Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1152 Going Home (Part 1)

Time was beating minute by second, and the woman next to Michelle wiped Michelle's sweat with a handkerchief from time to time. Michelle stared at her motionless.

There was a dullness in the air, and many people even breathed softly. Michelle had reached her limit. At 2:41, she got 578 names.

There were still 19 minutes left, but 45 she had to leave and go to a place near Area 30 to hand over her name to Billy.

Wu Qun still had a smile on his face and seemed to be gambling with the women very relaxedly. He had definitely mastered 591 names. In the remaining time, he did not plan to give any woman a chance. His head was completely overheated. Wu Qun He casually brushed away the sweat that was about to seep into his eyes.

Wu Qun really didn't expect that it would evolve into this situation, but he must not lose. His head began to feel dizzy. This was caused by lack of oxygen. The brain was in an active state for a long time. If it runs quickly, it will definitely cause blood loss over time. The oxygen content in the body dropped, causing some chest tightness, but Wu Qun knew he had to endure it. After all, his body was not so weak that he could not even overcome this level.

The opponent's situation is the same, and Michelle has basically not had much rest since the day before yesterday. Wu Qun is still suppressing the excitement in his heart. This huge sense of explosion keeps rushing up, but he is immediately beaten by Wu Qun. The group held down.

"Uncle, it's impossible, you"

"I didn't cheat!"

Wu Qun laughed and looked at the little girls in front of him who were stamping their feet angrily. Everyone was also curious about this fat man wearing sunglasses and looking very ordinary in his clothes, but they couldn't understand how he could be so rich. This person said that he used to be a dealer in a casino. Many people speculated that he might be the owner of a certain casino. Many casinos in the city have closed down recently. He might have come here to vent out of boredom.

"No, isn't this uncle here to find his daughter?"

"I don't think so. He might be here to find someone."

Although the discussion was still going on, everyone was stunned by Wu Qun's good luck, which seemed to be favored by God. Only Ada knew what was going on.

In the past, Ada was sorting out bills alone before the city meeting started. At that time, Wu Qun came over and stood behind him. Ada immediately turned off the light and shadow screen. Although Wu Qun saw the motion he was working on, he originally thought he should no problem.

As a result, with just one glance, Wu Qun saw the entire content of Ada's bill. Later, in the hall of Congress, Wu Qun talked about his bill as useless and focused on the points in the bill. This created a feeling in Ada's heart. She felt extremely frustrated. Originally she thought Wu Qun was too smart, but many times afterwards it was not the case. This man's head had unparalleled analytical capabilities and instant memory capabilities.

Wu Qun did cheat, but he was cheating with his head, not his actions. Ada turned around and walked away with a serious expression. She was a little worried about Michelle's condition. She was too tired. That kind of tired Michelle , Ada saw it for the first time.

At 2:45, Michelle stood up instantly and got 608 names. She quickly rushed out of the crowd, disappeared into an alley and jumped onto the roof.

At this time, Wu Qun stood up leisurely. He got 691 names, which was enough.

"Okay, okay, uncle, I've had enough fun and I'm going to rest."

As Wu Qun stood up, he was pestered by several girls, asking to play again.

"Come over and play again in a few nights, then let's relax."

Wu Qun said and walked quickly. The agreed time was 3 o'clock, and he showed a victorious smile.

At this time, Michelle had already arrived at the street next to Fangfang Snack Shop at 2:48. Billy had already been waiting here and started to name one name after another. Michelle looked tired. With.

Billy looked at Michelle in surprise. He really couldn't believe that she could memorize more than 600 names. The realm of thinking that this woman could reach was above his own.

"Are you okay, Secretary General?"

Billy looked at Michelle who was sitting on the ground panting. She was too tired. Michelle shook her head, and Billy continued to speak quickly.


Jin walked to the side of Ran Zai and Leng Rui who were sleeping. Yu Fangfang couldn't stand it anymore and went upstairs to sleep first.

"Get up! It's dawn."

Jean pressed his hands on the two people's heads. Ran Zai opened his sour eyes with anger. The moment he saw Leng Rui opposite him, he laughed out loud. Leng Rui's cheeks had a big bulge. Fingerprints and hands stained with saliva.

"It's not 3 o'clock yet?"

Leng Rui muttered dissatisfiedly, while Wu Lei still stood at the door of the store, quietly staring at the street with only lights on in the distance.

"No matter who wins, I still don't want to see it."

In the distance, Wu Qun saw a figure walking towards this side. It was Wu Qun. He looked over happily. After a while, Wu Qun came over, turned on his own light and shadow screen, and began to adjust the light and shadow screen. A light and shadow panel came, and Ran Zai and Leng Rui ran over, one to confirm the name, and the other to confirm whether he was from this neighborhood.

The two of them worked quickly, and after a while they confirmed more than 100. Time was still running, and a red light suddenly flashed over. At 2:29, Michelle entered. In the shop.

"Holy shit, sister, what are you? A robot?"

Leng Rui looked at Michelle in horror. At this time, Michelle no longer had the energy to glare. She began to talk to Leng Rui about names. The statistical work on Wu Qun's side was done by Ran Zai, while on Michelle's side First recorded by Leng Rui.

Michelle said one name after another, and Leng Rui felt a chill running down his spine.

Genius, true genius!

The statistical work ended after 20 minutes. Ran Zai and Leng Rui began to confirm the names Michelle had written down. Wu Qun smiled and looked at his 691 people.

Even though she was very tired, Michelle still sat upright on the chair nearby, holding the water glass with one hand and staring at Wu Qun with sharp eyes.

"Secretary-General, no matter who loses or wins tonight, don't resent the other party. After all, it's just a small game!"

Michelle nodded.


Wu Lei swallowed, there was a woman with the wrong name, and she did not belong to this area.

Michelle's eyes widened, and for a moment Wu Qun laughed triumphantly. For a moment, he felt an unprecedented sense of fear in his heart. This was already a half-weighted contest. He had tried everything, and even A little despicable means were used, but Michelle relied on her memory to complete the record and almost ended up with a draw.


Michelle stood up and her head began to heat up. The shop called Fangfang Snack Shop appeared in her mind. This woman was also from this district. She still remembered seeing Leng Rui in this area a few days ago. She was beaten in the neighborhood, but she couldn't remember the woman's last name for a while, including the woman who participated in teasing Leng Rui.

Wu Qun's expression suddenly changed. He thought of Fangfang Snack Bar. His eyes widened and he became anxious in his heart, because if Michelle thought about it, she would be on par with him.

"Chief Jean, I don't think it's necessary to continue. If it's not 3 o'clock as promised, do we have to extend the war?"

Gene nodded, took out a cigarette, lit it and exhaled the smoke.

"I'll give you one last minute, Michelle."

With a buzzing sound, Michelle's head started to spin rapidly, and Leng Rui couldn't stand it any longer. Just as he was about to do something, Wu Qun stared back, and Ran Zai shook his head helplessly.

"Yu Fangfang!"

"Yu Fangfang!"

The two looked at each other for a moment and called out their names at the same time, but with 35 seconds left, Wu Qun was still in the lead.

Wu Qun swallowed and wiped his sweat. A sense of horror swept through his body, and he had goosebumps all over his body.

"He Mo!"

In the last 10 seconds, Michelle grinned and shouted the name.

"time up!"

Wu Qun sat down helplessly.

"Really, a lot of time was wasted!"

"Each other!"

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