

Qin Rongze finally mustered up the courage to confess, but he was not allowed to say anything!

"Do you think I'm joking?"

"I'm serious, don't make such jokes in the future."

Qin Rongze said helplessly: "I am serious too, every word I say to you is serious: I, like, you!"

Lin Yao's mind seemed to be blank for a moment, and at the same time, she felt that something seemed to be losing control.

At this moment, the rain stopped suddenly.

Lin Yao raised her head in surprise and looked to the sky, but saw the pure black umbrella cloth and metallic ribs.

It turned out that someone was holding an umbrella to block out the wind and rain for her.

The man held the umbrella handle, and his fair complexion became clearer in the dark night.

The knuckles of his fingers are distinct, and what follows is a clear breath that belongs to him alone.

Lin Yao's eyes moved, she raised her eyes, and the pair of eyes she met were deep and dark.

Outside, the heavy rain is still rustling, under the umbrella, the two have their eyes facing each other, the man is smiling, and the woman's eyes are dodging.

The two said in unison.

"Why are you out there?"

"Why are you here?"

Qin Rongze originally wanted to say that he was here to pick her up, but somehow he changed his words and said, "I, happen to be nearby, and I am going to go home."

Lin Yao gave a soft "Oh", without any doubt, "Chaoyang Community?"

"Huh, together?"

Lin Yao was a little confused, but she couldn't say anything when she refused, "Then I will talk to them."

"I wait for you."

When Lin Yao returned to the dinner table, Chairman Qin had already opened the third bottle of liquor. He was drinking while chatting with several family members, and the family members would follow him from time to time.

Lin Yun sat next to Jian Wen, chatting with several salesmen one after another.

Zheng Yuning and the others were not idle either. The few people gathered together and chatted fiercely, making bursts of laughter from time to time.

"Before I vowed to slap my face so quickly!"

"What I am curious about is what she found this time!"

Zheng Yuning rolled his eyes, "I can't even afford the City of Flowers, what can I do?"

"That's it, according to me..."

Xiao Zhang, who was talking, suddenly lost her voice. She froze on the spot as if she had seen a ghost, and pointed her finger behind Zheng Yuning.

They have always had a tacit understanding. Several businessmen all looked at Lin Yao, smiled awkwardly at her, and then instantly fell apart.

Lin Yao, who had just returned from the outside, just saw their shocked reaction, and couldn't help but stop.

Lin Yao's ears are more sensitive than ordinary people. She heard a few words of their words, but she didn't pay attention to them.

Ordinarily, they don't have to guess about themselves in this way, but their desire to cover up the reaction made her doubt it.

Suspicious, Lin Yao felt that everyone is a colleague, after all, there is no need to be too stiff in such an occasion, and they didn't name them by name, so she didn't need to be seated.

Lin Yao passed them without changing her face, and walked towards where Lin Yun was.

Lin Yao's heart is open, the others are different.

They were talking gossip behind Lin Yao's back, and didn't want to be hit by her. They were in a guilty conscience, and they were even more nervous when they saw her calmly looking for Lin Yun.

Of these people, Zheng Yuning was the most uncomfortable. She yelled in anxious manner, "Xiao Lin, we just chatted a few words, there is no need to be so serious? Besides, if you don't have a boyfriend, you have to hide it , We have nothing to say!"

She felt that they were all other people's own problems when they talked about other people's gossip, but she hadn't thought about whether there was anything wrong with her own approach.

Zheng Yuning's voice is not small, and her remarks successfully attracted the attention of everyone present, even Qin Yi and others turned their attention to them.

Lin Yao glared at her fiercely, Zheng Yuning was a bully and afraid of hardship, and was immediately quiet as a chicken.

Lin Yao said goodbye to Lin Yun and was about to leave, but Qin Yi suddenly stopped her.

"Xiao Lin wait, Xiao Zheng just said that your boyfriend is here? Let him eat together, it's okay."

Zheng Yuning did not say that Lin Yao's boyfriend was here, and Qin Yi did not hear what Zheng Yuning had said before, but Qin Rongze did come. The problem is that Qin Rongze is not her boyfriend, at least not yet!

Lin Yao was taken aback, and she didn't know how to answer the conversation.

Now Lin Yun also saw that something was wrong with her, "Xiao Lin has a boyfriend, why didn't he bring it for us to see?"

Zheng Yuning was overjoyed, and agreed: "That means, if you cover up like this, it's easy for others to want to be crooked."

"Yes, yes, let him come in and sit down, let us see by the way!"

Everyone at the scene laughed, and several female colleagues even tuned in with laughter.

It seems that she already has a boyfriend she is dating.

Regardless of whether she and Qin Rongze will develop, at least, they haven't developed any at this time, and she can't just call him over for everyone to visit.

Lin Yao said anxiously: "If I had a boyfriend, I would definitely not hide it, but I don't have a boyfriend yet, so I have to disappoint you all!"

Qin Yi hooked his lips slightly, his attention was quickly attracted by the drink again, and he turned around and continued to push the cups with several family members.

Lin Yun waved his hand to Lin Yao, "Go go."

When Lin Yao got Lin Yun's sentence, she relaxed.

When passing by Zheng Yuning and the others, they found that they were sitting in the wrong position because they were too flustered. One of them was sitting in Lin Yao's original position and pressing her scarf. She had to cough lightly and said, "Thank you. "

She casually took the scarf on the back of the chair and left.

Zheng Yuning and the others breathed a sigh of relief. After watching Lin Yao walk out of the hall, a tall man immediately came over and opened the door for him. He also shared an umbrella with her and took them away.

Zheng Yuning and the others immediately started talking.

"Yeah, right? I'll just say that she is in a situation now!"

"That man, he looks pretty good from his back, he's arrogant."

Zheng Yuning was rather unconvinced, "Man, what's the use of just looking at the back? Look at his dress, he is young and young! Besides, you are not the one you didn’t know before. Now, who still knows her? There are multiple flavors?"

"Gosh, won't you?"


Lin Yun stared coldly at the salespeople over there who were sparing no effort to gossip Lin Yao, especially Zheng Yuning, and she shook her head imperceptibly.

Lin Yun beckoned to the waiter not far away, "Pay the bill."

The waiter was about to step forward, but saw the service manager approaching with a smile, "Hello madam, Mr. Qin has already paid for it."

Lin Yun glanced at the wine for three rounds, and Qin Yi, who was already flushed, said puzzled: "You mean Mr. Qin?"

"Yes." The service manager's attitude is extremely respectful. "If you report Mr. Qin's name earlier, we will definitely leave you a private room. This time we are not greeted well. Please forgive me. In addition, this is our restaurant. Card, welcome to come often."

Lin Yun looked at Qin Yi again, and she got the card from the Chao Chao service manager. She nodded slightly, "Okay, thank you!"

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