Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1131 Ascension (Part 1)

Finally regaining her consciousness, Michelle felt that all the fatigue in her body had been wiped away, and she was extremely energetic. She glanced at Ran Zai who was smiling evilly next to her.

"How about I host you for the rest of the night?"

"Mr. Congressman who will bleed profusely."

As Ran Zai said, Michelle was still immersed in the incredible feeling just now, and felt very comfortable after waking up.

"What should I do? Miss, we are on a date after all."

Wu Qun pretended to be shocked and glanced at Jean and Michelle.

"Lord Jean, please don't say such misleading words. Representative Wu Qun, I'm sorry that I have always been at odds with you."

Wu Qun smiled and looked at Jean, then at Ran Zai.

After a while, Jean walked comfortably in the middle, Michelle walked on the left, and Wu Qun walked on the right. Jean invited Wu Qun to join him, followed by Ran Zai, and the group of people walked on Qinglong Street.

"Your Excellency Secretary-General, I wonder how my son is with you?"

Wu Qun asked abruptly, and Michelle was stunned for a while before answering.


Wu Qun nodded with satisfaction and sighed.

"I was once young, and at that time I liked a little girl in the General Affairs Department. In fact, this was the main reason why I wanted to enter the Business Department."

"What a surprise."

Gene exhaled a puff of smoke as he spoke and walked leisurely down the street.

"And after that!"

"Later, I chased the little girl, and then I persuaded her to leave the business department, and she married me."

Gene clapped his hands, and Michelle was a little surprised. Wu Qun's wife is the president of the Food Chamber of Commerce. She often appears in some food programs and TV. She is a woman who has been very strong since a long time ago. She is very good at doing things. Ke Lai is also one of the enemies, but she used to be from the General Affairs Section, which Michelle is a little confused about.

Although I don’t know much about the situation of the General Affairs Department in the past, it is generally considered a place where all members of the Executive Department are happy to go. The benefits have always been relatively good, and the work is very leisurely, but it was just before that time.

"Mr. Jean, do you remember the time in the past when people in the General Affairs Department had so much time that they could live freely every day. That's when I stayed at the door of the General Affairs Department every day."

Gene seemed to have remembered something and nodded, and both of them looked at Michelle in unison.

In the past, when the administrative department was severely understaffed, the general affairs department was still very relaxed. Each department only needed to send the compiled information directly to the general affairs department through mobile phones. If the people in the general affairs department could not review it, it would be sent back until the review was completed. It can be passed, so many things are lagging behind. Only when the lag reaches a certain extent, the General Affairs Department will lower some standards and pass the review.

At that time, the administrative department was like a piece of scattered sand, but the parliamentary factions began to consolidate from that time until now.

You can often see different members arguing in the General Affairs Section, but many issues were eventually settled because the city was undergoing vigorous construction and development at that time.

But after Michelle took office, the General Affairs Department began to reform. Every month, people from the last 12 departments would go back and forth to the General Affairs Department, directly connect with the people in the General Affairs Department, and directly review the submitted documents in a consultative manner. In this way The work efficiency and work process have been greatly improved. Nowadays, the work efficiency of the business department is astonishingly high. At least half of this is due to Michelle.

Nowadays, the general affairs department is no longer an ideal place for members of the executive department. Although it is indeed good to be promoted, the work intensity and seriousness of the general affairs department make most people unable to bear the initiative to be transferred within three months.

"We've arrived."

Jean said and stopped. Michelle and Ran Zai were confused, but Wu Qun immediately knew where the next stop was.

"It's really surprising, Chief Jean."

In front of him was a subway station that was out of service. The door of the subway station was closed. Jean walked over and stood at the door. He pressed his hand on a convex mirror. With the sound of beeping, the subway station The door is open.

"Chief Jean, where are you going?"

"Area 29."

Instantly Ran Zai burst out laughing.

"I've already thought about tomorrow's headlines. I'm shocked that the Secretary General of the General Affairs Section and members of Congress set foot in a prostitute area."

Michelle stared at Jean with a solemn expression.

"It's very lively over there now. Besides, I like beautiful women!"

Wu Qun happily strode in, then came directly to the Congress tram, took out his black card, and started the subway.

Ji En and Wu Qun had already sat in, and Ran Zai had also sat in, but Michelle was still standing at the door and did not go in.

"How are those young people doing today?"

Gene lit a cigarette, took a puff and asked, Wu Qun sighed.

"It's totally not possible. Children who think they will start a celebration party after becoming district councilors talk about ideals and dreams. They can't even make a comprehensive planning table on the spot. They really don't know that they are in school. What did you learn there?"

"There are professionals who can do these things, right?"

Wu Qun sighed.

"If you don't do it in reality, there are many things that you can't understand if you just rely on your imagination."

Michelle no longer held back, stepped into the tram, sat down, and the tram started slowly.

Ran Zai looked at Wu Qun and Ji En. The two guys had already started to sing a double act. Moreover, Wu Qun, an old guy, was really not simple. He could clearly understand what Ji En meant, so he deliberately brought the topic to this aspect.

"Okay, how about we play a game later when we get there?"

Gene suddenly suggested, Michelle frowned, and Wu Qun looked at Michelle as if he was gearing up.

"What an exciting night."

Wu Qun smiled beamingly, and Michelle immediately understood what Jean wanted to do.

"Does it make sense?"

"Both of them are superiors. They have competed on the court many times. How about off the court!"

Michelle's fighting spirit seemed to be ignited for a moment, and she stared at Wu Qun coldly.

"Congressman Wu Qun, are you okay with your health?"

"Of course, don't look at me like this. I exercise well every day, and I won't lose to you young people. After all, I like to be with young people, because I never feel that I am old, but I am still very young."

Jean nodded and looked at the speeding train with a smile. There were still a few stops to reach District 29, but what Jean was worried about at this time was how to decide the winner.

Wu Qun knew very well that Michelle hated him. From the first time he met this little girl, when he was just a young congressman, this little girl would often come here with her mother, who was a congressman, and she would remain motionless. Standing in the wind, waiting for my mother to walk out of the halls of Congress.

Wu Qun always disagreed with this kind of education method. He felt that Michelle's mother put too much pressure on the child. Later, Wu Qun contacted Michelle one day and asked whether he wanted to eat cake. That was Wu Qun's first thought. I bought it from a pastry shop where I had to wait in line to buy it. I wanted to give this little girl who often stood in the cold wind a little surprise.

"I don't want to talk to a person who only talks about money, women, and power. He will definitely become a greasy middle-aged fat uncle in the future. Please leave me alone!"

Wu Qun looked at his bulging belly. It was indeed as Michelle said, he had really become a middle-aged greasy uncle.

Michelle's expression has become completely serious. She hates Wu Qun very much. She hates him from the bottom of her heart. She has been like this since she was a child, especially when she told him for the first time that he used cakes to deceive children.

But Michelle always found it strange how such a person who seemed to have no talent could rise to power and sit firmly in the parliamentary chair for decades.

But when Michelle stepped into the hall of Congress for the first time as a director, she finally saw that this man's first-class rhetoric often frustrated people in the business department. Locke was so angry that he had a stomachache several times.

"It's a lot to think about, Michelle, your mother!"

Wu Qun sighed helplessly as he spoke.

"I respect your mother from the bottom of my heart, but your mother also does the same. She doesn't even see me in her eyes."

Michelle looked at Wu Qun, and their eyes calmed down.

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