Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 55: Can try

Around eleven, Li Renhai came to the company out of breath.

Zheng Yuning ridiculed, "Xiao Li only came to the company at this time. I'm afraid he came here for lunch specially?"

Lingyun Industrial’s working meal is fried dishes ordered in a restaurant, and the food is not bad.

Li Renhai sat down and groaned a large glass of water before he said: "Labor and management go to cook for them. It would be unreasonable if I didn't even let me eat a working meal! Hiccup~"

Zheng Yuning was interested again, "You are talking about, how did you behave?"

"It's not about their family's affairs. Let me run errands to pay for digital TV fees and late fees. Now they are all prepaid or deducted by bank cards. They are in arrears at home!" Li Renhai glanced at Lin. Yao, asked, "Director Lin, are you strange?"

Lin Yao is also puzzled. Lin Yun buys tens of thousands of shoes at every turn, and she buys more than a dozen pairs. Not to mention her outfit, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of them.

Digital TV is only two to three hundred yuan a year, so why are you in arrears?

She said casually, "Don't guess what the boss thinks."

Shen Jingjing said disapprovingly: "Now they are all going to watch movies outside and chase dramas online. Who is watching TV at home? Why is it weird to forget to pay if you have not been on TV for a long time?"

That makes sense.

"It's not weird to forget to pay. The problem is to let me go to the business hall to line up to pay!" Li Renhai brushed his sweaty bangs and couldn't help but complain. "Their home is very close to the Huashu business hall, and they have their own car. I live far away from the Huashu business hall, and I take a bus. I have to make two transfers to get there. It’s also far from the company. I went out before 7 o’clock this morning. That’s why. I ran outside all morning."

Lin Yao paused slightly with her typing hand, looked at him sideways, and asked, "Ms. Lin asked you to go?"

"How could President Lin let me do this kind of thing?" Li Renhai sighed, "Chairman Qin asked me to go. Actually, I don't believe that he is a big man sitting at home and watching TV. Maybe he thinks I am too idle. , Find something to do for me."

Lin Yao didn't think that Chairman Qin and President Lin would sit at home and watch TV.

Li Renhai is a quality inspector. He only goes to inspect the goods when he needs to inspect the goods. He usually spends time in the company and is fine. His speculation is not entirely impossible.

Li Renhai whispered: "Also, every time Chairman Qin comes to the company, he asks me to buy cigarettes for him, and he only asks me to buy a pack. Are you blamed?"

This is indeed quite incredible. How can people who are used to smoking make themselves smokeless?

Even more impossible, every time Chairman Qin came to the company, there was no smoke, and he asked Li Renhai to buy it.

Lin Yao was surprised: "Did you not buy more bags for him?"

You know, Mr. Lin has nothing to do, buys thousands of silk scarves to stock up on spares, while Chairman Qin smokes only one pack of cigarettes every day?

"Do you think I don't want to?" Li Renhai felt helpless. "When I went to buy cigarettes for him for the third time, I asked him if I wanted to buy more packs, or buy a few more cigarettes to put in his car, but he Say, "No, just buy a pack." What can I do. I'm not reluctant to do things, but...what's the matter of doing all this all day?"

This sounds like a deliberate embarrassment, or test.

Lin Yao patted him on the shoulder sympathetically, and comforted him: "Then you can only think about it, the heavens come to the people, you must first work your muscles and hungry skin..."

"Stop, stop!" Li Renhai hurriedly called to stop, "I only know that people are iron rice or steel, so I panic if I don't eat a meal!"

Lin Yao laughed.

"You know what, I told him that I didn't have a car, and it was inconvenient to go to the Huashu business hall several times. In the end, he said, he actually said that it is not easy to stop when driving, and it is even more inconvenient!"

Li Renhai pushed the gold-framed glasses on the bridge of his nose and said angrily: "I just thought, when I got rich that day, I bought dozens of them, not hundreds of second-hand cars!

Where did his car drive, where will I follow with the convoy! As soon as his car stopped, I used my dozens or hundreds of second-hand cars to block his car, making him unable to go anywhere! "

"Ambitious!" Lin Yao was amused by him, "Then you remember to buy a few sports lottery bets after get off work, and you must double it, otherwise you will have trouble if you can't afford the driver."

"That's a must!"

Li Renhai and Lin Yao were talking wildly. Without knowing the edge, Jianwen Xiang met Lin Yun who was stepping on a meal as soon as she came out of the pantry.

"Good morning, President Lin!"

Lin Yun nodded towards her slightly.

When Li Renhai turned his head, he just saw Lin Yun walking towards him. He was so frightened that he fell silent. He flashed back to his seat obediently, then raised his head and greeted Lin Yun with a smile, "Good morning Lin Yun!"

It’s almost lunch, and good morning...

However, this guy's ability to adapt to changes is still very good.

Lin Yao smiled at the corner of her mouth, said hello to Lin Yun and continued to work.

Before Lin Yun walked into the office, he suddenly turned around and said with a calm face, "Zheng Yuning, come here!"

Zheng Yuning, who was winking with Li Renhai, immediately froze. When she saw that Lin Yun's face didn't seem very good, he felt a little flustered.

She stepped forward timidly, but, thinking that Mr. Li's cargo had already sailed and her mission was finally completed, she couldn't wait to tell Lin Yun the good news, and walked into the general manager's room with a smile.

Lin Yun said coldly: "Close the door!"

Zheng Yuning smiled and turned and closed the door.

Lingyun's decoration is exquisite, and the sound insulation is good. When the door is closed, people outside can't hear what they say inside.

About ten minutes later, Zheng Yuning came out of Lin Yun's office with tears.

Lin Yao glanced at her, but did not speak.

Li Renhai felt pity for the same disease. He got up and walked over and asked softly: "She scolded you again?"

Zheng Yuning choked out with a sob.

Li Renhai exhaled heavily, "This is too bullying!"

When Zheng Yuning heard him say this, tears burst into her eyes, "It is not my problem that the factory does not deliver the goods, and it is not my cause of Dalian's heavy fog to seal the port.

After the incident, I tried to remedy it, and I also specifically found a driver to go to Dalian Port to pull the goods, but people refused to release the goods. What can I do?

I have tried my best, why should I blame me for things that have nothing to do with me? "

Zheng Yuning took Ling Yun's salary and should do something for Ling Yun. With such a list in her hand, something happened. How could it be said that it has nothing to do with her?

However, from Zheng Yuning’s point of view, Mr. Li’s order is for her to practice hands. If you do a good job, you don’t have to mention Chengdu for a penny. If you don’t do a good job, ask her to scold her every time. It’s impossible not to feel wronged. of.

Li Renhai is still trying to solve her, "Aren't you ignorant of her... She's a temperament that has been exploded at first, so she must have been angry elsewhere and just make use of it."

During this time, Zheng Yuning was scolded a lot.

Lin Yun's temperament is now well known.

Zheng Yuning choked sobs, it was rare that he did not speak to refute.

Li Renhai thought of his own affairs and was full of emotion, "They are good to you, look at me, let me do some errands!"

Zheng Yuning's voice choked, "I can't be the most annoying, why? Why do I have such a bad luck?"

Is Zheng Yuning unlucky?

More than a month after the manufacturer delayed the delivery, she encountered heavy fog and blocked the port. It seemed that she was really unlucky, but in fact it was not, at least not entirely because of unlucky.

The main reason for the manufacturer’s delay in delivery is the manufacturer, but it is impossible to say that she did not make any mistakes in the process.

When she took this order, she didn't take the initiative to track the progress of the manufacturer, she also ignored it. She only contacted the manufacturer at the time of shipment.

The manufacturer did not deliver the quantity stated in the purchase contract. After this problem occurred, instead of successfully solving the problem at the manufacturer, she made her own way and called Mr. Li to try to persuade the other party to accept the quantity completed by the manufacturer.

The result was like stabbing a hornet's nest, which caused a series of problems later.

In this matter, Zheng Yu would rather make mistakes again and again.

In the end, Chairman Qin and General Lin tried to turn the tide. One came forward to persuade Mr. Li to wait another month, and the other put pressure on the manufacturer to complete the order according to the contract.

I never thought that after finally sending the goods into Dalian Port, I encountered the problem of sealing the port in heavy fog before sailing.

What's even more exaggerated is that after 21 days of Dalian's closure of the port, dissatisfaction with her by customers or bosses has reached the limit, even if the ship sails, it will not help.

Zheng Yuning cannot be blamed for this kind of thing, but it is certainly not the fault of Chairman Qin or Lin, so who should bear the customer's anger?

The answer is obvious.

Li Renhai was stunned, unable to speak for a long while.

Lin Yao waved to Li Renhai, "Go back to work and let her be quiet."

Lin Yao thought, after Zheng Yuning was trained, he usually needs to be quiet and do some self-reflection.

Zheng Yuning lingered for a while, and when he recovered, he began to clean up the things that belonged to her on the table, and then simply said goodbye to everyone and left.

Yes, she has been fired.

The reason is that they cannot adapt well to this job position.

After Zheng Yuning left sadly, Ling Yun's atmosphere became a bit solemn, and Lin Yao also fell into contemplation.

It turns out that a small humble mistake may trigger a series of reactions and bring unbearable consequences.

She also has to look farther, whether she is a person or doing things!

If she only looks at immediate benefits, then sooner or later she will repeat the same mistakes.

Luck is hard to say, and Lin Yao's luck has not been very good. She can't guarantee that she will not encounter similar problems in the shipments she arranges.

Even if there is no flaw in her work, she will still be complained by customers, such as Mr. Wen's previous batch of goods.

Don't blindly blame luck, because luck itself is also part of strength.

Lin Yao also had to think, if she was expelled from Lingyun Industry before she really grew up, what would she do?

Do you want to be a foreign trade clerk in another company?

Although the idea is good, it is not realistic.

First of all, her qualifications are not enough. She graduated from a third-rate college and has only CET-4 in English, and she has only served as an internal service documentary. Who would let her be a salesperson?

It's more possible to continue doing internal work, but that's not what she wants.

Therefore, wherever there are shortcomings, we must make up for it as soon as possible!

She already has a preliminary plan for this: Ye Da, correspondence education... a lot of choices.

Although the academic qualifications of this kind of adult education are not high, it is better than nothing!

She originally planned to spend her spare time to study another college degree in English, but the double college is different from the double undergraduate. In the final analysis, the double college is still a college.

It may be acceptable in a small company like Lingyun, what if it is a more powerful company?

This is a question worth thinking about.

Large-scale companies generally don't recognize Yeda, correspondence education, and other academic qualifications, and can only be used as supplementary materials at most, which adds little to her resume.

In other words, there is little difference between whether to read or not, whether there is such a diploma.

In that case, will she continue to apply for Yeda?

That night, Lin Yao saw a piece of news: You can take the postgraduate entrance examination for two years or more.

Candidates’ academic qualifications must meet one of the following conditions:

(1) Fresh undergraduate graduates whose academic qualifications are recognized by the state;

(2) Those who have a bachelor degree recognized by the state;

(3) After obtaining a nationally recognized higher vocational college graduation degree, at least 2 years or more...

(4) Undergraduate graduates whose academic qualifications are recognized by the state shall apply for the examination according to the status of undergraduate graduates with the same academic ability.

She has graduated from college for one and a half years now, and soon it will be two years. This third article is simply tailor-made for her.

Wait, this is the postgraduate entrance examination!

She had never had an idea but she just met the conditions!

That being the case, why not try it?

How can you know if you can't do it without trying?

Lin Yao is an activist, and in the following days, she collected a large amount of materials related to postgraduate entrance examinations.

She looked at the real questions over the years and found that it was somewhat difficult, but it was by no means as unattainable as she had originally thought!

The comprehensive questions are wide in type and average in difficulty.

English is slightly more difficult, but easier than Level 6, which is said to be equivalent to Level 55.

She had taken the Level 6 exam, and she was only a little short of passing!

In other words, she works a little bit, these are not problems!

Postgraduate entrance exam...

Lin Yao felt enthusiastic just thinking about it, but she could give it a try!

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