The weather is getting colder, but the streets in District 118 are still lively. There are people on every street, and a large number of reporters are interviewing everywhere, trying to find out some past events about Le Xiao from this district.

Nowadays, the attention of most people in the city has been completely attracted by Le Xiao, and a large number of small media agencies and freelance reporters are trying to increase traffic.

Because the network in the city is paid, Section 2 will list in detail how much paid code has been received by the nodes of the content providers in the entire network circle every month, and then directly give them the corresponding money after deducting taxes.

Many online content providers are cross-linked and bundled. The fee for a single person to use the Internet in Bright City is 30 yuan a month, and you can browse nearly 80% of the content on the Internet. The remaining 20% ​​is higher-level commodity content, such as movies. TV series, novels, comics, etc. need to be purchased for a fee. The code amount customized based on milliseconds is used as the fundamental basis. This unit is very accurate. For example, the longer you browse the content provided by a network provider, the The supplier's code volume will continue to increase, and because it is a fixed real-name IP, the methods that were used to make money by brushing network traffic in the past will not work at all.

After the network enters the statistics of code volume, comprehensive control begins. One person is only allowed to have a fixed real-name network IP. In addition to the IPs of most members of the executive branch being encrypted, all information in the city is under the control of Section 6. Down.

At this time, a freelance reporter kept cursing, and someone from a media agency next to him came over, and the reporter said angrily.

"I just exaggerated the title, why don't you give me a pass?"

All press releases from media agencies will appear in the hands of Section 2 staff members as soon as possible after being uploaded to the Internet. If there are any issues, the press releases will be rejected. Many reporters' reports about Le Xiao have been completely rejected. The upload went smoothly just now, but now one has been uploaded and one has been rejected for exaggerating the truth.

It's close to 5 o'clock, in the office of the Secretary-General of the General Affairs Section.

"Delete this report immediately!"

Michelle stared at a striking headline on the news.

Shock! Secretary Le Xiao was born with supernatural powers since she was a child, and she was once knocked down with one punch.

Michelle couldn't stand it anymore. After discovering these reports in the afternoon, she immediately contacted Lilian. These news headlines, which seemed to be trying to defraud traffic, were pushing Le Xiao into a dangerous situation. situation.

And it happened to be at this juncture that Michelle had just rested for two hours. Several secretaries from the General Affairs Section were standing in front of Michelle, still waiting for the next instructions. The excavation work in Area 79 is still going on. Continue, the documents sent over there need to be processed immediately, and Deguna has called several times.

Michelle began to distribute order documents to the secretaries of the General Affairs Section. At this time, she was more worried about the situation at the bottom. Reports continued to be submitted, a large number of businessmen gathered at the bottom, and the district authority of District 118 was investigated, and the rights A new round of competition with capital has begun.

At this time, Michelle noticed that Wu Lei standing in front of her had not left yet, and Michelle looked at him.

"Any more questions? Secretary Wu Lei."

Wu Lei looked at Michelle quietly and wanted to speak, but his father's warnings kept coming to his mind, so he finally smiled, shook his head, turned around and walked away.

"If you want to ask about that night, it would be better to ask your father. The facts I know within my authority are"

"No need, Mr. Secretary-General, I'm actually just a little too worried. After all, he is my father!"

Michelle didn't say anything else. Looking at the empty door, she pressed her forehead and continued to work.

In Locke's private lounge on the far right side of the seventh floor, Ran Zai was drinking tea, watching the news, and laughing from time to time.

"Is it that funny?"

Locke asked seriously, and Ran Zai shook his head.

"The invisible hand has appeared, and this pushing hand may bring the city into a worse situation."

"There's no need for you to worry about this. If you're fine, just go and play and don't disturb my work."

Ran Zai smiled helplessly and stared at Locke with side eyes. What the situation at the bottom will become depends on what the secretary does. Once the forces of all parties begin to collide with each other, an invisible force will always be born. At that time, no one can do anything but watch the result come, which is like playing billiards.

"I'll give you a suggestion, General Manager. If you take action to control everything now, it's still too late!"

"Are you, like your grandfather, always thinking of the worst in everything and never considering the good outcome?"

Ran Zai shook his head.

"The human heart is usually very fragile, especially under long-term oppression. Many people's hearts are so fragile that they will be broken with just a light poke. Isn't that the case with the riots at the Cocos Polyester gate? ? The anger, sadness, and sadness that have been accumulated for a long time burst out, but the money I invested in the stock market was instantly wiped out, and the last riot happened again. Do you think those who have eaten poisonous food for a long time have no brains? ? It’s just that they couldn’t bear the worst outcome and chose to vent all their unwillingness. Even if there are no rioters to instigate it, it’s just a matter of time!"

Locke stopped what he was doing and looked at Ran Zai.

"Why are your words getting more and more harsh!"

"I'm just explaining a phenomenon, Mr. General Manager. People who suddenly see a strong light in the dark will desperately want to run towards the vertical light. And if they haven't been bathed in the light yet, this person will What do you think will happen if the vertical light disappears? The abyss is even deeper and bottomless. When people see this, it will no longer be possible to climb up. Please consider carefully, Sir, the Secretary of Section 13. It’s better to use your talents at the bottom, or to hold back and let everything return to its inherent balance as soon as possible. Of course, this is just my personal opinion!”

Locke fell into deep thought. The examples of failure at the end of the season included everything he had seen over the years as a general manager. Anyone who wanted to break the pattern failed without exception, and the price of failure was nothing.

Ran Zai stood up, spread his hands and walked towards Locke, with a hint of evil on his face.

"If it fails this time, mankind will definitely be forced to enter the next era, the era of absolute control. Such an era can only be the era of mechanization and the era of more obvious hierarchies. There will be no changes. The poor will always be poor. You can only do things at the bottom, haven't you always been worried about the coming of this era, Your Excellency, Manager!"

Ran Zai walked up to Locke Jiahui and put his hands on the table. The sunlight outside the room had completely receded and the light inside was a little dim. Ran Zai felt danger. The extremely dangerous aura came from that Le Xiao. There was something in his heart. I ran out, telling myself that I must do something, otherwise


Locke slapped his hand on the table and stood up.

"Come on, I've suffered a lot from your grandfather like this before. You should talk to young people about what you're worried about. An old man like me who will soon be pushed out of this position has half a foot on his shoulder." After I'm in the coffin, I just want to go home, hold my wife in my arms, spend my remaining years in peace, watch my daughter grow up, and if possible, see my grandchildren. The problem you mentioned does exist, and it's a very complicated one. If you want to discuss the problem, you can go on for days and nights. But let me remind you, it is not good to think too much, especially for young people. The more you know and understand, the greater the burden on your mind will be. The greater the pressure, especially when the brain is used to seeing one thing, it will rationally consider and analyze it comprehensively from multiple angles, multiple levels, depth and breadth, etc. People who do this can do this. They are extremely smart, but they are getting further and further away from seeing the true nature, and may even fall into an inherent paranoia. I have seen many such people in my life!"

Ran Zai looked at Locke who was walking slowly towards the table. For a moment, his stiff expression relaxed, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Are you really not worried at all?"

Locke shook his head.

"It's useless to worry. If society's problems are really sharp enough to pierce the skin, penetrate the throat, and penetrate the heart, just put them on the table and solve them. I never feel that I can solve anything. On the contrary, I just It's because I can't solve many problems, so I'm sitting here. From the moment I took this position, my rule is to let go and face difficulties. It's never what I should do. When young people are in trouble, I I am willing to talk to them and say some encouraging words. Although it may be useless, this is the attitude that an elder should have. I have passed the age like you who are still thinking about right and wrong, considering the results, and considering choices. Now, the only thing I can do is to play the role of Pan Guan. If I understand, I can do whatever I need to do. I want to take a rest!"

Ran Zai smiled helplessly. Locke lay directly on the sofa and closed his eyes. Ran Zai walked to Locke's desk and sat down, continuing to read the news. At this time, Ran Zai could imagine what the situation at the bottom was like. , especially recently when he discovered that the forces at the bottom were very diligent, and his grandfather was at the bottom.

"Then the old man should be very anxious now!"

It's almost dusk, around 5 o'clock

The flow of people in District 118 began to flow to several nearby districts, and most of the dining places here were almost full.

Chen Qiao was sitting in a noodle shop that had been reserved, staring angrily at the 13th Section shop opposite. He had never suffered such humiliation in his life since he was a child.

"What exactly does that secretary mean?"

"Yeah, they didn't give our Food Association face."

The noodle shop is full of core businessmen from the upper-class food association. The food association controls almost 60% of the city's food market, and is still eating away at the remaining market at an unstoppable speed. Now the bottom 40% of the market is under everyone's control. In the eyes, it is inevitable.

Chen Qiao silently stared at the shop opposite. Le Xiao had not returned yet. At this time, there was some commotion on the street. Chen Qiao immediately walked out and took a look. It was McCullin who came with some people.

"Where have you been old woman?"

Chen Qiao asked angrily when he met him. McCullin smiled and shook his head.

"I'm just going to check out my property. Have you not negotiated with Secretary Le Xiao yet?"

"Don't talk about it, I've been waiting all day!"

McCullin was a little confused and glanced around. In a food shop not far away, people from the Film and Entertainment Association were sitting.

Looking over, this street is full of small businessmen.

"That girl is thinking something strange! Just do it step by step. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

McCullin walked into the noodle shop. Chen Qiao sat down frustrated and looked at the noodles in the bowl. They were a little hard and made of flour of poor quality. He took two casual bites and immediately looked at them with disgust. .

"Is this for human consumption?"

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