Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1119 Fine Wine (Part 1)


The golden barbecue was sizzling on the grill. King Xue was wearing a blue and white plaid apron and was flipping the meat on the grill in the backyard. On a lounge chair next to him, Li Ang was already a little drunk and was almost 10 Clicked.

"Why don't you have any helpers at home?"

"Please come over and help me, Chief Li Ang, cut the vegetables over there!"

As King Xue said, Li Ang stood up and looked at the table next to the grill with a serious face. There were many vegetables to be roasted, as well as a row of knives for cutting vegetables, and many plates. There was a small freezer filled with beer.

This is No. 6000, located in District 18, and is the home of King Xue. Behind it is Capitol Hill, with a huge gray-black metal wall, 300 meters high.

Li Ang glanced at the kitchen knife. He hadn't cut vegetables in countless years, but he still picked a handy kitchen knife and started cutting.

"Section Chief Li Ang, who do you think will be the first to come over later?"

Li Ang glanced at the horizon and thought for a while. The one closest to here should be Niya, but with her character, she shouldn't come here so quickly. Besides, she hates King Xue very much. The reason why everyone came here is just for discussion. It is an informal meeting of the section chiefs to lay down certain policies for the future. The reason why it is not held in the General Affairs Section is just to avoid suspicion to a certain extent.

Within 1 kilometer in front of you, King Xue's confidants have been stationed, and no one is allowed to approach, even some officials from the executive department.

Things have just calmed down, and more than ten hours have passed since I walked out of the Congress Hall today. What exactly each section has gained during this period needs to be discussed directly at close range. Originally, the formal meetings of the section chiefs needed to be recorded. But there is no record of this informal meeting.

"I think it should be Old Man Ye. Isn't his home here? He should be the first one to come over. After all, he is very punctual."

At this time, a helicopter landed quietly not far away, and Li Ang frowned.

"She turned out to be that crazy woman."

King Xue began to put the roasted pieces of meat on a plate, washed his hands and ran to the door. After a while, Niya ran over quickly outside the door, followed by Leona.


Before King Xue finished speaking, Niya had already rushed past him, ran over, picked up a plate of barbecue, sat down and started eating.

“It tastes not bad!”

"That's really my honor, Chief Niya."

King Xue bowed, Leona walked by and waved to King Xue.

"How much does it cost?"

Niya said directly, and Leon frowned. At this time, Leona walked over and took a look. The roasted vegetables were cut into large pieces, small pieces, thin pieces, and thick pieces.

"Get out of the way, what are you cooking? You can eat the uncooked food yourself later."

Leona said, and Leon curled his lips dissatisfied, and then sat behind Niya. Just as he was about to pick up the plate, the meat on the plate had been taken away by Niya with a fork and put into his mouth.

"Look at what Dexing you are. This is the first time I've heard of your speech today. It's so casual. I think Qin Dong is sweating for you. Fortunately, it looks like it."

"What I have always done is practical. Are the people's eyes blind? Can't they see? I am not like you. I speak coquettishly, and I am not a fucking girl."

Li Ang sighed and King Xue said with a smile.

"Ten companies have taken the initiative to give us a total of 500 million in aid funds. Where are you!"

"The confiscated black gold alone amounts to tens of billions, which is enough. The materials and illegal substances are in your 5th department. You need to be more detailed."

Before Li Ang finished speaking, Niya put a hand on his hat and pressed it.

"I still need you to teach me how to do things? There won't be even a millimeter deviation."

Niya said, tearing off her uniform and throwing it roughly on the lawn aside. Leona, who was chopping vegetables, frowned.

"Has the Lawyers Association got it done? I've heard about it. Did your Section 1 go too far this time? I heard that the old guy Jinda's asshole was poked out."

Both Leon and Leona looked at King Xue in unison. At this time, King Xue took out the marinated meat and put it on the grill. He smiled gently.

"I would like to ask all the section chiefs to rest assured. The Lawyers Association has already reassured them. Section Chief Histek has already done the work. We only need to bear the cost of the damage during the search."

"How many?"

Li Ang asked.

"A total of 19,813,187 yuan and 3 cents."

“It’s really a drop in the bucket, so much money.”

Leon looked at Leona.

"Leona, if you come to our department tomorrow, I will give you a sum of 200 million official funds for 6 departments."

"That's pretty much it."

Niya looked around and saw a bottle of wine that had been aged for 30 years. She ran over and was about to open it, but Li Ang grabbed it with quick eyes and hands.

"Give me a taste first."

"It's a beautiful idea, wait until everyone comes."

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps at the door of the courtyard, and Ye Chunwang walked in wearing gray trousers and a white shirt, without a uniform.

"Old man Ye, you look leisurely. How is the situation at the grain exchange?"

Ye Chunwang glanced at the meat next to the barbecue grill and the wine slowly piled on the floor, and shook his head.

"I'm not like you young people. I don't eat anything and only drink a small glass of wine. The exchange has resumed normal trading."

At this time, Ye Chunwang glanced behind him and showed a slightly helpless smile.

"You guys are just fooling around, is it really okay for you to have a leisurely party here?"

Many houses in District 18 have already lost their lights, because most of the officers are still working, and many of the officers' families have also taken a break at this time. Only some houses still have sporadic lights on.

"The years of fighting can be considered a staged victory!"

Ye Chunwang said with emotion, Li Ang smiled and sat down with a glass of wine and an empty cup, holding the bottle.

"Old man Ye, why are you talking so much tonight?"

"Ye Jiao, that kid still hopes for you."

Li Ang nodded, poured a glass of wine and handed it to Ye Chunwang.

"Don't worry, although she was raised by you, Old Man Ye, I actually think I know her affairs better than you. I have investigated the matter clearly for you, and my conclusion is to seal it."

Ye Chunwang nodded.

King Xue looked at the two of them with interest, already knowing what was going on. At this time, Jewell walked in at the door wearing a suit, his face was slightly red, and he seemed to have drank beforehand.

"Hey, you big worm, why did you come here so late? It only took 10 minutes to walk from your house."

Jewell snorted in displeasure, sat next to Ye Chunwang, and took out the light and shadow panel.

"As for work scheduling, you can ask Larry and Xiaoxuan to take over tomorrow."

"You're really quick, Chief Jean."

As King Xue said, everyone saw the matter that Jewell had submitted to the General Affairs Department for approval, regarding the transfer of Prison Department LV3 to LV5 prisoners to participate in the work proposal.

In the distance, a lift appeared again from the dark night sky.

After a while, Lilian pushed Mo Xiaolan over.

"Good evening everyone, Niya, the prisoner has been returned to Section 5. You can go back later and read the documents I gave you."

Nia frowned.

"There's no need to be so cruel, some people are already hospitalized, hey!"

Ye Chunwang frowned.

"Old man Ye, if you are dissatisfied with my approach, you can talk to the six gods."

Ye Chunwang sighed.

"The result, at least."

"Of course, we found a guy named Zhao Zhen, but he has gone crazy. The explosions that occurred in the upper districts more than 20 years ago were probably caused by the heart-body bonding technology developed by this person named Zhao Zhen. of."

Niya frowned slightly.

"Have you been arrested?"

Mo Xiaolan shook his head.

"I've confirmed it with Department 4. The guy died 6 years ago. It was the spread of malignant pleural tumors. As for the person who mastered that technology, they are still under investigation. Just leave it to me. Niya, let you do that. These stupid men are working hard. Next time something like this happens, instead of giving priority to the scene, they will seal off the surrounding area, investigate everyone, and leave the handling of the scene to Section 4."

Niya stared at Mo Xiaolan with some anger.

"I am okay"

"Okay, okay, what's the fuss about?"

Leona came over in time and grabbed Niya, walked over and stood behind Mo Xiaolan, Lilian bowed to all the section chiefs and turned to leave with a smile.

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