Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1093: Shameless (Part 2)


A can of liquid food was thrown out and fell to the ground, and Jin Huo stood up.

“What gold are you going to make?”

Balak asked, and Jin stared at the liquid food with disgust. He couldn't bear it any longer. The wise man sent Billy to bring them his mobile phone so that they could browse some updates temporarily.

"We can't wait any longer. If Niya falls, we will be doomed!"

Jin said and the one-eyed fox nodded.

"If it is true that Niya falls, we will definitely be doomed. Those guys in Section 1 will never let us survive."

The one-eyed fox said as he took the liquid food in his hand and ate it all, sticking out his tongue in discomfort.

"Sit down quietly and see what Xiniya says. Even if you go out, it won't help."

Jin immediately shook his head.

"We can't let it go like this. Although we are all scum, we have all been favored by Niya in the past. We can become big thanks to Niya. You two heartless guys."

Baleka stood up and grabbed Jin who was about to go out, and the two faced off for a while.

"Since there are comments that are constantly smearing Niya, then we can also do the same. I think it is necessary at this time."

"it's useless."

The one-eyed fox pressed his forehead and said with a smile.

"Don't add to the chaos. The Business Department may have found a way to appease the situation. The key lies in the number of high-level black craftsmen who have been arrested for participating in black market transactions. Perhaps the number has exceeded our imagination."

The three of them were also very aware of the black market transactions, but they did not participate in it. Instead, they stabilized their own gray industries. This was a non-crossing rule that Niya had set with them early on, allowing them to operate part of the gray industry and be able to Avoiding a lot of taxes allows many people at the bottom to earn more, but they still need to pay a certain amount of management fees to the regional offices on a regular basis.

The three of them have always told their subordinates not to get involved. Many people from small organizations in many districts at the bottom are indeed involved in black market transactions, and the three of them have also led people to deal with some of them.

The gray industry is like the lubricant of the city. It can lift up the underlying economy to some extent, but it must be grasped correctly. The black industry is different. It is already a crime. Not only will it not bring any benefit to the economy, it will also harm the economy. economy.

"Why should Section 5 hold a video conference? On the cusp of such a storm, it is tantamount to asking for trouble."

Jin stared at the video conference that was about to start with a solemn expression, and Baleka smiled helplessly.

"Based on our more than 40 years of friendship with Niya, do you think she is the kind of person who is afraid of getting into trouble?"

The one-eyed fox said, and Baleka laughed and shook his head helplessly.

“It’s true that Niya is not the kind of little girl who only cries when serious situations arise!”

Jin nodded and sat down quietly. The wise man had asked Billy to tell the three of them that no matter what, they must not go out without their own notice. Now in the bottom area, people from Section 1 are still searching for them.

Locke looked at the light and shadow screen in front of him quietly, clasping his hands together and looking a little solemn. Gene was sitting on the sofa with a relaxed look, holding a cigarette in his mouth. Ran Zai was still eating.

"The matter is very serious, Mr. Jean. Maybe things will change in Department 5."

Locke Jiahui stared at Ran Zai with some displeasure.

"I think there will be no problem. The guy is not fragile enough to hide in the corner of the room and cry."

Locke saw the word "resignation" in many comments. Many people were complaining about the various shortcomings of Section 5. The arrest of the black craftsman had spread virally. Many people claimed to have received inside information. People say that the Criminal Division has always been ineffective, especially Section 5. They were very quick in suppressing people, very forceful when beating ordinary people, very diligent in making arrests, and turning a blind eye to crimes has led to the current large-scale crime. Economic crime emerges.

The attack of public opinion has begun to turn to the 5th branch. Some people even fabricated rumors and spread rumors. Many people instantly transformed into fighters for justice, describing their opinions in various long and seemingly professional but full of loopholes.

"It's useless. No matter what the section chief of Section 5 of the video conference that starts in 10 minutes, it's all wrong, because there is absolutely nothing to refute on this matter. People don't care how difficult it is to investigate economic crimes." , they don’t care about the source of all this, they just want revenge!”

Ran Zai's words were somewhat sarcastic, and Gene kicked him over. Ran Zai glared at Gene dissatisfied.

"Hey! Why are you here, Gene?"

Le Xiao looked at Jean sitting in the office in surprise. With a smile on his face, he kicked down a man who was squatting at the table eating from time to time.

"Hey, good work."

Jean smiled, and Le Xiao immediately blushed, but still ran quickly to Jean's side.

"When will you come back? My Section Chief."

"Maybe a few days later, maybe a few years later, not sure!"

Le Xiao immediately bulged her mouth and looked at Jean with dissatisfaction, and Jean spit out two more words, secret.

At this time, Michelle walked in with Alpha. After Alpha and Jean made eye contact, both parties nodded.

"I have asked Section 2 to register online, and have recorded many false and false rumors, especially those that are extremely offensive!"

Locke nodded.

"Such a big thing happened in the city, what are you doing, Gene?"

After noticing Michelle's gaze, Le Xiao closed her mouth.

"It's indeed a big problem, but it's okay. Work hard and I will continue to take vacation!"

Saying that, Jean directly grabbed Ran Zai. He had just finished eating. Le Xiao looked at this strange man with a wound on his head. Jean dragged him away like a child. She blinked, but Stand up immediately.

"Um, Section Chief Jean, what do you want to say about your work?"

"Come on! You are the acting section chief of Section 13 now, aren't you? You don't need to ask me on vacation about this kind of thing!"

Gene tilted his head and said with a bright smile. Lexiao felt warm in her heart and laughed happily.

"I just want to remind you, remember to exercise more when you have time, I probably gained two pounds!"

Le Xiao's cheeks instantly turned red, and she felt ashamed for a moment. Locke sighed.

"It's okay, just take your time."

Along the way, Gene greeted some members of the General Affairs Department from time to time. Facing the confused looks from many people, Gene just smiled.

"Is there really no problem? That section chief of Section 5 was brought up by you. Although it is rumored that she has a bad temper and is no different from a gangster, without her, the security of the city today would not be the same. So good."

Gene nodded.

"She is much stronger than Alpha, no problem, after all, she is the woman who was beaten to the ground by me for 30 days in a row!"

Ran Zai's eyes widened.

"That's really scary."

After the two walked out of the General Affairs Department, Ran Zai looked back at the busy members of the pediatric department behind him and laughed.

"You said those words on purpose, knowing that Michelle was at the door! You are really insidious and cunning."

Gene didn't answer anything, but he clearly noticed that there were waves in Michelle's heart.

"I think it's a bit too heavy. After all, if that secretary-general continues, he will end up alone all his life and marry a woman from the business department!"

Gene tilted his head.

"It's still a long time, isn't it? Maybe one day, Michelle will get married."

Ran Zai shook his head.

"Sometimes standing too high is not a good thing after all. Mr. Jean, are you really not going to watch?"

Ran Zai held up the video conference of 5 subjects that was about to start in 5 minutes, and Gene shook his head.

"I know the result even without looking. That guy is so shameless!"

Ran Zai stared at Jean sideways.

"Each other!"

Half an hour ago

"What are you two doing, my mother?"

Before Niya could finish speaking, her mother Violet slapped her on the forehead. At this time, the three of them were in the section officer's office at the District 1 Public Security Management Station. Niya's legs were casually placed on the table. , leaning on the chair.

"You have always looked like a pig since you were a child. I really don't know who you learned this shameless face from."

Niya looked at her father Avana who was smiling opposite.

"My sister told me before that when my dad chased you, he chased you with persistence and shamelessness!"

Violet's tense cheeks relaxed, she sat next to Nia and pressed Nia's legs.

"Daughter, such a big thing, you"

Nia yawned and rubbed her hair.

"Niya, I have to correct your words. What's shameless? For true love, you don't have to be shameless."

"you shut up."

Violet turned her head and glared at Avana.

"Mom, I'm dozens of years old and I'm not a child. I don't need you to worry about me. I just get scolded by most people in the city. How many times have I been scolded and beaten since I was a child? I remember that time my sister got violent and beat me till my nose was bruised and my face was swollen. Is it okay?"

"How about I prepare a speech for you, that's more or less okay."

Niya's eyes froze.

"Mom, speaking is not for me."

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the room, and Qin Dong walked in after a while.

"Lady Niya, we are almost ready."

Niya nodded and pushed her legs hard. She jumped up from the chair and landed firmly at the door. She grabbed her uniform and put it on before walking out. Qin Dong bowed to Niya's parents. , turned around and quickly followed out.

"I've told you before, it's unnecessary to worry. Niya is much stronger than her sister."

Violet nodded.

"Do you still remember the first time she was beaten by me when she was a child? Just after she was beaten, I took her to Angel Paradise and said that she wanted to go and play no matter what, otherwise she would definitely not be able to sleep today. But Alpha, when I hit her for the first time, she cried for a long time!"

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