Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1045 Zero Sum Game 2 (Part 2)

1:13 am

Ivy stood up. Jewell next to her had obtained all the company's internal information and was sorting it out in detail.

"The next step will be left to you, Chief Jewell. I have to go."

Ivy said and walked out of the office quickly. Jewell squinted at Nia, who was still sleeping soundly on the sofa, staring at the files with some discomfort, although he didn't care about small things like handling files.

"Why is Niya sleeping here?"

Jewell asked and Leona smiled.

"Jewell, if you're unhappy, try waking her up."

Jewell immediately smiled and continued to deal with it.

Le Xiao was still rehearsing in front of the mirror. According to Michelle's request, she had to keep a serious face the whole time tomorrow, but looking at her hard self in the mirror, she always felt uncomfortable and her cheeks were already a little sore.


The door to the room opened.

"Lord Ivy."

Michelle bowed, and Ivy smiled and waved her hand.

"Mr. Michelle, your Excellency may need help."

As soon as Ivy said this, Michelle understood instantly, turned off the light and shadow screen, stood up and walked out directly. Le Xiao swallowed and looked at Ivy awkwardly.

"That, Aunt Ai."

"Le Xiao, if you feel uneasy, you can change the name of this bill to me, including the televised speech tomorrow morning."

Immediately Le Xiao opened her eyes wide with joy and moved closer.

"Okay, okay, aunt, this is mine."

But Le Xiao immediately noticed the unhappiness flashing in Ivy's eyes. She blushed in embarrassment and lowered her head, pressing a hand on her forehead.

"Aunt, this is obviously my uncle's hard work, why don't you just change the name and just use it?"

Ivy shook her head and looked at Le Xiao with sad eyes.

"You are very similar to Xiaoqing's father, but for some reasons, Xiaoqing's father can no longer appear in public."

Ivy looked at Le Xiao as if she still didn't know what happened at the end of the season.

Although Le Xiao wanted to ask what happened, looking at Ivy's look, she did not continue to ask.

"Are you tired? Le Xiao."

"Of course. I don't understand a lot of things. I'm definitely tired."

Le Xiao smiled as she spoke. Sure enough, it was more comfortable to smile. Although Michelle hoped that she would be more serious tomorrow, for some reason, Le Xiao always felt that she could not do it.

"What do you think of this incident?"

"Of course it's very bad, Auntie. If everyone's life is hard, won't our business department be in more trouble? Moreover, and now I..."

Le Xiao pursed her lips and pressed her hands on both sides of her forehead. Thinking of the many problems she would need to deal with in the future, Le Xiao felt as if there were countless threads intertwined in her head, making it a mess.

"What I said is your opinion, Le Xiao. Do you have any good opinions?"

Lexiao shook her head and said.

"I can't talk about my aunt's opinion. I just think it might be better if everyone can think more about the people around them. When I was a child, after something happened at home, although everyone said there was nothing they could do to help, in fact, they were still there at night. He would come over to our house and bring us some food. In fact, everyone is the same. Jean took me home once before, and I realized that before, I just wanted to escape from the miserable and harsh environment and ran to When the middle and upper classes go, everyone is gone, and the bottom class has nothing but a gradual death. And one day, when the bottom class dies, the middle class will become like the bottom class."

Ivy was a little surprised when the girl in front of her said the same words as at the end of the season.

"The bottom layer is like a plant. You don't care today, tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow. You don't remember it until tomorrow. When you go back and look at it, you find that it is dead, but the bottom layer is not a plant. If the plant dies, there may be a replacement, but the bottom layer But no, when the bottom class dies one day, the middle class will become the next bottom class. No one can benefit forever in this zero-sum game. The more you benefit, the faster you die."

Le Xiao glanced at Ivy who was in a daze with some embarrassment. She didn't say anything, but gave her a hug and patted Le Xiao's back gently.

"Keep working hard, Le Xiao. One day you will achieve everything you want to do."

With that said, Ivy turned and left, her heavy heart relaxed. Everything Ji Mo said in the past was correct.

"If you want to survive in this zero-sum game, the only way is to reform the barrier zone. That abandoned land is the cornerstone that can support the survival of the entire city, and it is also the only way to break this zero-sum game, so The first step is to establish a waste treatment plant, and the second step is to establish a food base. I only hope to see all of this while I am still alive, so I want to change everything."

Looking at Ivy leaving, Le Xiao took a long breath, curled her lips, and then puffed her mouth.

"Where are the Zeon people at this time? It's really, really annoying!"

1:41 am

In the square located in the General Affairs Section, people are already coming and going. The councilors have learned to some extent that the Business Section has rejected the 200 million offered by Chen Qiao and his group of businessmen, and all the councilors have thought that the city has the ability to do so in a short time. The only people who spent such a large amount of money to rescue the market were the Angus family.

Most of the congressmen were talking quietly and did not enter the canteen of the General Affairs Section. Many people from Section 1 had already come out to receive them and brought some hot water over.

"Old Wu, what do you mean by the call you just made to Xiao Wang? This matter is a bit troublesome."

A female congressman who looked younger than Wu Qun asked. There was a golden pen pattern on her right arm, and a series of numbers on her chest meant that she was a congressman from the upper 18th district, representing the education industry.

"We can talk about these things after tonight is over."

Wu Qun said as he watched more and more congressmen come over, including the lower-class congressmen who lived in his own home. Everyone was talking loudly about the solution of the business department.

Wu Qun took a look at the city that had fallen into darkness. Most of the lights had been turned off at this point. There were only street lights, and their light was dotted in the darkness, like stars, but very dim.

There was a reason why Wu Qun didn't let the businessmen behind him take action on this matter, but he planned to explain it in detail to the businessmen in a few days because he always felt that Chen Qiao and his gang couldn't be so precise. Suppression of the supply chain can cause the economic collapse of so many companies. This is not easy to do, because the market is constantly changing. No matter how smart people are, it is impossible to suppress the supply chain in such a sophisticated way and then These suppressed supply chains are connected in series to destroy the market of small and medium-sized enterprises, and finally put them into crisis.

Is it an independently developed AI?

Wu Qun became more and more confused, because in his impression, most of the industries that Wu Qun and his gang were doing were not comparable to AI.

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