Billy had already pinched Leng Rui's neck with one hand, and the atmosphere at the scene was a bit solemn, because most people didn't understand what Le Xiao's brain circuit was made of.

Let alone putting it on the market, if it is sold at the market price of 1 yuan per kilogram, I am afraid that it will immediately cause chaos in the market. This is not pricing at all, but nonsense.

Larry glanced at the attitude of the directors, and his head felt a little hot for a moment. It was not easy for him to explain things to Le Xiao like a teacher teaching students in a place like this. After all, his identity was here.

Everyone is on the same level, and Larry also likes this little girl's character, and doesn't want to refute Le Xiao's reputation.

"Wow, it's an orange."

Le Xiao smiled and saw that the six kinds of fruits that a director quickly brought out had been washed. Larry asked everyone to get what they wanted to eat. Le Xiao took the lead and took an orange, put it in front of his nose and smelled it. It tastes really good.

The appearance of the fruit relaxed the atmosphere very much. Many people had never eaten it, and the only ones present were Le Xiao, Larry and Billy, who had eaten it in the hospital before.


Leng Rui swallowed the whole grape directly, with saliva flowing horizontally. As a result, the grape choked on his chest. He immediately started beating his chest, and Billy patted his back for him.

Gradually, everyone's faces were filled with smiles, because it was really delicious and completely different from the taste agent. No matter how excellent the taste agent is, it will always have a metallic taste.

Smiles gradually appeared on everyone's faces, and everyone began to talk about the taste of real fruit. Some directors took out the light and shadow lockers and planned to take some back for their families to taste. Larry also acquiesced. Well, only on occasions like today can I be treated specially.

"It would be great if one day everyone in the city could eat it, and everyone would be happy and smiling."

Larry smiled and nodded. Crops are needed to make the nutrient solution. The cost is not expensive, but the cost of manufacturing fruit trees is a bit high.

Seeing that everyone's emotions have eased, some directors understand why Le Xiao said the price is one yuan per kilogram. If fruit becomes a luxury product, people at the bottom may not be able to eat it in another 10 years.

Larry opened a light and shadow panel, brought up the manufacturing structure diagram of the fruit tree, and began to explain the cost of manufacturing to Lexiao. The technical issues were only briefly discussed.

Le Xiao's eyes widened.

"A tree costs 5,000? Then if it costs 1 yuan per kilogram, doesn't it mean that you have to lose money?"

Larry sighed and nodded, looking at Le Xiao who was blushing. Some of the council officers next to him also laughed helplessly. Although they knew Le Xiao's intentions were good, such a random approach was not acceptable.

"Previously, Congress stated that 1,000 trees can be produced in a month, which is just a maximum number. Based on existing technology and cost issues, the maximum number is 500 to 550 trees in a month, and the number of fruit trees that can stably achieve the above output is only 30% at most."

Le Xiao looked at the series of data explained by Larry on the light and shadow panel with a tangled look on her face. She felt that she couldn't be so messy, especially after seeing the taxes. The technical tax was a tax on this kind of fruit tree, and there was also a market management fee, although it was cheap. But it will be adjusted based on pricing, starting at 15%, and market management fees will be calculated based on business scale.

A fruit tree needs 2KG of special nutrient solution to produce all the fruits in one month. The manufacturing cost is about 500 to 600 grams of various grains. The minimum cost is 5 yuan, as well as an ecological film system that requires trees. This has been It is included in the total cost of the fruit tree. It requires a minimum cost of 1,000. Maintenance is about once every three months, ranging from 100 to 200.

Lexiao felt a little pain in her head, and piles of numbers started to stir up in her head.

Leng Rui, who was recording on the side, looked at Le Xiao quietly. He still had a grape in his hand, and planned to keep it when he went to the lower level tomorrow to visit his sister in secret at night, and then give it to her to eat.

Leng Rui gave his cell phone to Billy and asked him to take notes. He left the crowd and came to a place a little further away. He took out another better cell phone, which was given to him by Noah.

Leng Rui has connected the AI ​​Prometheus he developed to this mobile phone. Soon as the light and shadow diverge, a flaming head appears.

"What's wrong with Xiao Leng? I'm still sleeping."

"Idiot, how can you sleep when you are a pile of data?"

Prometheus grinned, his fiery head turning.

"Even if it's data, it's at least your hard work, isn't it? A real person, don't you always tell me that? One day I will become a real person."

Leng Rui looked at Le Xiao who looked embarrassed. Leng Rui once envied those who could eat rice or bread. Now he is exhausted from raising his sister by himself. He can only eat liquid food and real food most of the day. It was a luxury product for him, and he could understand that feeling. The fruit just now was really delicious. It would be such a waste if such a thing became something that only the middle and upper classes or even the upper classes could afford.

"How about renting it?"

At this time Alpha spoke, Leng Rui had already begun to input some of the values ​​​​just written down, and asked Prometheus to start calculating the fruit tree placement area. After all, the first batch of fruit trees may only have less than 150 fruit trees, and it is necessary to find the most suitable one. Only the district where motion experiments are conducted.

"Yes, it's a rental. The price of 5,000 is too high. If there are taxes, it will be unaffordable for many merchants. Moreover, the current output is so little."

Larry nodded, that was indeed a solution.

"But there is a problem. Even if it is rented, the rent will be at least 200 yuan a month, because it also needs to provide nutrient solution, maintenance and other issues."

"Isn't that even more of a loss?"

Le Xiao pressed her head, not knowing what to do. According to the current output, there may only be 1,800 to 2,000 fruit trees a year. Districts 113 and 114 are not considered for the time being. Each of the 118 districts has a maximum of 1,800 to 2,000 fruit trees. He has more than 10 fruit trees, and he can only do it at a loss for the time being. The payback cycle is too long. Le Xiao also knows that if something does not make money, it will cost money for many years. Only a fool would do it.

"We just have to talk to the MPs."

Alpha said, Lexiao swallowed, and she shuddered when she thought of those councilors.

"Ms. Alpha, you are talking about local subsidies. It is indeed a good way to alleviate the dilemma of fruit trees being unable to repay their investment in the long term. The price of 1 yuan per kilogram mentioned by Secretary Le Xiao can only be used in areas where fruit trees have excessive yields. It may only happen when the time comes, but if the price is set now, it will be impossible to change the price rashly in the future, which will affect many industries.”

Le Xiao was still trying hard to think of a solution when she suddenly stood up.

"How about looking for a merchant?"

“Wouldn’t this become something more commercial?”

Alpha asked doubtfully, and Le Xiao shook her head with a smile.

"Aren't there many businessmen doing charity? Why not let them do such good things that are beneficial to the city?"

"Businessmen have a deeper purpose in doing charity."

Larry said helplessly, Le Xiao pressed her head again and asked her to go talk to the group of congressmen. She was very unhappy in her heart. It would be better to talk to businessmen, but when she thought about what Larry just said, the world is not free. lunch, and then thinking about the attentive faces of the businessmen in the Congress Hall, Le Xiao found that the businessmen were even more difficult to find, just like what Gu Ningning said to her, eating someone else's shortest, taking someone else's shorthand, just like King Xue The old fried dough sticks at the banquet are different.


When Le Xiao thought that King Xue not only took other people's food and ate it, he didn't feel short-handed at all, but also got worse. Le Xiao had heard from Hui Hui that King Xue was the one who was the most ruthless to the merchants. He always used the excuse of reviewing business qualifications and so on, which made the businessmen miserable, so he could only support King Xue and never overthrow him.

The group of people were all a little confused by Le Xiao's inexplicable happiness. They looked troubled and uncomfortable just now, but now they laughed alone, and they laughed very sweetly.

Alpha poked Lexiao on the back, and Lexiao came back to her senses and smiled awkwardly.

"It's better than this, Secretary Le Xiao, we can talk slowly after eating and resting for a while. You were tired yesterday and you still have plenty of time today."

It was just past 10:30. Le Xiao patted her belly, stood up and was about to leave. Larry followed him with a smile. At this time, Le Xiao suddenly stood there and sneezed hard. He almost slipped and fell, but Alpha used his telekinesis to hold him back.

"I can't do it, I can't do it!"

Guoguo's eyes widened, and there were already dark circles in the corners of her eyes. After arguing with Le Xiao before, Le Xiao said that the maintenance fee for this kind of mechanical ball was 1 yuan a day. Guoguo quarreled with her on the spot. Later, With Noah's mediation, he said that the daily maintenance fee would be 5 yuan.

Guoguo has a headache at this moment. Even if such a mechanical ball only has simple arm functions and flight functions, the electricity bill for one day, except for the daylight due to sunlight, will cost at least 2 yuan for electricity, plus the daily wear and tear. No matter what, it costs 15 yuan a day.

A room full of machinery was piled up randomly. Guoguo was sitting in front of the workbench, pressing her forehead in distress. Noah walked in from the doorway.

"What's wrong, do you want to give up? Tomorrow Le Xiao will go to District 118."

Guoguo's eyes suddenly lit up with fighting spirit, and she continued to look at the design parameters. She gritted her teeth and widened her eyes.

"You asked for it. When the time comes, it will definitely make your jaw drop."

Noah sighed and turned to look at the AI ​​phantoms walking around the streets outside. This bill was originally just the beginning. He planned to use this bill to gradually promote the mechanization process, but now it seems to be very difficult. If you want to be effective, In order to reduce the cost, the function and material of the mechanical ball will definitely be greatly reduced, and then it will be the same as paper.

"It seems like things are getting more and more troublesome."

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