
The right half of Fry's body seemed to be bursting. He sat panting on the hood of the pickup truck. On the surface of the right half of the body, although the black and red tentacles had been retracted into the body, they were still on the surface of the skin. It moved slightly like hair, and Fry curled his lips.

"You can't be considered a human being like this anymore, haha."

Frye laughed. The alienated cells stopped eating themselves, but his body became like this. For Frye, this action was too risky. He knew the danger of the action at the beginning, and he did not What comes to mind is that the wise man who is not even a mutant has a way of delaying talking about it for so long, but why Witt went to that deserted and deserted edge area? This is what Frye also thought about after he regained his consciousness in the past few days. , it can only be one guy, that kid Ran Zai.

For this kid who didn't know what he wanted to do, Frye felt troubled early on. He tried to win over him many times, but was rejected. He didn't dare to let the cadres contact Ran Zai. After all, if this kid If you get nervous, you'll be in trouble.

The reason why Fry was so impulsive was because of Becky. If he was caught, he would be doomed. Section 10 would spare no effort to get a lot of secrets from Becky, but he didn't expect to encounter Quasimodo in the middle. .

Frye thought about it carefully. If he had not been so impulsive and thought that Mo Xiaolan could be solved, it might not have been so miserable. Now it is impossible for the body to recover, at least it is impossible here. It must be recovered. Go to the underground laboratory and analyze the current condition of your body.

Frye raised his right hand and looked at the red and black tentacles that were constantly moving. These things are called plant-like things. Frye knew this long ago when he was still a student. These things can be seen everywhere outside the barrier. They can be like Plants also rely on root-like parts to absorb nutrients and grow. The difference with plants is that they are afraid of light.

Light can kill this kind of plant. Frye has tested it in the laboratory before. This kind of plant can absorb alienated cells and convert it into its own nutrients. A few days ago, when it was most dangerous, Frye took out A small plant, which was always kept in a nutrient solution in a jar, was inserted into the right half of his body, and the plant was implanted.

Frye no longer had the energy to fight against the self-phagocytosis of the alienated cells. As a result, a miracle happened. In this way, this plant-like plant quickly engulfed the alienated cells in his body and stabilized it. own body.

Just a few days ago, Frye discovered that he could control this kind of plant, so he started experiments. More than 3,000 people in the entire town were slowly killed by Frye one by one. The human body is a good nutrient. The plant-like plant in his body has grown vigorously, and has the ability to divide infinitely. He can even use this plant-like plant to emit telekinesis.

Now Frye feels that these plant-like plants are like his countless hands and feet, becoming more and more flexible, and the left half of his head is completely covered by some of the tentacles of these plant-like plants. This is also the reason why he can control the plant-like plants. , these plants have a connection with their own brain nerves.

But due to excessive absorption in the past few days, it will be very painful when these plantoids are taken back into the body. Plantoids can split and fuse. This should be thanks to the power of the yellow god in their bodies, which changes the density of the plantoids and retracts them. The right half of the body at the back is very heavy, and Fry needs to use a certain amount of telekinesis to move it. The weight is estimated to exceed 5 tons.

There was a rustling sound, and the tentacles directly dragged the corpses off the car, and then put the car back into the warehouse. A large number of tentacles began to spread out again. Frye felt that his body relaxed a lot, and those who were scavenged The food, water and other supplies he received were put back into the original room by Frye.

"I have to call Lolita now."

Frye said as he moved towards the factory on the snake-like tentacles on the ground. He took out the phone with his left hand and pressed the call button. The phone began to make bursts of harsh electric sounds, still looking for a signal.

However, it failed and could not be contacted. Frye looked in the direction of Brilliant City and gave up. I am afraid that Section 3 has adopted some interference methods. Any signal from the barrier area cannot be transmitted to the city. Although it is not clear what is inside the city. How is the situation, but Frye knows very well that as long as this power is used properly, it will definitely increase the powerful combat power of his side.

But the weakness of fear of light must be solved. Now as long as I use stronger telekinesis, the light emitted will still burn these plants.

However, this phenomenon is improving every day, and it seems to be because these plants have absorbed their own alienated cells.

After throwing the body into the factory, Frye slowly climbed to the top of the factory relying on the suction-like plants that could be produced on the surface, and began to take back all the plant-like plants, staring at the Brilliant City.

Fry believed in Lolita. He knew very well that Lolita could handle most things. It was the best choice to continue experiments in this vast land. He still had clones in reserve. If something really happened, If exposed, Frye plans to have all the creators come to the barrier area. As long as his experiment is successful, plants with such power will definitely become a powerful weapon to overthrow the divine authority.


Frye raised his head, and in the gray-black sky, a beam of light could be vaguely seen passing quickly. Frye instantly disappeared, and he looked at the distant light with a solemn expression.

Under the gray-black sky, everything in the distance seemed to be in mist. You could vaguely see the outlines of some mountains and some things that looked like buildings. The outermost barrier of Brilliant City was 300 meters high and 50 meters thick. .

The construction of the barrier began 200 years ago. After the technology stabilized, it was constructed rapidly. It was finally completed more than 100 years ago. It is precisely because of this barrier that Brilliant City was able to achieve stability in just over 10 years. 's ecosystem.

On the spacious fortress wall, there is a large row of circular warehouses with only one floor. There are densely packed small holes on all the outer walls. This is a water molecule extraction system, which can absorb water molecules in the air and pass through the temperature difference between day and night. The resulting air flow floats directly from the air to Bright City, and then the water molecule absorbers in the city will absorb the water molecules before they condense into water droplets. This system is a powerful way for Bright City to not be short of water all year round. Assure.

Harmful substances sometimes turn into dust along with the turbulent airflow outside the barrier and fly onto the land in the barrier area. At this time, in one section of the room in this ring-shaped house, in the spacious and empty hall, bursts of food are exuding. Fragrance, many people from 3 subjects are preparing dinner.

A director was leaning on the sofa, staring at the dark and boundless world outside a window, and sighed helplessly.

"I may be able to go back next year. Next time I go back during the holiday, we can go upstairs for a drink and I'll treat you."

More than 30 people in the room immediately cheered excitedly. The members of the three subjects who work here are all selected. They will first go to the 10-subject system to learn all related work in the barrier workstation. After passing the exam, they will be sent to practice. Once Come here, no matter what level you were in before, you will be upgraded to one level unconditionally. The working period is 10 years, and there are additional benefits. There are 3 days of vacation every month. Their main job is to maintain the water molecule extraction system. normal operation, observing the situation outside the barrier, and receiving and analyzing some radio signals, including regularly monitoring the violent air flow, and then delivering the metal plate containing the special signal code of Brilliant City through a fat balloon, because Located in the plateau area, these light balls will roll towards this desolate world with the wind. There is also a special shrinking road map embedded in the code card. You only need to use a magnifying glass or something like that. You can see it.

Members of Section 3 who have worked at the barrier monitoring station for 10 years can choose to be transferred to any of the 11 Sections except Section 10 and Section 13 after returning home.

Among the more than 30 people here, the longest has been working for 9 years, and the shortest has been working for less than a year. Food is delivered every week, and the food is relatively good.

Because there is no way to get out of this place, there are a lot of harmful particles scattered in the air, and inhaling them may cause poisoning or even other reactions.

"Let me start, we have recently monitored 13 electrical signals here, but according to estimates, they are only a few decades ago. There should be no life elsewhere on this planet long ago!"

A young Level 3 official said, and the director laughed.

"I'm not sure. After all, we have survived and built such a great city. There may be civilizations like ours in other places in the world. Maybe there will be cities that are more powerful than us."

Many people immediately showed a look of disbelief. At this time, the director stood up, walked to a workbench, and set up a light and shadow screen. During the night market detection, it could be clearly seen that the barrier was covered with black. The plant with bloodshot eyes has climbed to a height of 100 meters.

"Boss, do you want a haircut?"

Someone said, and the director officer nodded, and then the level 3 official who was rolling out the dough ran to another workbench. After adjusting for a while, with a whoosh, a slowly glowing ball emerged from the barrier. It slowly fell down, and the moment it slowly landed next to the plant, it exploded with a bang, and violent light emitted instantly.


The plant-like plants crawling on the wall squirmed, and then gradually turned into dust, and a large area of ​​plant-like plants was cleared away in an instant.

A group of people cheered, and the director sighed.

"It will grow again in a few days, so I have to report it to the boss."

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