Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 67: East is not bright, west is bright

After Jian Wen left, she no longer contacted everyone in Lingyun Industry, except for Lin Yao.

The reason is that they go to New World Foreign Language School for three days a week. Although they are not in the same class, they have the same time to and from get out of class, and the classrooms are not far away. Sometimes they can talk a few words.

After class, they found a teahouse with great tacit understanding and sat down to chat about the current situation.

Lin Yaoban probably talked about the company's situation. Jian Wen nodded and smiled from time to time without interjecting, as if she didn't care about everything about Lingyun.

Lin Yao couldn't help asking: "How are you doing, have you got a new job?"

Jian Wen took a sip of the scented tea and said lightly: "I'm not in a hurry."

That means I haven't found a good one yet.

Could it be that she suffered a big blow in Lingyun, and she needs a little time to adjust her mood before getting ready to go into battle?

However, Lin Yao felt that to find a new and better job as soon as possible, that would be exhilarating!

Just like she did.

"Why not?" Lin Yao asked in amazement: "At the beginning you couldn't go to those big companies because you didn't have foreign trade experience. Now it's different. You already have foreign trade experience."

With Jian Wen's qualifications, it is not an exaggeration to say that more than half of Hangzhou's foreign trade companies let her choose.

Jian Wen corrected her wording, "It's not that I can't go, but I don't want to go."

Lin Yao was a little confused, wondering how Jian Wen should understand what she said?

If she didn't know what Jian Wen was like, she must have thought that the person who said this was bragging.

Lin Yao was surprised: "Then why don't you want to go?"

Jian Wen pursed her lips and smiled, avoiding answering, just asking her, "Do you remember that one day an old man with a white beard who looked like Santa Claus came to the exhibition?"

Lin Yao recalled that there was such an old white man with a long white beard, who looked a bit like Santa Claus.

But the reason he impressed Lin Yao was not his appearance, but his reaction when he saw Jian Wen.

The other party was shocked as soon as they saw Jian Wen, admiring her beauty, and kept saying that she was Cindy Crawford of the East.

Jian Wen's facial features are not really amazing, but she has a poem and calligraphy in her belly, and her temperament is very outstanding.

But her appearance is surprisingly in line with the Western aesthetics, coupled with the excellent temperament blessing, Jian Wen was praised by many customers during the exhibition.

She was also praised for her work ability.

Among all these customers, the white-bearded old man who performed the most exaggeration was none other than the old man with white beard.

Lin Yao noticed Jian Wen's amazing attraction to foreigners because of this. After thinking about it, she asked, "It's Carlos?"

"Do you remember his name?" Jian Wen glanced at her in surprise, then smiled slightly, "Yes, it is him. Carlos was planning to place an order for me, but received an email from someone else. Tell him that I have left Lingyun. He hurriedly called my mobile phone and asked me what was going on. Of course I told the truth. Then he offered to open a branch in China and asked if I could help him manage it?"

"Others" refers to Shen Jingjing.

Shen Jingjing is Ling Yun's intern. Although she did not contribute much to Ling Yun, Lin Yun particularly trusted her "ability". After Jian Wen left, Shen Jingjing took over several of Jian Wen's clients, including Carlos.

In order to save the commission that should have been given to Jian Wen, Lin Yun and Qin Yi lost their faces!

I never thought that the commission is saved, and the saving is so thorough that even customers are lost!

It's ironic to think about it.

As if God's will in the dark, Jian Wen is about to own her own company by accident!

If it is not for the bad influence, Lin Yao would like to applaud her, "God, you are a blessing in disguise. In the future, you will be a gold-collared foreign company. How do you pay your salary and upgrade it directly to rice yuan? Ah, you are lucky!"

Jian Wen was amused by her exaggerated tone, "How can it be as exaggerated as you said?" But she did not deny it.

Jian Wen had a relieved smile on her face.

People don't care about the past only when they have a happy life. It can be seen that after Jian Wen left Lingyun, instead of being frustrated, she had a better life.

"It's still in the preparatory stage. It's too early to say those." Jian Wen then reached out and took the kettle aside, helped her fill the cup with water, smiled and said: "But I will never forget it. At the darkest time in my life, Carlos extended an olive branch to me."

"I am relieved to see that you are having a good time." Lin Yao said sincerely, "Congratulations!"

Jian Wen raised her eyes and looked at Lin Yao. She didn't know what she thought of. The smile on the corner of her lips gradually faded, "Don't you also have a U.S. customer?"

Carlos is also from the United States.

Lin Yao nodded, "Yes, but we haven't talked about it yet. That company has a lot of purchases. They can buy directly from the manufacturer, and they don't need to cooperate with Lingyun, so I haven't been able to make progress."

"No progress is not a bad thing." Jian Wen lifted her chin slightly, her mouth raised a touch of sarcasm, "When you officially take the order, I am afraid I will follow in my footsteps."

Lin Yao's hand that was about to take the cup to drink water froze, and then shrank back. She confessed, "You tell me, this is what I am worried about right now."

When Jian Wen left Lingyun with a lot of resentment, when Lin Yao and Jian Wen were chatting, they would subconsciously skip the later news of Mr. Li.

She has not told Jian Wen that Mr. Li’s order plan has long been in Qin Yi's hands, but Jian Wen is obviously not ignorant.

Of course, this is not unexpected.

Jian Wen did her best when she was in Lingyun and never made any big mistakes. Even the small mistakes she made when she first joined the company did not cause any bad consequences.

Lin Yun grabbed that little thing every day and scolded her over and over again. As long as he has a little brain, he should be able to guess the real reason, right?

Jian Wen left Lingyun because she was extremely disappointed with Lingyun and their two couples.

Isn't Lin Yao disappointed with them?

Lin Yao smiled bitterly, "I know." And she has been struggling with it recently.

"It's fine if you know it." Jian Wen's eyes were cold, and she said disdainfully: "I thought Qin Yi was a dogged dog, but I didn't expect Lin Yun to be so confused. They regarded others as fools. In fact, they themselves are the most foolish. of."

Lin Yao couldn't agree more with this, "Yes."

Take Mr. Li’s order as an example. What if Jian Wen’s commission rate is 10% of the profit?

She has seen the contract they signed with Jian Wen, and the profit calculation method is determined by them, and there are many articles in it.

Even after the order is completed, Jian Wen earns 10% of the profit, isn't it theirs to have 90% of the profit?

No matter how much commission Jian Wen gets, the biggest winner is still them!

Moreover, Lingyun Industry is not the only salesperson Jian Wen, if she takes the lead in getting a high salary, it will be a great encouragement and motivation to others.

If everyone keeps receiving orders from energy sources, then it is conceivable that Lingyun Industrial's performance will truly achieve soaring in the near future.

However, they ignored Jian Wen's ability to create much profit for the company, and just stared at how much commission they would pay her in the future.

They kicked off Ling Yun's capable man, and broke Ling Yun's wings with their own hands. They messed up everything!

"You know, I was originally a teacher. I left the education industry. It's not that I don't like being a teacher, but that I don't like to deal with complicated interpersonal relationships." Jian Wen sighed softly, perhaps because the heart knot was opened. Her chattering was also completely opened, "I am not an ambitious person. Even now, I just want to find a simpler working environment for personal relationships, and then work hard and get what I deserve on time. That's it."

In fact, this is exactly what Lin Yao longs for and pursues, but it is obviously not so easy to achieve.

She originally thought that in Lingyun, all of this would happen, but from the matter of Jian Wen, she understood that she was wrong.

I don't know when, Lingyun Industry is no longer the platform that allows her to display her ambitions and realize her ideals.

Lin Yao grabbed his thoughts and comforted: "You will find it, maybe you have already found it."

Jian Wen smiled faintly at her, "I hope so."

Lin Yao cheered up and asked with interest: "Tell me how far your company has progressed?"

"Again, it's not my company, it's a wholly-owned subsidiary of Carlos in China." The expression on Jian Wen's face was a little calm, but her pupils were full of hope." At present, I am still looking for a suitable office building. You know, I am not diligent at all. I want to find an office building close to home and convenient transportation. It is best not to be too expensive. But I live by the West Lake. The most expensive place in Hangzhou"

Jian Wen was still talking endlessly.

Lin Yao didn't know what it was like in her heart.

On the one hand, she is happy that Jian Wen has a better place to go, but on the other hand, she is worried about her embarrassing situation.


After Lin Yao finished her Spanish class, she chatted with Jian Wen for a while before going home.

It was nearly ten o'clock when she returned to Chaoyang Community. If it was normal, Li Shulan would definitely be at home, but today is different. Room 30 is quiet, and there is not even a single figure!

Could it be that they went out on a date?

No way!

Li Shulan is six or seven months pregnant, and she is pregnant with twins, and she struggles to walk. How could she run out for a date so late?

Where did they go?

Why don't you go home so late?

Lin Yao was full of doubts. She looked at the phone and was a little entangled, but after all, she still did not dial Li Shulan's number.

After Lin Yao finished washing, Li Shulan and the others still didn't come back. She struggled again and didn't call them. It's not appropriate for her to call a young couple so late.

No matter where they go or what they do, there is no need to say hello to her with anyone.

After all, they are just roommates.

This evening, Lin Yao had a lot of thoughts. She thought of people and things in the company, as well as Mr. Li, Carlos, and Jian Wen.

Before going to bed, it was discovered that Li Shulan and the others had not come back.

Li Shulan is a very virtuous girl, but she is only eighteen years old after all. A girl at this age is pretty good to take care of herself, but she is about to become the mother of twins.

Lin Yao has an unspeakable feeling in her heart. Forget it, if you want to call, wait for tomorrow, and ask her again tomorrow.

When sleepiness struck, Lin Yao fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Lin Yao was awakened by a rapid knock on the door. Her first reaction was that Li Shulan and the others were back?

However, it was not her room door that was knocked on, but the outside door, which meant that it was not Li Shulan and the others who knocked on the door.

That's weird. Who would come and knock on the door so early before it was bright?

The point is that there are noisy voices outside, and it seems that many people have come!

She hurriedly got up and went out to take a look, and found that Li Shulan's parents and a couple with dark complexion and gray hair were knocking on the door outside. Depending on the situation, both parents of the young couple had arrived.

Perhaps they came too hurriedly, they were actually wearing the clothes worn by crops, and they looked dusty, and their faces were all lingering melancholy without exception.

Lin Yao's heart was stunned.

Combined with Li Shulan and they didn't reply all night last night, the answer seems to have gradually surfaced: Li Shulan, or something happened to her babies!

If it is just a general problem, it is impossible for the elders of both parties to come to Hangzhou at this time!

What could be the problem?

Lin Yao felt shocked just thinking about it.

When Li Shulan's parents saw Lin Yao coming to open the door for them, they just nodded to her in a hurry.

Lin Yao wanted to ask about Li Shulan's situation, but she couldn't intervene at all.

Lin Yao couldn't understand what they were talking about, and they had no intention of telling her more, Lin Yao had to swallow the question that had come to her lips back into her stomach.

The small living room was extremely crowded because of their arrival, and the atmosphere became more and more tense.

Lin Yao moved the stools for them, "Uncle, Auntie, please sit down!

However, no one is in the mood to sit down and talk.

"Sorry! I quarreled you early in the morning." Li Shulan's mother seemed to have noticed Lin Yao's presence. She tried her best to squeeze a little smile, and her words were a little incoherent. "Also, thank you!"

Lin Yao waved to her, "I'm fine, sit down and talk."

"Thank you Miss Lin!"

Li Shulan’s mother sat down after thanking her. She said "*%#¥*!" to the others, and she seemed to be asking them to sit together. Unfortunately, no one responded. Even Li Shulan’s father stood there with a calm face. The meaning of sitting down, she finally stood up again.

He didn't even have the thought to sit down, which shows that the situation is not optimistic.

Lin Yao finally found the opportunity to ask Li Shulan's mother, "Auntie, what happened to Shulan?"

Li Shulan's mother frowned and said, "Shulan has a baby, but the conditions of both babies are not so good. We both want to go to the hospital. But Ahui said, it's too late to see, let's be here first. Let's talk about staying overnight, where can we sleep?"

Li Shulan's mother talked a lot about it, but Lin Yaochu stayed where she was, unable to recover for a long time.

People say that Li Shulan will give birth in October as soon as she is pregnant, and that Li Shulan will be born within seven months of her pregnancy. This is too early!

After a while, Li Shulan's husband came back from the outside in a hurry, waiting anxiously. When the door opened, the first step came, "How's it going?"

He talked with the parents of both parties in dialect, and finally took Li Shulan's parents to the hospital.

In the 30th room, only Lin Yao and Li Shulan's parents-in-law looked at each other.

Li Shulan's mother-in-law laughed at her awkwardly, and then went back to the house. Lin Yao noticed that they didn't even speak Mandarin.

Lin Yao returned to her small room.

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