Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1297 Planting Hope (Part 2)

It was pouring heavily on the street, and almost no pedestrians could be seen. The rainwater gathered into a small river, which had already submerged some low-lying houses. The big raindrops fell, splashing mud on the ground.

The bright lights were dimly visible on the street, and young Frye was running panting with a large black bag on his back.


Frye fell to the ground. He could no longer run. The water fell down his face. Frye was breathing heavily. The woman on his back was obviously very light, but now it was as if Frye's feet were tied. Like a lead mass, he could no longer run and could only crawl in the mud.

Finally, when he arrived under the eaves of a house, Frye had no strength left. He looked at the misty street in the distance from time to time in fear, wiping the rain on his cheeks with both hands.

A pale arm stretched out from the big black bag. There were many stitches on the arm.

"Send me back, or just find a place to bury me, otherwise you won't be safe."

Frye wiped the rain from his cheeks with a horrified expression, and pressed a white hand on his cheek.

"hurry up!"

Frye shook his head. A serious accident occurred in the laboratory. He ran for an unknown amount of time with the clone Lolita on his back, because the long-term heavy rain caused problems with the laboratory's power supply device, and the remaining Rats chew on some wires.

A bitter smile appeared on Fry's face. He didn't know where he was going. After the accident, the clones began to run away. The entire laboratory was in chaos. There was an explosion in the heavy rain and everything was destroyed.

Frye clearly remembered that when he turned off the power, there was a violent explosion. When he woke up, the clone girl Lolita who had talked to him a lot stretched out a hand and made a weak sound. A cry for help came.

Fry grabbed the hand and without thinking anything, he put Lolita in a big bag, carried it on his back and ran away. The clone riot in the laboratory continued. Fry escaped, taking with him The woman on his back now calmed down, and Frye felt fear.

"Teacher Witte will not let this happen, find a way to deal with me!"


There was a zipper sound, and Lolita crawled out of the big black bag with her arms trembling, and Frye wanted to help her.


Lolita fell into the mud puddle. She raised her head and smiled happily. She looked very beautiful. Fry was stunned, and his thinking seemed to have stopped for a moment. He just watched quietly.

Lolita stood up little by little in the rain, raised her hands, and let the raindrops fall across her body and along her scarred skin.

"Why save me!"

Lolita smiled softly and looked at Frye. Their eyes met for a moment, and everything seemed to be frozen in Frye's mind. It was obviously a dark night with heavy rain, but Frye seemed to vaguely see light. There is a faint glow surrounding Lolita's body.

Frye watched in trance. After a while, he came back to his senses and looked at Lolita who fell to the ground. Frye went over and helped her.

The wind was howling in his ears, and the rain was still as noisy as ever, but at this moment Frye felt as if he had been hit by electricity. He would not take Lolita back, nor would he find a place to take her back. Buried.

"It's hope!"

With a crackling sound, Frye crossed the streets one after another. He had begun to oppose such a plan a long time ago, but the opposition was ineffective. The plan started as usual. This is not something that human beings can control. Life is something like this. !

In a dark underground room, Fry panted and put Lolita down. Everything in the room was very old, and many broken things had been repaired.

Frye sat by the door. This underground facility had long been abandoned. Twenty years ago, Frye and his mother lived here. The walls were painted with blue sky and white clouds. He shrugged his head and had already injected Lolita. medicine, and gave her some nutritional supplements.

The corners of Frye's mouth raised slightly. He hadn't been back here for a long time, and the cries from his childhood that echoed throughout the underground seemed to be ringing in his ears.

In order to escape the war, his mother, who was a deformed person, took him underground. Frye never knew who his mother was, but he only knew that her mother relied on her body to exchange food with others to raise him. .

Frye still clearly remembered the moment when one day the whole underground facility stopped crying and was filled with laughter. He climbed out of the facility and the first thing he saw was the extremely bright star in the sky. The sun, everyone is shouting without emotion.

"What is the sun!"

"Fry is a very warm and selfless person!"

Frye looked at Lolita quietly in front of him. Frye was very clear about her affairs. She was just like the sun, but being the sun itself had to bear the scorching heat.

"Even if you save me, I won't survive long Frye."

Lolita woke up, and she still looked at Fry tenderly.

Frye lowered his head, with a smile on his face. He seemed to have understood something clearly in his heart. He originally wanted to have a good talk with Principal Gene. Regarding this dangerous experiment related to the future of mankind, I am afraid that Leading mankind into an even more terrifying abyss.

No one can predict what will happen in the future by disrupting the normal cycle of life forms like humans, and no one can afford it.

"It's wrong! Everything is buried now."

Frye stood up, looked at Lolita blankly, clenched her fists, Lolita raised the corners of her mouth and stood up, walked to Frye's side, and held Frye gently with both hands.

"You are very kind, but sometimes kindness may make you worse, or even..."

Frye patted Lolita's back gently, and everything in his heart was still changing. He had heard people talk about seeds before, and what kind of seeds you bury in the soil will eventually yield what kind of fruits. The amazing thing is that when Fry grew up, he saw crops growing under fluorescent lights, which were different from what he had imagined when he was a child.

All past experiences were spinning in Frye's mind, and his head was very hot. In his mind, he could only see the trampling of life by malice. What he sows is evil, and what he will reap in the future can only be evil.

"Seeds of hope!"

Frye murmured to himself after a long time. At this time, Lolita's breath was very weak. Frye carried Lolita back to the bed and looked at her seriously.

"The plan to clone the future will never stop. The real plan to clone the future, I will clone you. Maybe you can't remember, but please believe me, I will save you, block everything I have, even It’s the rest of my life!”

Lolita nodded slightly.


"Because you are beautiful!"

The wind and sand rustled, and lights could be seen over the Black Mountain in the distance. Frye stood quietly in the wind. Jielin behind him looked at Frye without saying a word, he was crying.

Jaylin knew very well that every time Lolita died, Frye would be very sad. The short war was over, Lolita was dead and went to the cold world again, and she would return to this world again, Enduring death again and again.

At this moment, Jie Lin was at a loss. All the people who had swallowed the plant-like plants were poisoned and died. The plant-like plants absorbed the nutrients from these people's bodies, pierced their skin, grew out, and continued to expand infinitely. .

"I once planted hope, and this hope still exists today. Jielin, do you think I'm crazy?"

Jie Lin did not answer, but just looked at Frye who turned his head. Except for the left cheek that could still be seen, he had become like a monster.

"What do you think hope is?"

Jie Lin wanted to speak, but finally gave up because she herself had never believed in hope. She only believed in Frye and Lolita who believed in hope because she felt that they could help her see hope and touch hope. , and finally have hope.

The heavy feeling in Jielin's heart was like a flame or a knife. She didn't understand where the hope was.

"Hope is something you cannot see. You can only see it when despair comes. The hope I have buried will one day take root."

There was a rustling sound, and the surrounding plants gathered together violently, and soon they were retracted into Frye's body.

"These things are no longer needed. Has the recording of body values ​​been completed?"

Jie Lin hummed, and she held a small ball. The small ball gave off a strong light. In the light, the plants that were still growing on the corpse began to turn red, and they were burned without fire. Gradually, these corpses The plants on the ground turned into black embers, and turned into dust along with the wind and sand.

"Let's go, Jie Lin, the days ahead may be harder, I'm sorry!"

Frye said as the black tentacles rolled up Jielin, and she let out a dull hum.

"Dean, I see no hope."

Frye nodded and turned back to look at Brilliant City.

"But we can see it, right Lolita!"


In a tubular liquid tank, Lolita opened her eyes, and the water began to clear up a little. Heimo took out the small ball of the source of the matrix that had just been passed back from the back of the tank.

For a moment, Lolita screamed and covered her head in pain. Red particles began to be released from her body. Heimo scratched her head.

"This is an act that only a madman can do. I've died so many times. Isn't that enough!"

The glass jar shattered little by little, and with a loud bang, Lolita came out of the jar. She pressed her forehead in pain, red particles flying around her body, and Heimo had retreated far away.

"Minister, don't you know how to help me? My whole body is in pain."

Heimo watched for just one minute, Lolita's originally distorted and painful expression returned to normal, and Heimo threw a set of clothes over.

"The business department is investigating above. You can spend the night underground tonight. The room has been prepared for you."

At this time, Lolita stared at Heimo suspiciously, stood up, staggered over, and held Heimo's shoulder.

"Minister, would you like to help me warm up?"

Heimo pushed Lolita away.

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested in real women, but you, Lolita, will be ruined if people don't have fear."

Lolita chuckled and shook her head.

"I'm sorry, minister. I figured out one thing after tonight. Has Zhao Zhen been caught?"

Heimo nodded.

"I've been caught. Do you want to execute him?"

Lolita thought for a moment and shook her head.

"We'll wait for the dean to make a decision. Now Jielin has taken the equipment to the barrier area. Guy X will also cooperate with us. I will contact the dean at noon. Where is Zhao Zhen now?"

"It has been placed in the custody of the Flagellant, and he is very honest now."

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