Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1281 Detachment (Part 1)

The rustling sound was constantly making, as lives disappeared one after another, with horrified and frightened faces, and pleading in their eyes.

"Dean! What on earth are you doing!"

Frye stood in the air with his left hand slightly raised. On the right half of his body, a large number of black plants had covered the area of ​​two or three kilometers nearby. The plants stood up like spears one after another. There was a person on them. They all It is a small armed force that gathered after seeing the situation in Montenegro. There have been many waves.

Jie Lin has restarted the armor. At this time, the performance of the armor is still unstable. After being hit by a large-scale missile explosion and high-temperature airflow, the armor has problems. The flight function cannot be activated. Now it can only be used as clothing. Wear it on your body.

Many people who were impaled in the air by black and red plants were not dead yet. They could not make a sound. Jielin could see clearly that these plants were absorbing all the nutrients in their bodies. Some people seemed to have become A lot shriveled up.

At this time, the plant-like body not far away formed a moving column and came over here.

"The experiment has begun, Jaylin."

Frye turned his head, seeing a slightly crazy red eye in the dark night that made people shudder. Jaylin walked over tremblingly and took out the medical equipment she carried.

There was a rustling sound, and it sounded like a door opening. Jielin's eyes widened. The black columnar plant in front of her opened to both sides. After countless tentacles as fine as threads separated, more than 10 people were revealed inside. People's faces were full of fear. They didn't know what was around them or what happened to them. The weapons in their hands were out of ammunition. Many people screamed like crazy and wanted to escape after seeing a hole opened.

There were waves of terrifying roars, and a person was dragged into the air by the neck of the plant, and they began to struggle.


Jie Lin said something, and at this moment, streaks of white and faint light particles emitted from the fingertips of Frye's raised left hand. Immediately, the surrounding plants began to seem to be full of fear and wanted to shrink, but stopped. Some plants have a burning reaction, but there is no flame, only a dark red firelight, and a strange smell can be smelled, which is a little bitter but also smelly.

Jie Lin covered her cheek. At this time, more than a dozen people inside saw clearly and begged for mercy.

Frye raised a finger and shook it, with only half an excited and weird smile hanging on half of his cheeks.

"Now you have two choices, either die or eat these!"

Frye said that strips of black plant-like plants emerged from his left eyeball. Jielin had already obtained a night vision device and could clearly see that these plant-like plants were like meridians, with three color zone changes. As delicate as hair, these plants began to move as soon as they landed on the ground, and their slender tentacles pierced into the earth.

"Is it weird? Jaylin."

Fry turned around, and the right half of his body had turned into countless wriggling tentacles.

Jie Lin didn't know what to say, because the man in front of her at this moment was no longer the familiar Dean Frye.


One person was put down, and everyone looked at Frye in horror. Frye landed in front of them, squatted in front of a guy, picked up a plant-like plant with his left hand and held it in his hand.

"Okay, eat it."

Suddenly, someone behind Frye took out a hidden weapon. However, in less than a second, the person who wanted to resist stopped moving. Waves of whimpering sounded, and everyone looked at him in horror. The plant-like plant instantly pierced the body, and then began to shrivel up, and soon the person became a mummy.

"If you were more obedient, I wouldn't need to take action. Move quickly, Jaylin."

Jie Lin hesitated and made no move. Her whole body began to tremble slightly.

"Only strength can control everything and achieve everything. As humans, we are too small. Our enemies are not humans. What should we use as humans to defeat those powerful enemies?"

Jie Lin stared at Frye in stunned silence. The guy squatting in front of Frye opened his mouth and put the plant-like plant into his mouth and swallowed it.

A burst of screams rang out, and the guy who had eaten the plant-like thing in front of him was holding his abdomen. The pain made his cheeks completely distorted. Jielin knew very well that eating the plant-like thing directly was tantamount to seeking death, because this kind of plant-like thing would eat anything. It absorbs everything. In such a barrier zone, everything absorbed is poisonous and harmful substances. When they finally obtained the plant for research, this plant contained a variety of violent metal toxins, which can be used in 1 Kill any creature within seconds.

Blood flowed from the nostrils and mouth of the guy in front of him. The first guy who ate the plant-like thing was dead. His eyes widened. The guys behind him moved back in fear.

"Move quickly, next one."

Jie Lin walked over. She was a little reluctant to do anything. They had modified the bodies of many people in the past, but those guys all joined voluntarily. There were even many people who had the same idea as them. However, This time, Jie Lin didn't know why, but couldn't take action.

"There is no need to be moved by the guilt in your heart. They are just a part of this world. There are more things in this world. Do you know what I feel? Jie Lin."

Jie Lin shook her head slightly, Frye smiled ferociously on the left side of his face and clenched his fists.

"It's anger. I clearly feel anger from these plants! Noble goals, the belief that we must stick to our own opinions, these things are just to protect our fragile hearts as human beings before reaching the final goal. Destroyed, if you want to know the answer, I will tell you, tell you clearly now!”

Frye's eyes widened, and a soft, hoarse laugh came from his throat.

"It's the same, there's no difference between us. Putting aside everything that can inspire people, everything we do is the same as everything the gods did back then. We don't need any gorgeous excuses to cover up. We What you did was evil!”

Jie Lin slowly walked over, squatted in front of the corpse, and called up a box-shaped machine. As streams of light penetrated the man's body, some values ​​began to be displayed on a light and shadow panel. .


The plants around Jielin turned red and began to spontaneously ignite, and some plants began to shrink backwards.

"There are as many experimental materials as there are in the barrier area. Since they can use flesh and blood to accumulate divine power, the only thing that will pull them down in the end is flesh and blood!"

Frye clenched his fists and widened his eyes. Many people in front of him looked at Frye in horror. Frye raised one hand.

"Eat it quickly. If any of you has a neutralizing reaction in your body with these plants, I will congratulate him on winning the jackpot, and he will also become one of us! The moment I came back from the dead, I felt like I I have transcended the shackles of certain things, concepts, will, emotions, and thoughts! These things can no longer imprison me, and the next era is about to begin!"

Heimo returned to his room, and immediately the smiling blond twin-tailed robot came up to her. Heimo kissed her and nodded.

"Dear, thank you for your help!"

Heimo said nothing and patted AI12 on the shoulder.

"Don't let anyone in."

As he spoke, Heimou walked to the bed, moved the bed, and entered the underground research room directly through the biological mud wall.


The lights came on, and Heimo's eyes widened. He looked at the body of Fryclone No. 1 in the liquid chamber, which was more than half complete. Except for the flesh and bones that were still exposed in many places, other parts were still gradually growing. of developing.

"What's going on?"

Heimo looked at the workbench in the room and many cabinets on the walls that had been opened. The materials originally used to construct Frye's body had been mixed and put into the input pool of the liquid chamber. .


A bubble popped up, and Frye, the No. 1 clone who was sleeping inside, opened his eyes.

"Thank you, Minister!"

Heimo's eyes widened, and he immediately looked around. He couldn't see anything, but he heard Frye's voice.

Suddenly, Heimo saw cyan particles floating in front of his eyes, and he seemed to understand something.

"What's going on?"

Along with a burst of hearty laughter, clone Frye's voice came out clearly.

"Humans are ministers with souls. At the moment of death, what exactly do they see? What exactly do they achieve? I saw it, I achieved it. You are wondering why I have those memories before death? I have seen the secrets of God.”

Heimo's eyes widened in horror. At this time, he could see the clone Frye's head, which contained only bones, flesh, and meridians in the liquid tank, and his eyes were moving.

A gentle breeze blew by, and some colored liquid that had been prepared on the workbench was poured into the transfer tank.

"It won't take long, Minister. I hope to discuss the follow-up plan with you!"

Hemio stared at clone Frye blankly.

"What do you think about letting me replace Clone No. 2 Frye? This time I won't do anything extraordinary, and I won't let those two women find out about it."

Heimo nodded.

"What I have seen and understood may be of help to you, Minister. Don't you want an AI with human emotions?"

Heimo's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Only I can help you do it. I have transcended. At the moment of my death, I saw the mystery of life. Now I have awakened the true power of the blue god and can do more things!"

Heimo nodded, turned around and walked slowly.

"I just hope you don't break your appointment, Frye No. 1."

"Of course, Minister, after all, we are a community of destiny, aren't we! When you have no value, it will be your death. Minister, please remember it. The longer you hide those wild ideas in your head, the safer they will be!"

Heimo nodded. He knew very well that there was no place for him on Frye's side, on AI's side, or in the Business Department. If the people in the Business Department knew that he was still alive, they would definitely kill him, and the others Guys just want ergonomics in their hands.

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