Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1128 Vacation Order (Part 1)

11 o'clock late at night

Ye Jiao sat at the desk with a tired look, staring at the number of illegal drugs confiscated today, which has risen to more than 40,000, and will continue tomorrow. These black market products seized by Section 7 do not have any production quantum numbers. The batches were transported to the headquarters of Section 7.

The general affairs department of Section 7 located on Golden Street was like daylight at this time. In the courtyard behind, lifts were landing from time to time. Ye Jiao was still processing documents, but there were not many left. She planned to return to the nearby office after processing them at 12 o'clock. Eat something at home and rest.

These black market products will be auctioned later, and some companies or individuals who want them will bid. Part of the proceeds from the auction will be used to find out which companies these products have harmed the normal operations of, and provide them with a certain degree of subsidies. The remaining funds Will directly participate in the proposal to establish the abandoned factory.

Tomorrow Section 6 will come over to start a detailed review of the information on the confiscated goods. There are also some goods that can be used directly at the beginning of construction. Although Ye Jiao already has a good idea of ​​these things and has marked them in detail, they may be included in the bill. The items used are all delayed auctions.

This was the first time for Ye Jiao to take on such a huge proposal. The pressure was a bit high. Ye Jiao pressed her forehead, stood up, and looked at some empty bottles of the same size and height neatly placed on the small table on one side. , all placed on a square table, Ye Jiao squatted down, arranging some of her hair that had begun to become unevenly distributed due to sweat, and a delighted smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

The surface of each glass bottle under the light reflects Ye Jiao's cheeks. Ye Jiao likes to look at neat things. This was the case in the candy shop at home when she was a child. All the candies were neatly arranged on the shelves. It feels like an extremely fulfilling and peaceful experience.

When Ye Jiao was a child, she could often look at the candies in the store for hours.


A crisp sound of shattering glass rang in his head. Ye Jiao shook her head and walked to the glass window. She looked at the members of Section 7 who were still busy in the courtyard below. She smiled, nodded, and then took out the glass. She took out a makeup bag and started touching up her makeup against the glass. Then she applied a little purple lip gloss, pursed her lips, turned around and walked away. She planned to go directly to the courtyard to have a look.

Taking the elevator to the lobby on the first floor, Ye Jiao nodded to several staff who were still guarding the door, then turned around and walked out of the compound directly from the passage on the left side of the elevator.

"Master Ye Jiao, many families have sent invitations to banquets. I hope you can come over tomorrow night."

A council officer hurried over.

"Please mind your appearance."

Ye Jiao said that the director was a little embarrassed. Ye Jiao looked at the light and shadow screen on the mobile phone held by the director. Many big families had invited Ye Jiao and hoped that she could attend the banquet tomorrow night.

"How many illegal substances have been confiscated from these families?"

"Probably more than 20,000 pieces."

Ye Jiao frowned.

"Reject it. If the section chief has time, you can let him go."

The director nodded, and Ye Jiao looked at the objects being moved from the elevator one after another. From engineering to catering, the categories involved were many and complicated. After looking around, Ye Jiao planned to go back and finish processing a few documents. , and then go home to rest.

Didi didi

An orange pop-up light and shadow screen appeared. Ye Jiao looked at the vacation order drawn up by Michelle, the Secretary-General of the General Affairs Section, with some surprise. The general manager and section chiefs had already signed it. It was a seven-day long vacation, and the previous three We are going to the designated resort hotel that day, and the room has been arranged.

take a vacation?

There was a buzzing sound, and Ye Jiao felt that her head was starting to feel dizzy, and her vacation had nothing to do with her.

"When was the last time you took a vacation?"

Ye Jiao looked at the leave order on the light and shadow screen blankly, feeling a little at a loss. For a moment, beads of sweat appeared on her forehead, and she swallowed.

"It seems it was my uncle's birthday, I don't remember."

The vacation order will take effect at 12 o'clock tonight. This is a compulsory vacation order, and no work-related matters are allowed during the vacation. The mobile phone needs to be handed over directly to the section chief.

The sweat on Ye Jiao's forehead became more and more intense. She covered her mouth and turned around with some discomfort. Several council officers also saw the leave order personally drawn up by the Secretary General of the General Affairs Section and looked at Ye Jiao in shock. .

"I think it's time for Ye Jiao to rest. She works until 12 o'clock every night and starts working at 7 o'clock the next morning."

Several council officers looked at Ye Jiao leaving with a somewhat helpless look, because in their eyes, although the secretary had a little quirks, he was a good person, did not have a big temper, and basically had no personal life. She has never been seen going out to have fun. She is always sitting alone in the office, sometimes in a daze.

Ye Jiao's home is less than 1 kilometer away from here. She did not move to the house provided by the upper-level business department, but directly rented a small apartment for women nearby.

"What exactly does the boss want to do?"

A female director asked with some confusion, and an older male director smiled.

"After all, for such a big bill, I'm afraid I'll have to work around the clock. Let's relax for now, Lord Ye Jiao!"

Ye Jiao quickly returned to the office and began to quickly process the documents. After a few minutes, the remaining documents had been processed.

All files are special grid files. This is Ye Jiao's way of handling files. Text descriptions, videos, and pictures are all arranged in order. The text is basically written in the shortest, most straightforward way that can explain the problem. It is also impartial and arranged in a square shape. The videos and pictures are also the same, so the documents submitted by Ye Jiao can be understood at a glance, but she is the only one in the entire business department who can do this.

Suddenly Ye Jiao stood up and looked at the door that was still open in front of her with a blank expression.

“What on earth are you doing on vacation!”

a few minutes ago

The section chiefs all passed Locke's mobile phone around and signed their names. The 12 section chiefs of the administrative section and Locke of the general affairs section signed the document issued by Michelle that forced the secretaries of the three sections to take leave on June, July and August. Put your name on it.

"It's not sweet if you force yourself to do it. If you do this, I think there's something wrong."

Mo Xiaolan said, Tian Hen blinked drunkenly and signed his name.

"I think the three girls should have taken a good vacation long ago. With such great youth, we can take advantage of this vacation to go on a blind date, but we can't follow your old path!"

Locke said, and Niya immediately stood up and came closer.

"What do you mean by following our old path? If you weren't so shameless, how could you marry such a beauty and have such a lovely and beautiful daughter."

Locke immediately blew his beard and stared at Niya.

"That bastard Gene."

Li Ang took off his uniform and sighed.

"It's comfortable tonight, but tomorrow will be hell. If the secretaries leave, the section chiefs of our three departments will probably have to work overtime."

Leona frowned, pressed her head, and smiled drunkenly.

"I've been comfortable for several years, ever since Yincai became a secretary."

Heathcote smiled and shook his head.

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