Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 33: be oneself

Under the dark and heavy night, the two of them stood face to face in the entire parking lot like an idol drama.

Not only that, but Lin Yao was still wearing a coat of other people, but she said "unfamiliar", the so-called open-eyes and nonsense is nothing more than this.

Everyone in Lingyun Industry was silent for a while.

The fact that Lin Yao was entangled by the man named Liang Chen not long ago has been witnessed by everyone in Ling Yun, and the family members have heard of it.

Regardless of Liang Chen's character and personality, his appearance is definitely a brutal one!

As a result, everyone took it for granted that Lin Yao's aesthetics was probably at this level, and everyone was all wondering what kind of superb her new boyfriend should be, but it was really superb!

From a distance, they only saw the man standing with Lin Yao who was tall and tall.

Only when he got closer did he really see his looks. The man in front of him has a sharp face, deep eyes, narrow and slightly raised eye tails, a high nose, and clear lips. When he is not smiling, he is a bit serious. breath.

At this time, he has taken off his jacket and is wearing a well-made black suit. The decent tailoring makes him wide shoulders and narrow hips, and the proportions are almost perfect.

The dim light shone on the top of his undisturbed hair, and there was faint light flowing.

When he raised his eyes and smiled at everyone, everyone present couldn't help but sigh. Peerless beauty is nothing more than this!

If you compare Liang Chen with him, my God, it's totally incomparable!

Isn’t Kobayashi’s aesthetic standards too unstable?

Moreover, facing a beautiful man of this level, she is still unmoved and refuses to recognize the identity of her boyfriend. What is she going to make?

Lin Yao also realized that there seemed to be something wrong with the reaction of her colleagues. When they cast their eyes on Qin Rongze, they were either amazed or admired. When they looked at her, they shook their heads and sighed.

What does it mean?

When she looked back and looked at Qin Rongze carefully, she noticed how eye-catching Qin Rongze was in the crowd.

Such a good man is not in the same world with her. Is it possible for them to come together?

However, should he give up on his own initiative because he is too good, or give him up to a better woman, such as the daughter of the Ayers consortium?

Lin Yao said nothing.

Zheng Yuning almost dropped her chin after seeing Qin Rongze's appearance. She clasped Lin Yao's wrist and stammered and asked, "Xiao, Xiaolin, where did you find this? He is a model. Or an actor?"

How could it be possible to have such a good figure, clothing and temperament if it weren't for a model?

If he weren't an actor, wouldn't he be a waste?

She has watched a lot of good-looking men on TV, but none of the male stars can match the one in front of her!

"Neither a model nor an actor." Lin Yao broke free of her shackles, turned her head and said, "Rong Ze, you'd better introduce yourself."

Qin Rongze hummed indifferently, and briefly introduced: "I, start my own business."

"Oh oh oh..."

Entrepreneurship covers a wide range.

Investing tens of millions to open factories is an entrepreneurial venture, and investing hundreds of thousands to build a small stall is an entrepreneurial venture.

Everyone looks different, obviously everyone has their own ideas, but they just think about it.

Zheng Yuning is a bit more special. She asked directly, "Then what industry are you in?"

It's a bit too much to ask, after all, it's only the first time I met, and it's not familiar at all.

And he is currently Lin Yao's prospective boyfriend, what kind of industry does he do with others?

Qin Rongze's gaze turned around on her, and he couldn't see any emotions. He said lightly: "The clothing industry."

"Puff---" Zheng Yuning smiled. This person looked like a dog, and actually... "It turned out to be a clothes seller, no wonder!"

With such a good figure, it is a clothes hanger for walking, and he went to open a shop to sell clothes. It was a violent thing!

Although the statement of selling clothes is not accurate, Qin Rongze couldn't deny it, so he nodded.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then they all laughed.

The muscular man smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "How good is the clothing business, at least don't worry about not having suitable clothes to wear."

Others echoed, "Yeah, yeah!"

"Three hundred and sixty lines are the top picks...hahaha!"

This is not bad at all, but why are they laughing so weird?

Lin Yao opened her mouth and was about to say something when she suddenly felt itchy in her nose and sneezed loudly.


Qin Rongze hurriedly helped her wrap her clothes tightly, and then said to Lin Yun and the others: "Lin Yao has a cold. I will take her home first. I'm separated."

Lin Yao had been in the rain for a long time, and she did feel a bit cold at this time.

Qin Rongze nodded slightly towards the crowd, and then led Lin Yao, who was still a little hesitant, to a pure black car parked a few meters away.

Xiao Zhang suddenly said: "How do I feel that Qin Rongze's name is a bit familiar, and his looks, as if I have seen him somewhere."

Zheng Yuning blinked at her, "Maybe you have bought clothes in his shop?"

Xiao Zhang laughed, "There is such a possibility."

Everyone smiled at each other.

A not very low-key luxury car slowly drove out of the parking lot, ran away from the dust, and quickly disappeared into the night.

I don’t know who suddenly said: “I’m not mistaken, am I? Maybach?”

Everyone's expressions were suddenly a little complicated. Male compatriots are generally interested in cars, while female compatriots are just the opposite.

Lingyun Industry is engaged in the import and export trade of mechanical products, and most of these products are used in cars. It is said that after a few months, there are more or less car models around the world.

But the parts of top luxury cars like Maybach and Rolls-Royce are generally not from China, let alone Lingyun Industrial's business scope.

Most of the girls present didn't know what Maybach was.

Lin Yun was about to take a finger with the car key.

Hangzhou is not without a luxury car like Maybach, but it is rare, and there are many people who have never seen it.

Zheng Yuning was dissatisfied and said: "Who can see this black light? Maybe it's the new Geely or BYD or something."

It's not impossible to say that. Most of the domestically-produced cars today are beautifully made.

Moreover, some manufacturers are particularly fond of imitating, and at first glance they are domineering and leaky, like a certain international brand.

Zheng Yuning's boyfriend pushed the glasses frame between the bridge of his nose, "Don't be sour, after all, people also have cars."

These days, there are few people who can't afford a car, but there are not many people who can't own a car.

In fact, this is the reason why most people in Lingyun Industry do not own a car.

Lin Yun clapped his hands, and took the opportunity to cheer up the women's army under his hands, "Everyone should cheer up, work hard this year, and strive to be able to drive their own car by the end of the year!"



Lingyun Industrial's maiden army screamed and shouted with excitement!

The family members will smile.


Besides, Lin Yao, she followed Qin Rongze, naturally sat in his passenger cabin, and naturally fastened the seat belt. This was a sudden reaction that they are not a formal relationship between boy and girl friends. How could she be obedient? Go with him?

No, they have already made it public!

Didn't she think about it well before, not openly, informally communicating, getting together and getting together, then dispersing... How could she be brought into rhythm afterwards?

He introduced himself to everyone generously. Now everyone should know his identity, right?

If they get along well, it's fine. If they get along well, they will break up soon. What should others think of her?

A woman who is greedy for wealth and clings to a big man, but is abandoned by a big man?

Will she be watched and pointed at when she is walking on the road?

Too sloppy...

Lin Yao beat her head in annoyance a few times.

While driving, Qin Rongze glanced sideways at Lin Yao, who had an unusually rich facial expression, and said with concern: "What's the matter? Is it uncomfortable somewhere?"

Of course it's uncomfortable, it's simply too uncomfortable!

Lin Yao avoided the importance and said lightly: "I'm thinking, tomorrow, when I arrive at the company, I don't know how they will interrogate me."

"We are dealing with honesty, what are you afraid of?"

As soon as Qin Rongze finished speaking, both of them frowned.

Qin Rongze calmed down and said, "Adriana, I'm sure to let her remove the false news."


Lin Yao wailed and almost forgot that he still has a nominal fiancée...

She felt her head hurt suddenly, and she shook her head again and again, "No, no! I don't think we have yet to make it public!"

Qin Rongze bent his lips, "I suggest you recognize reality."

The reality is that everyone has already met, and unless you can turn back the clock, you don't need to say.

Lin Yao's head, which had been stopped for a long time, quickly turned around, "Let’s do it, I’ll insist tomorrow I don’t have a boyfriend. You are just my neighbor. Let’s ran into it in the parking You drove it with everyone. What a joke?"

Qin Rongze was taken aback for a moment, his eyes cold, "Don't even think about it!"

Lin Yao thought for a while, then said: "Wait until you settle the'fiancee', and after all the engagement news, we will make it public. No, no, we have to wait a while before we make it public, otherwise they will I thought that my third party stepped in and ruined your marriage."

The problem is that it has been made public.

Qin Rongze frowned more tightly, "Don't talk nonsense, what kind of third party are you?"

Lin Yao raised her small face and showed him a smug smile, "Suddenly I feel that I am quite capable, and I can **** you from a great beauty."

She smiled crookedly, alive a naughty little fox.

Qin Rongze's eyes gradually eased.

I don't know when, as long as you look at her by your side, you will feel happy.

She laughs, it is the blue sea and blue sky, she cries, it is the end of the world.

Every day, every minute, every second, he could feel his attachment to her growing.

There is no reason and no logic at all, as if he should have been.

If it were not for a little self-control, he still didn't know what he would do.

A moment of silence.

Lin Yao looked at the busy traffic outside the window, and muttered: "Rong Ze, if we are still together in July, we will officially make it public."


"Before that, let's be ourselves first."

Qin Rongze raised his eyes slowly, facing Lin Yao's gaze, solemnly said: "Okay."

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