Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 45: I am actually a genius

After Mr. Wen’s complaint occurred, although Lin Yao made efforts to get Mr. Zhuang to admit that the goods were defective before they left the factory, Mr. Zhuang chose to evade in the face of high claims.

As a last resort, Lin Yao had to ask Lin Zong and Chairman Qin to come forward.

The old treacherous cunning is like Mr. Zhuang, even though the two bosses go out together, they still haven't made any progress.

Although Mr. Wen was disappointed with the manufacturer and Mr. Zhuang, he did not turn his anger on Lingyun Industry or Lin Yao. This is a blessing in misfortune.

Lingyun Industry is now no longer a small company with less than ten people, and at any rate it has twenty people.

Chairman Qin's enthusiasm for the company during this period has been much higher than before, and the relationship between him and Lin Yun is more tacit than before.

As long as he enters the company, Lin Yun will take the initiative to retreat to the second line and delegate the important task of presiding over the overall situation to Chairman Qin, such as presiding over the Monday regular meeting and training new employees.

After the morning meeting that day, Chairman Qin had a whim and suggested that all the employees take part in an iq test together.

His proposal caused quite a stir.

iq test.

iq is the abbreviation of intelligencequotient. It was put forward by German psychologist Stern in 191. It can be understood as intelligence level, referring to numbers, space, logic, vocabulary, memory and other abilities.

iq can indicate a person's degree of intelligence: the higher the IQ, the smarter, and vice versa.

Most people are curious about what level of iq they are, and for a while everyone is eager to try.

Except for Lin Yao, she really didn't want to take this kind of test.

It’s okay if you get a higher score, at least it’s a bit of a face. If it’s too low, it’s too shameful. You will definitely be looked down upon in the future. I don’t know how long they will laugh at.

Lin Yao is not the only one who has this kind of thought, and Li Renhai is similar to her.

Both of them were a little sad.

Li Renhai had an idea, and suddenly said, "I have a way!"

Lin Yao hurriedly asked, "What is the solution?"

Li Renhai chuckled and said: "When the time comes, we will just answer randomly and get a super low score. They definitely don't believe our IQ is so low, and then"

Lin Yao disagreed, "If people believe then, what should we do if we really think we are all morons?"

Uh, it is indeed possible.

The two sighed in unison.

Li Renhai said again: "Then we answer half seriously and half rely on blindness. If the score is acceptable, it will be passed. If the score is low, we just said that we just answered casually and can't count. How about?"

Lin Yao thought for a while, this idea wasn't very good, but it was better than just getting a super low score.

"Also, at least you don't have to be so entangled. Then let's try it, if it's too low, we will do it again seriously."

"Just do it!"

And, what if you get it right?

The two exchanged a "you know" look.

Chairman Qin asked for a total of 33 international standard IQ test questions, the test time was 0 minutes, and the maximum iq value was 174 points.

Under normal circumstances, a score of 90-10 is considered normal, and 90 is a passing IQ.

After 0 minutes, the first batch of people who took the iq test got results. Jian Wen's IQ was 1, not low, at least at the upper-middle level.

Zheng Yuning is more of a cup and has an IQ of only 106. She lay down on the table in frustration, as if she couldn't accept it.

Other people's IQs are between 110-10.

Chairman Qin pushed his glasses quietly, and asked, "Who else hasn't tested it?"

Li Renhai and Lin Yao looked at each other. Except for Lin Yun, who had been hiding in the office, they were the only ones left.

Just as Chairman Qin was about to roll his name, Li Renhai raised his hand and said with a flattering smile: "Chairman, and me, Xiaohai."

Everyone in the office was amused by his cowardly and dog-legged look. 35xs

Lin Yao saw the beads of sweat oozing from Li Renhai's forehead, and he was obviously very nervous.

Lin Yao was also nervous, and it was her turn for Li Renhai after the test.

About seven or eight minutes later, Chairman Qin announced Li Renhai’s results with a smile: "105."

Li Renhai scratched his head and explained: "I just answered casually."

This means that if you answer seriously, it will definitely be more than 105!

Everyone in the office laughed, and the meaning was self-explanatory.

Zheng Yuning breathed a sigh of relief, and finally someone had a lower iq than her. Although only one point lower, she successfully got rid of the bottom position.

Besides, isn't this still untested?

I haven't dared to test it all the time, I must be afraid of being the bottom?

She glanced at Lin Yao, knowingly asked, "How many points did Xiao Lin score?"

As she wished, everyone focused on Lin Yao and urged them: "Xiao Lin hasn't tested yet, so hurry up and try?", "Xiao Lin is very capable and must have a high IQ!"

Cheer up!

This is definitely a cheer!

Lin Yao is not very optimistic about her IQ. Since she was young, she has been scolded by Ms. Wen as "stupid", "wood", and "pigs are smarter than you."

Her academic performance has not been particularly good. Of course, this is mainly due to her lack of love to study, too lazy to do math problems, too lazy to recite words in English, and she doesn’t even want to read history. If her grades are good, it’s weird.

However, the reasons for other people's poor grades are also the same, right?

And as soon as she encountered the exam, her luck was particularly bad!

In the high school entrance examination, her total score was not low, only 1 point from the high line, which happened to be brushed down.

When I took the college entrance examination, my results were acceptable, but unfortunately I filled in the wrong volunteers, and I only got admitted to a college that was not well-known.

Taking the CET-6, 60 points can get the certificate, and she got 59 points, which is another point difference!

It happened to be reformed after that exam, and then the fourth and sixth certificates were cancelled. Even if she wanted to make up for this regret, she didn't have a chance!

Closer to home, this set of so-called international standard IQ test questions is very tall and magnificent when you hear it, and it must be difficult.

Li Ren's air is good, and he can be blind to 105!

If she is unlucky and has lost her 80s, wouldn't she have to contract for a year, no, a lifetime joke?

Lin Yao is still in the air, but Chairman Qin has gradually lost patience, "Xiao Lin, it's your turn."

Chairman Qin spoke, and Lin Yao had to drive the ducks to the shelves.

Chairman Qin took the time to analyze to everyone: "As we said before, the highest value of this test so far is 174, 90 points, 10 or more are smart, 130 or more are high IQ people, and 135 or more are ultra-high IQ people. Above 140 is called a genius. Einstein’s IQ is 160."

At the end, he added specifically, "Of course, such a genius is very rare."

Li Renhai asked curiously: "What is Chairman Qin's iq?"

Chairman Qin pushed his glasses, "Above 138 is the scientist's IQ. I'm sorry, only 137."

The people in the office looked at each other, and then burst out exclaiming, "God, so high!", "Super IQ crowd!", "As expected of the chairman, awesome!"

Li Renhai showed admiration in his eyes. He excitedly compared his thumbs, "Chairman Qin, you are this."

There was a lot of talk over there, and Lin Yao was doing test questions quickly here. To her surprise, these questions were very simple and hardly needed any brains.

There are only a few questions that require her to spend a lot of time on her mind. In this case, she just fills in the answer directly and does nothing.

As time passed by, everyone was looking forward to the results of Lin Yao's IQ test.

Li Renhai couldn't wait, poking his head behind her.

Zheng Yuning is even more direct, "Has Xiao Lin done it?"

Lin Yao froze and protested: "Don't look at it! I'll be nervous!"

At this time, everyone's thoughts were the same: Lin Yao was shaking the pot, too low level.

Zheng Yuning "chicks" with a smile, "What are you nervous about, isn't it almost finished, let me see."

Lin Yao was indeed almost finished. When they urged her, she directly clicked to submit the answer.

The test result made her a little bit unbelievable.

Li Renhai couldn't help but exclaimed, "Hold the grass, 139!"

Chairman Qin just said Above is the scientist IQ, above 140 is the genius, then Xiaolin

Lin Yao said to him with some embarrassment: "I'm blind, probably luckily today."

There was silence around first, and then bursts of laughter broke out.

Qin Yi realized that Lin Yao had finished answering 33 iq test questions in less than five minutes, which was obviously blind.

However, even if she is blind, it makes him feel uncomfortable.

Qin Yi smiled, "I'm lucky."

Everyone laughed loudly, "Yes, Xiaolin's luck is really good!"

This is the conclusion: Chairman Qin has the highest IQ, and Lin Yao has the best luck!

After get off work, Lin Yao was not in a hurry to go home. She was more curious than anyone at this time, what is her IQ?

Attentively, she re-doed the iq test. This time she did not skip any questions, but answered all the questions seriously.

After the results came out, she was stunned again: Can this iq test measure the true height?

Lin Yao fills in the height of 160 during the interview. In fact, she is only 158, so she is too sensitive to the number of 158!

No, this is an iq test. Is it possible that her IQ is really 158?

Lin Yao didn't know whether she wanted to cry or laugh. With such a high IQ, how did she become so miserable?

No, no, no one should know about this!

She actually wants to cry.

IQ is of course a good thing, and if you never use it, it's not much different from not having it.

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