Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 69: Can't be used to him

"Kneel down."

Old man Qin leaned on a cane and stared at him with disappointment.

Qin Zhenchuan hesitated and knelt down, Mrs. Qin still sat there calmly.

Old man Qin became more angry, "It's the opposite!"

Qin Zhenchuan was so anxious that he didn't know what to do, but Mrs. Qin asked leisurely, "What did I do wrong, why should I kneel down?"

Old man Qin stretched out his crutches, "As the mistress of the Qin family, you are not filial to your in-laws and are not merciful to your children."

"Oh?" Madam Qin seemed to be funny, her tone of sarcasm, "What age are you now, how do you still want me to honor my in-laws? Besides, my mother-in-law is long gone. Is it possible that you still want me to be by your side. ?"

Old man Qin's face was livid, "What kind of mess you are talking about, how does this look like what every lady should say?"

Madam Qin snorted coldly, "After all, don't you think I didn't give birth to a grandson for the Qin family?"

Old man Qin sneered, "Is it possible to show off without having a child after 30 years of marriage?"

Mrs. Qin was short-lived and gritted her teeth: "After I married Zhenchuan, we had a very good relationship. If you hadn't insisted on bringing this...this evil kind to Qin's house, it would be a hindrance to my eyes. Maybe Zhenchuan and I would have our own. Child!"

Sin kind?

Own child?


Old man Qin was so angry that he copied the crutches, but after all, the man in front of him was a daughter-in-law, not a son, so he didn't fight.

Mrs. Qin's eyes were proud, "At that time, Zhenchuan and I had been married for only five years. Originally, we just didn't want to have children so early. As a result, you couldn't wait to take him back to Qin's house!

Doctors have always said that we have no problems with our bodies, as long as we relax our minds, we will have children. If your actions are not too chilling, we will not have children forever! "

They had been married for five years and had no children, and it didn't work for them to seek medical advice and medicine. Only then did Old Master Qin take Qin Rongze back to the imperial capital.

When it came to her, Qin Rongze and Mr. Qin could be blamed for her failure to give birth.

It is more natural and proper for her to ignore Qin Rongze.

Old man Qin was speechless by these irrational remarks.

"It turns out that Madam Qin thinks of me like this?" Qin Rongze suddenly narrowed his eyes with a look of danger, "In this case, we might as well open the skylight to speak up."

Mrs. Qin glanced at him impatiently, and said without shame: "The existence of you and your mother has caused the estrangement between Zhenchuan and me. Is this true? I don't welcome your arrival, but I have never thought about it. I'm sorry for you, isn't it undeniable?"

Therefore, she still has the responsibility of Rong Mingyue if she cannot give birth.

As the mistress of the Qin family, Mrs. Qin had to embarrass Qin Rongze without having to do it herself. The four people present, except Qin Zhenchuan, knew all about this.

"Everything comes first. When my mother is pregnant with me, you are still the future young wife of the Gu family. Who is in the way?"

Qin Rongze sneered, "You really didn't embarrass me, but that should be the case. After all, the reason why I returned to the imperial capital was your handwriting, right?"

It is a fact that Rong Mingyue was pregnant before Qin Zhenchuan and Mrs. Qin got engaged.

However, Gu's family.......

Madam Qin's face changed, "What do you mean?"

Qin Rongze looked around, his eyes rested on the man who was half-kneeling on the ground, his eyes drifting away, describing the slightly embarrassed man.

He slowly narrowed his eyes and threw a blockbuster directly, "What do you mean, no one knows better than you, right? Thirty-two years ago, the Gu family temporarily regretted their marriage, and you had to marry another. Twenty-seven years ago , You learned that your husband left a romantic debt outside, so you're like a knuckle in your throat..."

Madam Qin looked at his expression, as if she had seen a ghost.

However, Mrs. Qin's gaffe was only an instant, she rolled her eyes disapprovingly, "Believe it or not, and I can sue you for slander!"

Qin Rongze said coldly, "Very well, it's better to see you in court!"

Kneeling on the ground, Qin Zhenchuan suddenly raised his head and said angrily: "Damn, what is your attitude? Rong Mingyue died in a car accident, a car accident, do you understand? How many people die in car accidents in Huaguo every day? This is God's will, don't you? Who does the filial son want to talk about?"

Qin Rongze originally didn't want to settle these things so early, so as not to worry Old Man Qin.

It is a pity that even if he is willing to let them go, they may not let him and Lin Yao go. He can only take action.

Qin Rongze reminded: "You and Mrs. Qin never care about my mother's life and me. Why do you happen to know that my mother died in a car accident?"

Qin Zhenchuan was speechless for a while.

Why did he know? Of course it was because his subordinates told him, but he didn't let his subordinates pay attention to Rong Mingyue's affairs...

Could it be said that all this was deliberately arranged by someone?

Not many people can pass news to him through his men.

Isn't this kid making divorce?

"We..." The more Qin Zhenchuan thought about this, the more he gritted his teeth, "You are talking nonsense!"

Qin Rongze felt amused, "You can blame me and grandfather for not having a child. My mother died in an unfavorable manner but it has nothing to do with anyone?"

"That's right! If it weren't for your troubles, Xinning and I would have had children!" Qin Zhenchuan was convinced, "Your mother was in a car accident because it was God's will. It was her own fate. Who blamed it?"

Qin Rongze knew at this moment that a person can be unfeeling and shameless to this point!

Ironically, this man is still his biological father!

"My mother has a bad fate, I also admit that she met you, isn't it just a bad fate?"

Qin Rongze's words were full of irony.

Qin Zhenchuan was furious and got up and rushed to Qin Rongze, "Asshole thing!"

Qin Rongze only turned sideways slightly, avoiding his pounce, and at the same time, he grabbed Qin Zhenchuan's wrist.

Qin Zhenchuan is in his 50s. How can he compete with Qin Rongze, who is in his prime and has been practicing martial arts for many years?

"Bastard, you let me go!" Qin Zhenchuan tried his best to struggle but still to no avail, cursing: "Bastard thing! I am your father. Whenever you are to be beaten and scolded, I should teach you how. For the Son of Man!"

Qin Rongze met his twinkling gaze, aggressively, "I am in my 30s. Now that you think of teaching me to be a human being, is it too late? Besides, you don't know how to be a father or how to teach me to be a son of man? Or do you need me to follow your example and marry a wife with a strong background, so that you can always rely on the family behind her?"

It is rare for Qin Rongze to say so many things, and every word hits the key point, Qin Zhenchuan was shocked by him back and forth again and again.

This kid, since he was a child, loves to keep his face straight. These years, as he grows older, his aura has become more and more compelling. Just using his eyes can startle people, but he speaks like a knife, and his heart is very heartbroken.

Qin Rongze's tone was as cold as ice, "I don't want to talk nonsense with you, I will say one last time, I will not bother you or Mrs. Qin about my business. Otherwise, I can't guarantee what I promised Grandpa."

"Enough!" Old man Qin couldn't stand it either. The scene before him was the last thing he wanted to see. He knew that this family might no longer be able to maintain the surface peace, and his heartache was beyond words, "You all stop me. !"

No matter how much Qin Rongze complains to the Qin family, he won't stop him from giving it to Old Man Qin, but as soon as his hand was released, Qin Zhenchuan slapped him with a slap in the face, resounding through the study.

Madam Qin's eyelids trembled and she turned her head to look, but she saw Qin Rongze coldly meet her gaze, her eyes stern.

"My father-son relationship with Mr. Qin Zhenchuan ends here. I will let the lawyer publish a statement to sever the relationship between father and son. Anything that Mr. Qin Zhenchuan and Ms. Liu Xinning promise to anyone, and all the consequences arising therefrom, shall be independent of each other. bear."

Qin Rongze's voice was cold and hard, and added: "I won't be blessed with that engagement. If you really don't want to miss it, you might as well consider taking it yourself."

"Bastard!" Qin Zhenchuan had already slowed down, his face flushed with anxiety when he heard this, "What a **** who has no sense of shame!"

Qin Zhenchuan scolded all night, repeating these words over and over again, that is because, besides these, he could not scold anything else. In terms of studies and career, Qin Rongze is much better than him, even half a head taller than him.

Qin Zhenchuan's heart was a little bit upset, and some anger remained unsolved, "Is my wings hard?"

Elder Qin clutched Qin Rongze's sleeves tightly and muttered, "Rong Ze, you can't do this, it's because I brought you up..."

Qin Zhenchuan interrupted him with some uncertainty, "Master, you are always confused, why are you asking this brute? If he wants to go, let him go!"

Old man Qin turned his head and scolded: "Shut up!"

Qin Rongze turned his head and met the muddy but majestic eyes of Old Man Qin, "Grandpa, I have tried my best, but if he feels a little bit of guilt towards my mother and me, I don't plan to do this, but, you see Arrived."

"This is your grandson with the eldest hand! This is your grandson who is extremely clever, calm, and independent!" Qin Zhenchuan never forgets cynicism, "If you have the ability to go out of this house, don't come back again!"

Old man Qin couldn't bear it, and smashed it with a stick again.

Old man Qin had served as a soldier when he was young, and his body was tough. In anxiousness, his crutches used all his strength.

Qin Zhenchuan had already suffered a stroke on his shoulder, and he was beaten again, and he wailed in pain, "Xinning, save me!"

Madam Qin looked away disgustingly, she could see that Elder Qin was definitely on Qin Rongze's side.

And Qin Zhenchuan's uselessness, not only the old ones, but also the small ones...

If the noise goes on, the Qin family is over. However, she has nothing to worry about, and the Liu family has always taken care of the shortcomings.

Qin Laozi hates that iron can't make steel, "Either cancel the marriage contract between Rong Ze and that Ah... Ahnah, or you get out of Qin's house, and never come back!" As soon as the voice fell, the crutches in his hand lit his legs heavily. hit.

"Bang!" Qin Zhenchuan was so painful that all his facial features were distorted. "Xin, Xinning, let it be forgotten. Otherwise, if the benefits are not obtained, we are kicked out. Wouldn't it be embarrassing? "

Madam Qin took a breath, and couldn't believe her ears, "Shut up!"

Qin Zhenchuan also knew that he had missed his mouth, but he couldn't take care of it anymore, and said aggrieved: "He really beat me, it hurts me to death."

Qin Zhenchuan is more than half a hundred years old, but he is well maintained and does not appear to be old, but after all, he is an old man, and it is hard to bear to look directly at him with such an expression.

Qin Rongze knew this was the result for a long time, and teased: "Mrs. Qin, why don't you talk about it, what benefits have people promised you?"

Mrs. Qin's face was red and white, and she couldn't care about the image and the image, she was angry like a shrew, stomping her feet and cursing, "Qin Rongze, you **** in life! I will make you regret it!"

Mrs. Qin gave a ruthless word and left.

A hint of contempt flashed across Qin Rongze's lips, and Miss Liu's cultivation was nothing more than that.

"Xinning wait for me, wait for me!" Qin Zhenchuan limped to catch up, chased to the door of the room, but did not forget to turn back, and said viciously: "You bastard, wait for me to see how Liu's family cleans up. you!"

That's ridiculous, sad, and sigh...

Father Qin looked up to the sky and sighed, "My family is unfortunate, my family is unfortunate!"

Qin Rongze helped him sit down, "Sorry, grandpa, let you accompany me in this kind of play."

"Yes, it's just acting." Old man Qin wanted to laugh, but couldn't laugh. "I didn't believe it originally. It seems that your guess is true."

Of course it can't be fake!

Qin Rongze really had evidence in his hands, but he also knew that once the evidence was released, the subsequent development could not be controlled, so he only told Mr. Qin that it was a guess and wanted to give them a try.

Father Qin agreed, but he didn't believe it then, now he has to believe it.

"Don't blame your father, his nature is not bad, he is short-sighted, he doesn't know what he is doing, and he has no responsibility. He did so many things that I'm sorry to you and your mother. It's all because I didn't discipline me properly. Don't blame me. Your father!"

Qin Rongze said seriously: "He is in his 50s. No matter what you say or do, you should not bear the consequences, nor should I bear the consequences. Grandpa, I was serious just now.

I mean, they must be on their way to the Liu family now, and the Liu family will definitely be on their side.

If the stalemate persists, I can only declare that I am separated from the Qin family.

Don't worry, you are my grandfather no matter what. "

Father Qin understood what he meant, and comforted: "Before that point, I have greeted Lao Liu a long time ago, and they are not allowed to interfere in this matter."

"If my guess is not wrong, the Liu family has already intervened in this matter." Qin Rongze was not so optimistic. "I mentioned to you that when Madam Qin went to find Lin Yao, she used Liu's staff. And she should It won't be so easy to let go, and maybe I will go to trouble her and her family."

This matter, I am afraid I will have to trouble Old Man Qin to come forward.

"Lin Yao, right?" Old man Qin touched his chin, "This name is not bad, it's much better than that Ahana."

Old man Qin's focus is always so peculiar.

Qin Rongze pretended to be helpless, "Just be happy."

Old man Qin sighed often talkatively: "Rong Ze, our Qin family depends on you."

"I will not carry the burden that belongs to him."

Old man Qin feigned anger, "You kid!"

Qin Rongze solemnly said: "He can't always be so muddled, and you can't stay accustomed to him."

Old man Qin scratched his head in embarrassment, "You are right, the man of our old Qin family has to straighten his waist whenever he wants. He is really undecent now."

Back to his Qin Rongze exhaled heavily.

Mr. Qin is deeply responsible for Qin Zhenchuan's love, while Qin Zhenchuan is obedient to Mrs. Qin, and the relationship between them is unbreakable.

There are dispensable and out-of-fits in the Qin family, and he is the only one from beginning to end.

Even if he took out all the evidence he collected, it would not help.

For revenge, he can only continue to wait for the opportunity.

If Mrs. Qin is smart enough, she should converge a bit, if not, then he doesn't mind.

He is not afraid of the Aries consortium, and Liu's family, he is still not afraid.

The only problem is that he has to arrange more manpower to protect Lin Yao and her family and even friends.

This matter can only be handled by Liang Kaiwen.

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