Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 75: no party last forever

Half a month later, Li Shulan was discharged from the hospital with the two babies. Li Shulan’s mother specially burned a table full of dishes. This was not only a reception banquet, but also a parting banquet.

Li Shulan's eyes blushed instantly, "Sister Lin, we are going back tomorrow. During this time, I am very grateful to you. When my baby is older, we will come to Hangzhou again, and hope to have the opportunity to rent a house together."

Lin Yao hurriedly called to stop, "Shulan's words are not right. In the future, we will all have our own houses. If we are destined, we can buy houses together and be neighbors."

Li Shulan nodded vigorously, choked up and said: "Yes, we all have to buy a house, buy a big house!"

Originally they were very close to the goal, but her two babies were born more than two months earlier, and then everything went into the water, maybe they still owed foreign debts.

"Shulan, you are still very young, work hard, everything will be fine. There will be cars and houses."

Li Shulan was about to cry, but she really cried now, "Thank Sister Lin for comfort, huh..."

Li Shulan’s mother muttered, "¥%...*%¥—...%!"

Everyone laughed. Lin Yao didn’t understand and guessed that she was complaining about her being too childish, so she could only laugh with her, “Now the baby is still young and doesn’t understand anything. From now on, you can’t just cry like this. Cry, the babies will cry with you too."

There were tears in Li Shulan's eyes, but the corners of her mouth rose hard, "Sister Lin, I really don't want to be separated from you."

Lin Yaoxin said, "Me too, but I still can't speak this sentence when it comes to her lips."

This was the first time she realized that she was actually a very bad person to express feelings.

When Qin Rongze went to the United States, she said nothing.

Now Li Shulan is going back to her hometown, she still can't say anything.

Because she didn't want them to go at all.

That night, Lin Yao couldn't sleep all night. She vaguely heard that there was a very small cry in Li Shulan's room, which was similar to the voice of a little milk cat. Is that Li Shulan's baby crying?

It was the first time she saw such a small baby, and it was the first time she heard such a small cry.

The next morning, before dawn, Li Shulan's family got up. They packed a car from their hometown, stuffed all their bags into the car, and then transported them back to their hometown together with the car and people.

Lin Yao had already got up when Li Shulan's family left. She hesitated a bit, wondering if she should go out and be alone with them.

Li Shulan is good at everything, just crying.

After thinking about it, she just stood silently by the door.

After a while, she heard someone walking to the door, hesitating, and hesitated for a moment before leaving.

Getting along for more than half a year ended in this way.


She burst into tears when she heard that the door outside was closed.

Lin Yao knew at this time that in some respects, she was not much better than Li Shulan.


There are restrictions on trucks in Hangzhou. Li Shulan and the others chartered trucks, and they had to leave the city before 7 in the morning.

Lin Yao guessed it was too early to go to work. She simply cleaned up the seemingly empty Room 302, then took a photo and posted a piece of information about renting to the Internet.

"Housing highlights: deposit one pay and one face south

Rental requirements: the tenant has a stable job and no pets

Property description: Chaoyang Community, with two bedrooms and one living room, with a south-facing master bedroom for rent, with an area of ​​about 18 square meters and balcony. There are parks, supermarkets, restaurants, etc. near the community, and the public transportation is very convenient. I am a woman, and only female tenants who have a legitimate career and love cleanliness are welcome to come and check in. "

Although the lease of this house is only more than three months left, Lin Yao will continue to rent it here if there is no accident. Her current salary is not low, but she still feels a bit too luxurious to rent a two-bedroom apartment alone, so she plans to find someone to share with herself.

She has already figured out that the rent can be set lower. For example, for a two-room room, she lives in a small room, but bears half of the rent. That way, it will definitely be a big bargain for the new tenants.

Because it is a shared lease, the tenant must also be a girl, but she can actually accept couples, provided that both parties must have legitimate occupations.

As for the rest, it depends on fate.

What she didn't expect was that when this information about renting was posted online, an unfamiliar call came in.

It is said that it is not so fast to find a tenant, but she still feels that this person is here for renting.

Lin Yao answered the phone decisively. On the other end of the phone was a little girl with a soft voice, "Hello? Is it Miss Lin?"

Lin Yao usually uses a formulaic tone when answering the phone, "Hello, it's me!"

The girl asked softly: "Excuse me, has your room been rented out?"

Lin Yao took a look at the time. At 7:15 in the morning, less than three minutes before she released the advertisement, even if there were gods helping her, she must have not rented out the house so quickly.

She said lightly: "Not yet."

"Great!" The girl was pleasantly surprised: "When is it convenient to see the house."

Lin Yao pondered for a moment, "It's seven o'clock tonight."

"Huh? Isn't it?" The girl disappointed: "Will you wait so long?"

Lin Yao was surprised. She came to see the house on the same day she released the rental advertisement, and she could also be called "to wait so long"?

Fortunately, she often needs to deal with various exotic manufacturers and customers in Lingyun, and she gets used to it when she copes with more.

She patiently explained: "I leave work at five o'clock. Sometimes I need to get off work overtime. It's safer to get home at seven o'clock."

The girl hesitated and said: "I called to ask you, is it convenient for you to come to see the house now?"

"What are you talking about?" Lin Yao wondered if there was something wrong with her ears, such as auditory hallucinations. "Can you say it again?"

The girl said in a coquettish tone: "I mean, I'm also in Chaoyang community now. If it's convenient, I'll take a look at it now. If there is no problem, I can make a decision on the spot."

When Lin Yao was considering the possibility of seeing the house in the morning, the other party said again: "I just take a look at it. It can be up to ten minutes, well, five minutes, five minutes to decide whether to take it or not."

"Come on, then, I'm in Building 1, Room 302."

"Great, I will be there in five minutes!"

The fate thing is so wonderful. Fifteen minutes later, Lin Yao rented out the room again, and her new tenant was also named Li.

This little Li girl is actually two years older than Lin Yao. Not only does she hear her voice very sweet and sweet, she is also very sweet and sweet, and she speaks very politely. She speaks politely when she opens her mouth and is easy to leave behind. good impression.

In short, they happily reached their intention to rent a house and promised that after get off work, she and her boyfriend will come over to sign the rental contract.


The first thing Lin Yao did after coming to the company was to delete the rental advertisement she posted in the morning, and then she started the day's work.

Mr. Wen’s return shipments have all been processed, and he has placed many new orders one after another. From the first few months of a container of goods to the present, he has to deliver several containers to him almost every week.

SAADH is not bad either. New orders continue to fall into Lin Yao's hands, and even Aziz has placed new orders.

The new customers of the Shanghai Exhibition in April have begun to turn orders. One can imagine how busy Lin Yao is. In stark contrast, other salespersons are generally more laid-back.

When the bosses are there, they will converge a bit and do something symbolically. When the bosses are away, it becomes everyone's free time. Whenever this is the case, everyone will get together in twos and threes to talk about gossip.

As long as they don't make too much noise, Lin Yao generally doesn't interfere.

In addition to Lin Yao, there are two other people who hardly participate in this kind of gossip.

The first is Li Renhai. Some time ago, he drilled the sample room every day and was familiar with the samples. Recently, he was holding a book of old English that he did not know where he came from, and he started to learn English by himself!

There was also Zheng Feiyang. Lin Yao thought at first that she might not be able to integrate into it, but later discovered that even if someone took the initiative to chat with her, she just smiled and did not answer.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Feiyang is a very motivated salesman!

However, she has been motivated for several months, and the number of customers assigned to her is not too small, and she has not made a single order.

Of course, Zheng Feiyang is not the only one who has no orders, and the new salespersons are half a catty, even Shen Jingjing, who has high hopes from Lin Yun.

If there are more women, there are so many things.

If these women are still free, they can get together and gossiping endlessly.

Today, as always, everyone still centers on Shen Jingjing.

Shen Jingjing suddenly raised her tone, "In my opinion, she is the one who is playing tricks!"

Xiao Zhang pushed his glasses, "No, I don't think she is that kind of person."

Other businesses also said: "Is it a misunderstanding?"

Shen Jingjing rolled her eyes, "As soon as she left, the customer's original order was cancelled, and she didn't even return the email. How could such an obvious thing be a misunderstanding?"

It's good to be beautiful, even when she rolls her eyes, Lin Yao looks back with emotion.

However, she suddenly reacted, Shen Jingjing and others, are they talking about Jian Wen?

After Jian Wen left, Mr. Li's order from the Tai Chi country disappeared. There was no news from Carlos of the United States. There were also some other small and fragmented customers who contacted for a period of time and did not respond to emails.

Even Lin Yao didn't know why Mr. Li didn't place an order.

Carlos opened a branch in China Car, of course, he does not need to purchase through Lingyun.

For other customers, Jian Wen may not have not cooperated with them, but the company that Lingyun Industrial and Jian Wen belong to is also considered a fair competition relationship, right?

I lost my client, blame Jian Wen?

Shen Jingjing really has such a big face!

Lin Yao planned to ignore her.

Shen Jingjing snorted coldly, "To tell you the truth, today Chairman Qin and President Lin have gone to find Jian Wen to settle their accounts!"

Everyone exclaimed, "Huh? No way?"

Zheng Feiyang asked, "Really?"

Li Renhai also asked, "Xiao Shen, how do you know?"

Shen Jingjing's triumphant expression changed, "Of course I know, how could I not know, President Lin will tell me everything."

Everyone agreed: "That's right, President Lin values ​​you the most."

"Yeah, if you come to Lingyun earlier, how can it be anything about Jian Wen?"


Lin Yao curiously asked, "What did Jian Wen do?"

Shen Jingjingzhenzhen resigned: "Jian Wen illegally stole the company's business secrets. Chairman Qin and President Lin are ready to take legal means to resolve this matter."

Lin Yao asked, "What do you mean by commercial secrets?"

Shen Jingjing stood up slowly, with arms around her, looking at Lin Yao condescendingly, "Of course it is the company's customer information."

Lin Yao smiled, "That's it."

Whether Jian Wen contacted her original client is unknown to others, but what if Jian Wen did contact?

Not to mention, those customer information is not unique to Lingyun at all, and is not in the scope of business secrets.

When Jian Wen left, she didn't sign any agreement with Ling Yun. What she wanted to do after leaving Ling Yun was her freedom, and no one could interfere.

Besides, it does not rule out the possibility that those customers will take the initiative to contact Jian Wen after learning that Jian Wen has left Lingyun. Isn't this the case for Carlos?

Shen Jingjing sneered at Lin Yao, waiting for Lin Yao to refute!

She hasn't used this so-called office director for a long time, so she can take this opportunity to teach this country a lesson!

Shen Jingjing originally thought that Lin Yao would go crazy, but who knew that Lin Yao was indifferent, and just said "that's how it is" before continuing to work.

When Shen Jingjing saw this, she felt that her fist hit the cotton, and she couldn't get it out of her body, making her feel uncomfortable.

How does this make her willing?

When Shen Jingjing was about to speak, Lin Yao said, "Now it's working time, why are you standing here with your hands on your hips? Are you ready to curse the street?"

This ridicule made everyone unexpected.

Shen Jingjing listened to her ears, she was so furious, she didn't care about it, she said without hesitation: "Are you a shrew? Isn't it an in-house worker who thinks that the name of the office director is the leader, so she can take care of me. It's ridiculous. Is it? You say, don't you?"

Xiao Zhang and others hesitated, "This..."

The couple who had played well with Shen Jingjing immediately selected the team: to condemn Lin Yao with her.

"That's obviously using chicken feathers as an arrow!"

"One person occupies the company's resources and makes irresponsible remarks to others!"

"Education is so low, if I were her, I would have been embarrassed to be the director of this office, and I don't know anything about it!"

"No, it's a pity, there are so many people who don't know themselves these days."


Shen Jingjing has been brewing for so long, just to wait for someone to come and sing with her.

Although the beginning was different from what she had expected, the result was still the same.

"Director Lin, right? You should listen to the voices of the people." She gloated in misfortune. "You have such a bad temper. I heard that I dared to talk back to Mr. Lin. Tell you the truth. Mr. Lin has long looked at you. It's pleasing to the eye! Just like you, why are you embarrassed to take care of me?"

Lin Yao slowly closed the folders on her hands and said sharply: "Why can't I take care of you? My office director is not self-appointed. The appointment letter is still posted on the bulletin board. Before you say this, do you want to go first? Persuade President Lin to remove that appointment letter?"

"You?!" Shen Jingjing seemed to have been said to be in her mind, her face was green and white, "You, are you bullying?"

"What you mean is that while I was dealing with these tasks alone, I also bullied your group of people by the way?" Lin Yao's tone was not without sarcasm, "I let you down, I am not so idle."

Those who are free are Shen Jingjing and others.

Xiao Zhang had a cautious look on his face, and his voice was weak, "This is a work place, shouldn't it be noisy?"

Shen Jingjing suffocated her stomach, and she had nowhere to sprinkle it. Xiao Zhang just leaned forward, "What's the matter with you?" Then she went back to her seat angrily because her cell phone rang.

Shen Jingjing looked at the phone, picked up the phone vigilantly, and while answering the phone, walked to the meeting room, "Yes, it is on the seventh floor of Pinghai Road, Mong Kok Building."

Lin Yao glanced at Shen Jingjing's hurriedly leaving back, with a hint of sarcasm on her lips, and said to the people who were still dumbfounded: "Now it's working time, do you plan to continue chatting here?"

A group of people, you look at me, I look at you, and finally go back to your seat in a shameless manner.

Shen Jingjing came back after the call and saw this scene. She couldn't help but feel so angry, "What office director, what are you better than us? You should also take care of us?"


He spoiled himself and scolded other shrews, this Shen Jingjing was really eye-opening.

Lin Yao almost laughed angrily by her, "I don’t care if you are not my intention, but this is my duty, I don’t care if it doesn’t work. If anyone has any comments on my position as the office director, you can go to Chairman Qin or President Lin reflects. However, before they revoke my position, I still have the qualifications and responsibility to take care of you!"

"Just your quality, what's the difference from a shrew?" Shen Jingjing was so angry that she gnashed her teeth and said: "It's really a poor mountain and a bad water!"

Lin Yao raised her eyebrows inadvertently, "Mother each other!"

Lin Yao’s hometown is not far from Hangzhou. There are indeed mountains and rivers. Like Hangzhou, there are scenic spots everywhere. Even the ancestral home of the Lao Lin family is a historical and cultural monument and is protected by the government.

So Jingjing's words that should have been very heartwarming, Lin Yao was completely indifferent after hearing it, and even thought it was a bit funny.

Shen Jingjing finally realized that she might have kicked the iron plate, but she couldn't be softened. Once she was softened in front of Lin Yao, how could she be convinced in the future?

Li Renhai came out to make a round, "Xiao Shen, come and help me, you can help me see, how should I pronounce this word?"

Shen Jingjing knew that this was Li Renhai who was giving her a step, "As far as your speaking level is concerned, the primary school students speak better than you, so what else can you learn?"

Li Renhai smiled with a good temper, "I definitely can't compare with a high-achieving student like you, I just have to say a few words to deal with it."

Shen Jingjing considers herself very high, as long as she can step on others from time to time, she feels comfortable.

Li Renhai came forward and successfully resolved the previous stalemate and confrontation.

Lin Yao quietly gave him a thumbs-up, and Li Renhai smiled.

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