Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1205 Fierce fight! Night 2 (Part 2)

In the dark night, Wu Lei approached his home. From a distance, he could see his home with lights on in the distance. Except for the street lights that were still on, many places near his home were basically in darkness.

At this time, Wu Lei was a little worried about his father Wu Qun, because Wu Qun's unusual behavior today was different from usual.


Wu Lei jumped straight from the top of a roof to the roof of another small building.

What's next to it.

Wu Lei stopped and looked to the left. He saw a peaceful and peaceful high-end community. Several streets near the community were lit with lights. But when Wu Lei fell just now, he noticed a faint light in the corner of his eyes. reflection, but now it looks different, a silent neighborhood.

Wu Lei was a little confused. Like Wu Qun, he had extremely keen observation skills. This is what his father taught him since he was a child. Don't let go of the slightest singularity, because these singularities may kill you at some point. Especially as you go up, the road will become more difficult and dangerous.

Wu Lei stood up straight, couldn't control the doubts in his heart and ran over quickly. Just when he was about to go down from the roof of the small house, a bright white piece suddenly appeared 5 meters in front of Wu Lei. The light barrier shone with faint white light, like a honeycomb structure, and a series of huge fonts flashed on the screen.

There is an acting mission of the 3rd Military Section ahead. Please do not continue. Unlock the authority: Section Chief.

Wu Lei looked at the honeycomb structure barrier that was gradually fading in front of him with some surprise. This temporary detection invisible wall has an optical camouflage function, which can completely reflect the original appearance of the blocked area and block all sounds inside.

The prompt will only appear when someone is approaching. Wu Lei glanced around. The people from Section 3 should be nearby. They have completed the blockade of the streets in the community in front of them. Although Wu Lei didn't know what happened, but he shouted immediately.

"I am the first secretary of the General Affairs Section, and I have the right to know what is happening inside now."

When no one responded, Wu Lei continued to shout. He immediately turned on his far vision ability. Red particles were floating around his eye sockets, and Wu Lei's field of vision began to expand continuously.

At this moment, a faint white light appeared in front of the eyes, and then the 50 cm diameter barriers on the honeycomb structure barrier moved towards both sides, and a hexagonal door appeared.

"Your Excellency Secretary-General!"

Wu Lei's eyes widened in shock, but at this time, behind Michelle, Xima helped her father out.

Wu Qun was sweating profusely and had many obvious scars all over his body, especially on his left arm. Although the bleeding had stopped, you could still see the exposed white bones, and a piece of flesh had been cut off directly.

"You don't need to know what happened, Secretary Wu Lei, please send your father home."

Wu Lei felt a little heavy, with an angry look on his face. After Xima let go of Wu Qun, he turned around and entered the barrier. Michelle glanced at the panting Wu Qun on the ground, and Wu Qun nodded with a smile. Made an OK gesture.

Time 11:31.


Wu Lei shouted, feeling a little uncomfortable and went over to help Wu Qun. Wu Qun nodded with a smile.

"Such a small injury can't kill anyone. I saved a life. It's enough to know this. As for why you are not qualified to know now, Xiao Lei, help me back and do as I say later."

"Who is it?"

Wu Qun gritted his teeth and tried to get up, but Wu Lei immediately supported his father who was about to fall.

"Xiao Lei, I have told you a long time ago. If you want to survive, the less you know, the better. But if you know more, life is like a kite flying in the wind. The thread connecting to the ground may break at any time. Come on, this is what I'm in now, but as long as I survive, the rain will stop and the sky will clear up early tomorrow morning, everything will be solved, help me go back."

Wu Lei gave a dull hum, helped his father up, then turned around and carried Wu Qun on his back, and ran quickly towards his home not far away.

The father and son didn't say anything for a while. Wu Lei had too many questions to ask. He didn't know why Michelle was there, but it didn't look like Michelle had done anything to his father, because he knew very well that Michelle Although the son is strong, he is far from his father's opponent.

"We're home, Dad."

Wu Qun on his back was too exhausted and fell into a drowsy state. He didn't want to wake Wu Qun up, but from the look in Wu Qun and Michelle's eyes just now, he probably knew that the two of them had reached some kind of agreement, and these must be It's about the Phoebus family.

Wishes of blood-red particles covered the father and son, and then the two fell into invisibility. Wu Lei lightly jumped into the wall of his house, and went directly to the third floor and returned to the bedroom.

"Dad, wake up, we're home."

Wu Qun opened his eyes with difficulty, panted, drank the water brought by his son in one gulp, and became more awake. He took out the light and shadow bracelet, put away the tattered parliamentarian uniform, and called up a When the medical kit arrived, Wu Lei took a bottle of hemostatic pain coagulant and sprayed it on Wu Qun's wounds. Wu Qun gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain. After feeling completely comfortable for a while, he put on a new one. After adjusting his uniform in front of the mirror, he washed his face with cold water.


Wu Lei shouted and looked at Wu Qun who instantly became energetic. He smiled slightly and shook his head.

"Xiao Lei, don't worry. The three major factions will briefly usher in a period of peaceful coexistence, and during this period, the city will start to move again. As for what happened tonight, just forget about it!"

As soon as Wu Qun took a step, he still felt a little pain, but he immediately suppressed the pain all over his body and walked out of the bedroom directly.

In just five minutes, congressmen and businessmen gathered in the front yard of Wu Qun's house. Wu Qun used a spare mobile phone to activate a light and shadow microphone.

"Old Wu, you don't look well!"

Someone said that many people noticed that after Wu Qun got up from sleep, his face was much paler, and sweat continued to flow from both sides of his forehead, but everyone could see that Wu Qun's pair of eyes showed extreme excitement. His eyes looked as if he was already planning to tell everyone the great news.

The unhappiness and heavy anxiety in everyone's hearts at this moment completely disappeared with Wu Qun's smile and eyes. Even Chen Qiao laughed. This congressman who was the most trusted by their group of businessmen would do it every time. Give them a big surprise.

"Old Wu, are you sick? I'll ask Dr. Zhou to come over and fix it."

A businessman said with a smile, and the businessmen next to him laughed.

"Yes, Lao Wu, Doctor Zhou is most effective at this time!"

"Yeah, but don't forget, there is a fierce woman in Lao Wu's family."

There was a burst of haha, and the laughter turned into a sea of ​​excitement. Wu Qun's eyes became extremely sharp, and he raised a hand. The scene became quiet for an instant. Everyone looked at Wu Qun with respect and waited. he declared.

"we won!"

Wu Qun's eyes widened, and for a moment, he raised his hands high and raised his head as if playing music.


Accompanied by a burst of thunderous applause, Wu Qun raised his right hand and clenched it into a fist. After sweeping around, he spread his five fingers.

"50% of the new energy investment plan belongs to us!"

The applause stopped instantly. Everyone looked at Wu Qun in astonishment. The applause stopped. Chen Qiao opened his mouth wide and looked at Wu Qun unable to close his eyes. He did not expect what was coming out of Wu Qun's mouth. The stuff is too shocking, and 50% is simply an astronomical figure for businessmen.


Wu Qun said sonorously and forcefully again. This time, everyone was convinced of what Wu Qun said. Some people were already doing somersaults in excitement.

The congressmen and businessmen all cheered and kept calling for Lao Wu. Wu Qun smiled slightly and pressed his hand on his still beating heart.

"Drink, the bitter wine last night has turned into sweet wine tonight, let's party! Because we won."

The crowd became completely excited. Wu Qun just squeezed his chest and his heartbeat began to slow down.

I almost lost my life. If I can't win, everything I do will be meaningless!

"Bear with it."

Niya pressed Tianhen's ribs with one hand and confirmed that three of his ribs were broken and the bones in his chest should be cracked. At this time, Tianhen was lying calmly on the ground without saying a word.

Michelle looked at her slightly trembling left hand. Her mind was in a state of confusion. Xima held up a medicine box and took out the labor pain medication. Niya directly tore open Tianhen's shirt and took out the condensate. The agent was sprayed on.

"Speak, idiot, you were so arrogant just now!"

Tianhen smiled bitterly.

"You still don't know the importance of your actions, crazy bitch."

"If I didn't take action, you would still be acting stupidly. Who the hell made you do this?"

Niya gritted her teeth and stared at Xima. At this time, Michelle knew very well in her heart that only God could order the section chief to directly execute a big boss of the parliamentarian faction.

"Maybe you won't be able to see me tomorrow. Hey, I have a few last words for my sister. Please record them for me. I..."

Niya slapped Tianhen directly on the cheek, and she had already taken out the phone.

"Asshole Gene, come here as fast as I can, I want to see you in 10 minutes."

As soon as she dialed Gene's personal phone, Niya roared angrily, but there was a violent explosion on the phone.

"Sorry, Niya, I'm not free right now, I'm beating someone up here!"


The phone in Jean's hand was directly penetrated by a red light bullet after a violent ringing.

Li Chu was standing on the opposite side of the street. There would be no one on this company street in District 3.

"Asshole Gene, what on earth do you want?"

"You were the one who made the first move, Li Chu. I just want to give you a good beating tonight and then drag you over. It's that simple."

Li Chu laughed and shook his head.

"Sorry, I won't play with you anymore, bastard Gene."

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