Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 47: No time to waste

Lin Yun said that she wanted to learn a foreign language, but she didn't just talk about it. After work, she went to New World Foreign Language School with Lin Yao and Jian Wen enthusiastically. 35xs

In the car, Lin Yun asked the same question as Lin Yao, "Little Jane speaks so well in English, why should I learn English?"

You have to know that Jian Wen once said, "That foreigner speaks English terribly." It was shocking and unforgettable for a lifetime.

Who knows that only a few months later, she went to a foreign language school to learn English. Isn't this too... funny?

If I changed to an ordinary person, I would have already blushed and no self-confidence at the moment, but Jian Wen was never an ordinary person. She just explained indifferently: "I studied English major in school, and the courses include classical English, English language and literature... …In addition, I have studied some English classics and poems, but what I use in my work is business English and what I have learned, which belong to different categories."

Lin Yun nodded clearly, and she also knew that it turned out that English majors learned this.

As a foreign trade customer, who can understand English language and literature, classics, poetry... Sure enough, the foreigner's English level is too poor, but he still finds it funny, what should I do?

The corners of Lin Yun's lips raised unconsciously, "So, is it common for people like me to come out and learn foreign languages?"

Lin Yao and Jian Wen almost said in unison, "Of course!"

The three people in the car laughed at the same time.

Jian Wen looked at Lin Yao and couldn't help but ask the question she always wanted to ask, "Can you write emails to foreigners in Spanish after only a few classes?"

Lin Yao sighed softly, "Of course not, so I need to write according to the book."

Jian Wen couldn't believe her ears, "You just follow the sentence in the book to write to the client?"

This is too childish, right?

Can you express your meaning clearly in this way?

The point is, can foreigners understand it?

"Yes!" Lin Yao smiled uncomfortably, "The Cuban customer's English level is about the same as my Spanish level. Besides, there are translation software on the Internet, so I can barely communicate. 35xs"

Jian Wen quite disagrees. If this is all right, what else does she study business English? It’s fine to write whatever you want...

Could it be that Lin Yao did this in the first place?

She asked again: "In this way, your communication with customers is usually like this, even guessing?"

"You can say that." Lin Yao thought for a while, and replied seriously: "Just like you said, these foreign trade customers come from all over the world, and most of them come from non-English speaking countries, and their English is not very good.

Their emails are often full of various grammatical errors, spelling errors, improper words... For me, isn't it just a guess?

By the same token, if I write too well, I mean, even if the grammar is very standardized, if I use some high-end and esoteric vocabulary, they may not be able to understand it. So you don't need to write it well, it's enough to be concise and clear.

There are also customers who are good in English. Customers in European and American countries generally have good English skills. "

Jian Wen looked thoughtful after hearing these words.

What Lin Yao said is basically true. Most of Lingyun's customers come from Asia, Africa and Latin America, and there are very few European and American customers.

Lin Yun didn't consider so much at the beginning. It was based on Lin Yao's suggestion that all those European and American customers were assigned to Jian Wen.

She nodded, "According to what you said, we just have to boldly go up and talk to others. We don't have to care about grammar or accent?"

Lin Yao showed a sly smile on her face, "When you communicate with people who are not good at English, you don’t have to think about grammar. As for the accent, everyone has an accent anyway. It might be more sympathetic to each other. But it’s not surprising that there are many people who are courteous. With a few polite words, everyone can communicate happily!"

"Hahaha..." Lin Yun couldn't help but laughed, "When you said so, I suddenly became confident in learning English!"

Lin Yun wanted to learn English a long time ago. At first she wanted Qin Yi to teach her, but Qin Yi's comments on her were "pronounced horror", "rotten wood cannot be carved"...

In short, every time there will be an unhappy ending.

She didn't think about going outside to learn English, but she was in her thirties and she was sitting in class with a group of students, which felt quite embarrassing.

So, I just think about it all the time.

Lin Yun finally realized that she and Qin Yi had run into a dead end before and did not understand why she was learning English.

She didn't learn English for the exam, let alone find a job with fluent spoken English.

Her requirements are very low, as long as she can deal with it.

According to Lin Yao, such a goal is clearly easy to achieve.

Lin Yun has a lot of ideas. These ideas need to be communicated in English before they can be put into action, so she must learn English first!

Lin Yao smiled crookedly, and said: "English is not difficult at first, not to mention that we don't take exams. If we really meet masters, we won't panic. There is also Jian Wen.

Lin Yun agreed with this, "That's true!"

This shows that she was correct in recruiting Jianwen, and Lin Yun burst into laughter.

This also shows that her position in the company is unshakable, and Jian Wen's lips raised unconsciously.

Lin Yun joined the foreign language team in this way. She was learning basic English. I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional. Her class time was staggered with Lin Yao and the others.

Of course, this is a good thing for everyone.


When Lin Yao returned to Chaoyang Community after studying Spanish, she subconsciously looked at the window on the fourth floor of Building 2. It was still dark, and there was obviously no one.

Qin Rongze still didn't show up during this time, nor contacted her, and there was no new news about him even on the Internet.

It can be seen that the matter on his side is not easy to handle, and it is very likely that it may not be handled well in the end.

Lin Yao didn't think there was anything wrong with Qin Rongze's neglect of herself at this time, she understood this as Qin Rongze's protection for her.

If they can't be together in the end, Qin Rongze will quietly disappear into her life, as if she had never appeared before.

By the same token, if Qin Rongze no longer appears, then she will accept the result frankly and will never engage in unnecessary entanglement.

She believed that she could do it, just as she could resolutely retreat from Qin Wenyuan and Zhou Meilin.

The iq test some time ago gave Lin Yao a new understanding of herself and gave her a lot of inspiration.

Why was she not sociable when she was in Tianfeng Company?

That's because she is different from them!

The topics they talked with gusto, she was able to guess what they were going to talk about in almost the next second, dull.

The question they were discussing with great interest, she knew the answer from the beginning, and couldn't understand what was left for discussion at all.

And the meaty jokes they are passionate about are even more unbearable to her.

Lin Yao originally thought that he and himself should be of the same kind, but it turned out that he was not.

Qin Wenyuan is inherently inferior to Liu Yingjie, even Cheng Yu is worse than him!

This is also the reason why she decisively let go after discovering that Qin Wenyuan was on two boats.

Choosing this matter has never been difficult for Lin Yao, but other people don't seem to believe that she would let Qin Wenyuan go so easily.

Shan Qing didn't believe it, Zhou Meilin didn't believe it, even Qin Wenyuan didn't seem to believe it, otherwise he would not appear downstairs in the Yueyang Building that time.

But these are no longer important, the past has become the past, and Lin Yao focuses on the future.

Lin Yao found that her work efficiency was indeed relatively high. When she was at Tianfeng Company, she could complete the workload of other people in the morning in half an hour. Others "work overtime" every day, and she is very leisurely every day.

Her presence brought out the incompetence of other people, which made people very uncomfortable.

This is also the case in Lingyun Industrial. Several other salespersons will be in a hurry when they encounter something, and make mistakes frequently. She handles more than 90% of the company's orders on her own, but she is still comfortable.

But this is not a reason for her complacency, and she does not want to be a machine that handles massive orders.

She wants to grow up and has the ability to determine her own destiny!

In Lin Yao's growth plan, the first step is to become a foreign trade salesman.

Now, her English foundation has been laid, and the products are almost In fact, the price and accounting system of all Lingyun products are already in her mind, even the contact information between factories and customers is the same. . As long as the client does not ask too professional and detailed questions, she can handle it.

Is there anything she lacks?

For example, more foreign languages?

Although she has the time and the ability to learn more foreign languages, more than 80% of clients in the international trade industry speak English, and only a small number of clients really don't speak it. These clients often come from Russia, Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Most of the Russian customers who come to China to purchase can speak Chinese or have direct state-owned partners in China.

She chose to learn Spanish precisely because Spanish can almost cover Latin America.

It is enough for her to learn at most one French language. Other minor languages ​​are probably not needed after learning, so there is no need to consider it for the time being.

However, all these are just the skills of a foreign trade clerk.

What about after she becomes a foreign trade salesperson?

Does she want to do international trade for a lifetime?

This is of course possible. However, if international trade is regarded as a long-term battle, then the foreign trade salesman will say that it is just the pioneer of the company.

Even the most powerful foreign trade salesperson will not always be a foreign trade salesperson. After five or ten years, one day they will retreat to the second line and one day they will have their own team.

That's right, a successful foreign trade salesperson should lead a team after a few years, rather than fighting alone!

So what should she do to prepare for the future at this time?

Lin Yao felt that she still had a lot to do, and there was no time to waste.

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