
Electric sparks were flying. Jielin was wearing a pair of goggles that could be retracted and adjusted from time to time. She was holding welding tools and some parts in her gloved hands. Becky was lying quietly on a bed, and the light was very bright. On Becky's left hand which was chopped off by Werther before.

"It might hurt a little, and we need to do a nerve connection test."

Becky nodded. This is a basement with four walls and no windows. Lolita is sitting in the corner. There are a large number of mechanical parts and a lot of raw materials and miscellaneous materials stacked in the room. A light and shadow cabinet storing medical supplies is open. , some unpleasant smell of medicine kept coming out of the cabinet, and Lolita rubbed her nose from time to time.

At the cross-section of a robotic hand that was just made and still a little hot, on each of the small raised crystal surfaces, beams of red light slowly flowed to the place where Becky's broken hand was. The flesh had already wrapped around the bones. Jay Lin took out a light particle aggregation knife and pointed it at the boundary section of Becky's left hand that was already wrapped in flesh.

"Be patient. Although the nerve has been paralyzed, it will be very painful when the nerve is connected later."

Becky nodded, and her eyes suddenly widened. With the blood flying, Jielin directly cut off another small piece of Becky's hand. With quick eyesight and quick hands, she pressed the mechanical arm at the moment when the light connected to the cut surface. passed.


A layer of viscous white liquid overflowed from the part where the robot hand connected to the arm. Becky's eyes widened and she shook her head and screamed in pain. Jielin directly used telekinesis to suppress Becky, and Becky The fingers on the newly installed robotic hand are already moving.

"It'll be fine if you get up after a little sleep."

Jie Lin immediately picked up a bottle of spray on the small table next to her, pressed it to Becky's mouth and sprayed it. Becky gradually closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

After Jie Lin disposed of the blood, she set up a sink on the wall nearby, washed the blood off her hands, and wiped the sweat off her face with a wet towel.

"It's really troublesome, you clones."

Lolita sighed helplessly.

"There is nothing we can do about it. Except for me, the genetic matching series of other guys are not stable. I remember that Becky only has one spare clone left."

Jie Lin smiled coquettishly and came to Lolita's side. She put her hand on Lolita's shoulder and squeezed it gently.

"You've worked hard in the past few days, but Zhao Zhen hasn't been found yet. Let's get rid of the dean's clone tonight."

Lolita nodded with a cold light in her eyes. Recently, Frye's clone has been acting strangely. It is often on the high tower behind the hospital, seemingly looking for something, and has tried more than once to enter the gene pool deeper underground. .

After the judgment of several cadres, it was better to get rid of this clone as soon as possible. After all, he has many memories of Dean Frye and a brain as smart as Dean Frye. The original plan was to use this clone to replace Frye. Dean Frye for a week, but now there is still no news from Dean Frye.

"Is nothing going to happen to the dean?"

Jaylin said and Lolita laughed and shook her head.

"The dean is not an ordinary person. You should have seen his monster-like willpower. He can control more than three kinds of divine power. The dean is the closest thing to a human being."

Jie Lin nodded in agreement, sat next to Lolita, and grabbed her hands.

"The end of our journey should be in sight soon. Although I feel a little reluctant to leave it,..."

Lolita laughed, pursed her lips and shook her head.

"No matter what the outcome is, we undead should return to dust, including those non-human beings."

"Don't you regret it? What you need to face is the teacher who taught you everything."

Lolita looked at Jaylin seriously.

"I am a human being. After my thoughts have different points of divergence, I am no longer Werther's student. Don't mention the past. I'm afraid the guy on the bed is the same. Before he is dying, Jicai finally figured out what he had done."

Jaylin chuckled and stood up, Lolita following her lead.

"Clone Frye should die in a few days. He has multiple organ failures now. Get rid of him first."

Lolita said, taking out a small black ball, and a light and shadow screen appeared on it, with the real-time body values ​​​​of clone Frye.

"Blowing him up is only a last resort. Remember, if he voluntarily accepts death, that's fine. If not, blow up his head, remove the organs from his body, and cultivate new ones. Dean’s cloned brain No. 2 should be almost finished cultivating.”

Jaylin nodded.

"Hopefully everything."

Didi didi

Along with a sound, a beam of red light appeared on the wall, forming a light and shadow screen.

"Have you found it, Zhao Zhen?"

Lolita looked at the man wearing a black mask on the screen, who was at a certain path in the subway station.

"The situation is urgent. The intelligence source comes from AI. Jean has gone to the hospital. Department 2 is suspected of investigating the list of people who died in recent years."

In an instant, the expressions of Lolita and Jie Lin changed.

"We must return to the hospital as soon as possible. If we don't do it right tonight, it will directly turn into a war."

Jie Lin said in a daze.

In the basement, Hathaway was curled up in the corner dying. She had just eaten liquid food and her whole body was in pain. abnormal.

"Very good. You are indeed a genius. Thanks to the Devourer virus last time, we have mastered most of the surveillance."

X smiled coldly, without the cheeks in the lower half, only a embedded screen that would flash red light with the speech.

The area on the chest that was penetrated by the Section 10 robot has been repaired. Except for the exposed artificial skin graft, the rest of the area looks just like a normal person.

At this time, an image of an immature child appeared on the light and shadow screen that X was looking at.

"Mr. X, why did you leak the information to the creators? Isn't this the result we need!"

The young voice sounded a little serious, and X laughed.

"Of course you, all AIs, won't understand. I will go over to contact clone Fry tonight. He has agreed to cooperate with us. Now is not the time. If they are really exposed, it will only take a moment. , those seven guys will demolish Frye Mental Hospital in an hour, without leaving a trace."

"According to our analysis, the probability of this is only 70%, and there is still something left."

X shook his head.

"After all, you are not human. It is not enough to rely on a bunch of data for analysis. According to my understanding of those seven guys, they will never talk to anyone who dares to resist. After all, when I came here, You still don’t know where it is!”

Hathaway's eyes were a little moved.

"Is it weird? I am not from Brilliant City, but from outside the earth!"

X raised a finger and pointed upward. Hathaway's eyes widened. She had been a little suspicious of this man before, because the technology in his hands was something Hathaway had never seen before. This was not from Bright City. Technology, mechanical technology and the mechanical technology in Bright City are completely different.

Although it was not clear what kind of plan X and the others had, Hathaway knew very well that she had to think of another way to encrypt some distress data and send it out using the opportunity to control the computer.

"Don't worry, the weapons to deal with the gods exist in the sky."

While talking, .

The silver coin looked very shiny. Hathaway stared at it quietly. She had seen this silver coin many times, but she had never seen this kind of metal. There was also a small hole with transparent gelatin on the side of the silver coin.

X's eyes looked at the silver coins with some sadness, and Hathaway asked boldly.

"What on earth is this?"

"The silver coins issued to commemorate the advent of the 22nd century are awarded to every scientist who has made outstanding contributions to the space station. I went from my hometown to space, and then returned to this planet from space. The results were the same both times. Maybe this is the fate of being a traitor."

This was the first time Hathaway heard X say so much. She planned to continue asking, because although this guy's body was a robot, he was still a human on the inside.

"Can you tell me!"

X suddenly stood up, turned around, picked up the braces from the table, and put them on Hathaway.

"Have you ever thought about what it will look like one day in the future, when the unknown matter in the sky dissipates and real sunlight shines on this cold planet again?"

Hathaway shook her head. She couldn't understand that even if people's life spans were extended, she might not be able to see that day coming.

X kissed Hathaway on the forehead with a smile in his eyes, turned around and opened the door.

"What kind of feelings do you have? What you did to me."

X laughed coldly.

"At first I just wanted a substitute, but then I changed my mind, because your genius is very similar to my wife. Hathaway, if you are willing to be obedient, I promise that one day I will become the king. , you are the queen!"

Hathaway's eyes widened and the door closed.

The room was quiet for a while, and Hathaway pulled up the quilt and lay down. She had no way of knowing how long this imprisoned life would last, but this man was very dangerous, and she had to find a way to spread the news.

The plans of the AIs should have been prepared many years ago. This is a very terrible thing. Hathaway has often regretted it recently. Before she was imprisoned by X, Section 10 sent people to find her again, hoping that she would join Section 10. , but Hathaway refused again. She didn't like the practice of practicing medicine, and she didn't want to stay in the research laboratory all day long.


Hathaway murmured, and the lights in the room went out.

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