On the dark street, in the deserted housing area, a member of Section 5 was patrolling. The wind passed through the empty house and made a whining sound from time to time. The member of Section 5 started to shiver.

This clerk is called Wang Xiao. He just joined the administrative department last year. He was assigned to the northwest district as soon as he joined. The local economy is already a bit depressed. Wang Xiao just wants to get more than 80 points in the assessment as soon as possible. You may have the opportunity to be transferred to other areas with relatively better economies.

Things were a little weird tonight. Most of the other staff in the area were heading towards the 80th area in the north. It seemed that they were trying to get out urgently. Someone had reported that the two freelance anchor duo had lost contact. Wang Xiao didn't dare to come alone. After all, there were a lot of rumors about this place.

Coupled with the light group rising in the night sky to the north, Wang Xiao felt cold all over. He had wanted to come over a long time ago, but Wang Xiao did not dare to come alone. Instead, he wandered on the street for a while. , but after receiving the order from the squad leader, he had no choice but to come over. Before coming, he had two drinks with friends he knew in the area.

Originally, he wanted to ask a few friends to accompany him, but Wang Xiao couldn't say it. After all, he was a professional.

Wang Xiao could only be patient, holding up his mobile phone and patrolling the neighborhood. According to the information compiled from the report, the two anchors should have gone to the back of Frye Mental Hospital.

Wang Xiao looked at the map information on the light and shadow screen and shouted as he walked. Although he was a little scared, Wang Xiao still quickened his pace because there had been nearly 300 calls to report the crime. If he didn't handle it tonight, he would definitely be arrested. The team members and captain laughed.

After a while, Wang Xiao came to the backyard of Frye Mental Hospital, which had been opened by sabotage tools. A biting chill made Wang Xiao's palms start to sweat.

Wang Xiao's original choice was subject 6, because subject 6 seemed easier, but the final assignment was subject 5. After half a year, Wang Xiao gradually adapted to the need to patrol the streets every day.

At this time, Wang Xiao came to the bottom of the tower and saw a rope that was connected to the fifth floor above. It was a rope for climbing. Wang Xiao pulled the rope and climbed up little by little. At this time, there were bursts of shrill howls. Wang Xiao was so frightened that he almost let go of the rope in his hand, but he still started to climb up because he heard from the staff who patrolled here before that these shrill howls were from the patients in the hospital. dispatched.

Wang Xiao climbed up, but the moment he climbed up, he was startled, as if someone was lying on the floor.

"Are you OK!"

Wang Xiao called out and no one on the ground responded. He felt a suffocating cold air. Wang Xiao took out his pistol first and jumped into the building with all his strength. He looked around with the pistol in hand. After approaching, Wang Xiao swallowed. Although he had received a certain degree of training in school, this was the first time Wang Xiao saw a dead person. He pulled up the photo and was sure that the dead man was Liu Dawei from the duo. His whole body was covered with a layer of fine water drops. Wang Xiao immediately took out his phone and started dialing the number of Section 4.

At this time, in Frye Mental Hospital, Hemio, who had returned to the hospital, stood quietly in a spacious underground hall, surrounded by more than a dozen cadres wearing white masks with the letters XX engraved on them. At that time, most of the cadres were wearing helmets with brain control chips, and they were still controlling the S-type Cyborgs.

Heimo looked at the patients sitting on the chairs below who began to twitch and foam at the mouth from time to time. Once the modified person dies, it will be a great stimulus to the brain nerves of these patients, and the pain signals will be transmitted in an instant. .


Hemio looked at the surveillance screen on the side. A person from Section 5 had discovered the body. Now is the most critical moment. Although the No. 2 clone Frye has been completed, it will take some time to wake up. If It would be very bad if the administrative department comes to investigate at this time.

But Heimo did not inform the other cadres. The cadres sitting on the chairs next to him looked all in pain. At this time, on the seat below, a patient was foaming at the mouth, twitching, and soon died with his head tilted. , Heimo walked down and checked.

"It's already the ninth one. If the consumption continues like this, many people in our engineering department will die."

Heimou said with a serious face. He did not participate in controlling the transformed people. This is also his privilege, because Frye said that he must not let any mistakes happen in his head. Heimou smiled, and this is also his prerogative. Inevitable, because it was he who developed the source of the matrix and the quantum movement technology that uses the source of the matrix to carry out human body.

However, Heimo himself is the only one who can move completely. Although Lolita can also move, movement is often accompanied by risks, and Lolita died thousands of times during the movement experiment before she was able to succeed.

Heimo was very shameless about what Lolita did. He used his own death to promote the scientific process. This kind of thing is too extreme. Most of the ergonomic technologies mastered by creators today , all obtained through Lolita's repeated deaths.

Heimo had rebuked Lolita's approach a long time ago. Humanity's progress is indeed accompanied by death and rebirth again and again, but many times the problems that arise from such rebirth will plague mankind. Even human progress will drag mankind into the abyss.

Everything now is the subsequent chain reaction brought about by Lolita's plan to clone the future, and she wants to end everything she has done in the past, using the same method.

This is not simply a discovery of conscience, or something that can be clearly explained by anger and hatred. It is the same with tonight's declaration of war. Something is being shattered bit by bit.

Heimo discovered more and more that these creators were not trying to overthrow the divine power and take back everything that belonged to mankind. They were just a group of lunatics who had lost their self-control and lived in a world of self-satisfaction. Such a group It is impossible for madmen to give mankind any future. If they really do it one day, only destruction awaits mankind.

Although Heimo himself is also a lunatic, in recent years, he has become more and more disgusted with the practices of these guys. On a light and shadow screen, a lift from Section 4 slowly landed towards the hospital.

Heimo stood up. The paper might not be able to contain the fire. He had to do something.

"no solution anymore."

Heimo had discussed with Fry before. If Fry was not in the hospital and there was no other option, Heimo would bring out the man-made machine Fry. He had already collected a large amount of Fry's information. As long as he used AI12 can copy an AI of Fry's personality and drive that AI into a new human being.

"Honey, follow the plan!"

Heimo walked to the corner, raised one hand, and spoke to a round intercom.

The situation in Area 79 is still hot. Hemio looked at the light and shadow screen quietly. At this time, Frye, who looked sleepy, had already walked out of the main building of the hospital. Several people in Department 4 were familiar to Frye. people.

"Fry, there's a murder happening here."

Immediately, Frye looked at a female member of Section 4 who came over with a look of disbelief. They were from the forensic team.

"What's going on?"

Frye asked with a shocked look on his face.

A clerk began to explain and started walking. Fry led them towards the cemetery behind.

In the dark corridor, a woman with golden twintails had a faint light in her eyes. She watched a group of people walking by with a strange smile on her lips.

"Coverage rate 39%!"

A cold sound came from the woman's mouth, and then disappeared into the darkness.

At this time, the new Frye AI human prepared by Heimo had already entered the tower with the people from Section 4. Frye, who was walking in front, was chatting with the members of Section 4 behind him, with strings of numerical symbols flashing in his eyes from time to time. .


Located in a small courtyard somewhere in District 80, more than a dozen new AI humans are gathering here. They are motionless, sitting or lying in the courtyard numbly, numbers and symbols flashing in their eyes.

"The operation will start in 3 minutes and 37 seconds, cutting off the network signal of the branch!"

Accompanied by a cold mechanical sound, more than ten people in the yard began to walk towards the house.

Alpha approached Area 80 in the dark night. She quickly shuttled on the rooftops and learned everything that had happened so far from Jean's cell phone. To her, it all seemed like a dream, and the war had actually broken out.

However, Alpha stopped at this time. She stared quietly at the dark black mountains in the distance. Part of this place once belonged to the territory of the Angus family. Back then, the Sherman family took away everything from their family, including Area 79. territory within.

Many things from the past came out of his head again, and Alpha's expression became serious.

"No matter what I do, I still can't forget it! Everything."

Alpha said to herself, her voice full of bitterness, and she began to jump again.

At this time, in the temporary headquarters, Niya stared at the live battle video with a solemn expression. She wanted to go in, but was dissuaded by Noah. Currently, people from Section 5 were dealing with some things in the surrounding areas and on the streets. She had already Qin Dong was transferred back to the headquarters.

Noah was a little itchy, and he smiled from time to time. Noah had sent himself several messages and wanted to dispatch the mechanical troops, but the situation on the scene did not allow him to do so, because the neighborhood was now completely chaotic. .

Only when the special forces of Section 3 retreated could they put in the mechanical troops. The section chiefs were having a meeting in the General Affairs Section. Things were getting weirder and weirder. Noah smiled.

"Good evening everyone!"

With a gentle and smiling voice, accompanied by light blue particles, Gene landed outside the headquarters, and Niya looked over.

"You bastard, you weren't there for such a big thing. Didn't you go to the General Affairs Department?"

Gene walked in with a smile and shook his head.

"If this place is breached, I will be responsible for solving everything!"

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