Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1346 The Night Before 2 (Part 2)

Sweat dripped and Ji Qing panted. She felt like she was going to die. She had never been so tired. Moreover, the captain of her team seemed to particularly like to boss around newcomers.

After eating at around 7 o'clock, they started to work again. The exam would start the day after tomorrow, and the venue must be arranged early tomorrow morning.

It was already 10 o'clock. Although I was just moving some things, which were not too heavy, the back and forth, repeated transportation and construction, and the need to adjust the parameters of some light and shadow artifacts were extremely miserable for Ji Qing.

While eating, Ji Qing reported her idea directly to Mo Xiaolan, and Mo Xiaolan agreed. The financial status of everyone in charge of the exam will be sorted out and sent soon.

"Hey! New here, hurry up. There's still a lot of equipment to install and build, so hurry up."

Ji Qing hurriedly moved. She squatted on the ground and began to adjust the application parameters of the light and shadow seat at hand. At this time, she was in the corridor on the second floor of Arena No. 1. This place was a VIP seat, and the ticket price was much higher than Ordinary seats cost nearly 2,000 yuan each. Every year, some service companies rent these places three months in advance. Most people with some money will rent them. Jean brought Ji Qing to visit once when she was a child, and she still rents them to this day. The memory is still fresh.

"Hey, new guy, how's it going!"

Suddenly, a playful voice came from the window sill in front of him. Ji Qing was startled. As soon as he raised his head, he smelled a smell of smoke. Niya was squatting on the window edge, chewing a cigarette, her coat still swinging. .

"Lord Nico."

Niya jumped in directly, adjusted the sofa seat with preset parameters next to it, adjusted a small table, and placed a bottle of wine in her pocket on the table.

"I see you are quite smart. These things are never taught in school!"

Ji Qing was a little flustered, but still did not stop, and began to adjust the seat parameters based on the needs of customers who bought VIP tickets sent by the lessor.

Ji Qing nodded awkwardly. These things were indeed not taught in school. After she came over today to show her identity as an intern, the team leader taught her some things about building equipment, and she learned it at a glance.

Ji Qing, who has never wanted to attract attention since she was a child, is actually very smart. She is so smart that she can perfectly control herself to be in the middle to upper range. She is cautious in dealing with people and grasps the distance and scale.

"The problem here is actually quite serious."

Niya took a sip of wine as she spoke and looked at Ji Qing with a smile. Ji Qing had often heard her mother talk about this powerful woman who was already a legend. There were many rumors about Niya in the city, but the most common ones were She has an extremely hot temper.

"It's a good idea to come up with this method. If you find it, can you report it to me first?"

As Niya said, Ji Qing seemed to understand something, but when she thought about Mo Xiaolan, she hesitated for a moment.

"If Mo Xiaolan asks further, tell her that I forced you to do this."

Ji Qing nodded numbly, smiled awkwardly, and did not dare to say anything.

"Making mistakes is not scary. What is scary is making mistakes one after another. So every time I find someone cheating outside the United, I will give it a chance."

As Niya said, her expression suddenly changed, she stood up, and threw the empty wine bottle towards a group of team captains who were still chatting.


"Do you need me to come here in person before you can disperse?"

Following a roar, the team leaders below were so frightened that they started to move in a panic. Many of the department staff who were still busy also saw Niya and moved quickly.

"Move quickly, mom. Are you not eating enough?"

Niya said and jumped down. After landing, she directly moved some equipment, took off her coat and started to work. Ji Qing looked at Niya who was gesticulating with some joy. Ji Qing also asked Ji En before when she was a child. Why is Niya always so fierce and doesn't look like a section chief at all?

"Because I taught her!"

Ji Qing lowered her head and continued to debug the data. The shadow of Mo Xiaolan appeared in her mind. Each subject had its own unique cohesion, but Ji Qing always felt that the problems in Section 2 were a bit serious.

What would happen if I were in charge?

In the silent night, King Xue stood on the balcony of his house, overlooking the lights in the distance, holding a glass of wine in his hand. The pleasant aroma of the wine made King Xue smile intoxicated. King Xue took it from his shirt pocket. A coin came out with the word "王" on it. The golden coin shone with a special light in the dim light.

Everything is proceeding steadily, and the forces of all parties are beginning to loosen. Now is the perfect opportunity for him to deal with some people who disobey the regulations in one fell swoop.

Although I don’t know what that stupid girl did, the current situation is very good. The parliamentarian factions have begun to fight, and the same has happened to the businessmen. Everyone has plunged into the fog at the bottom.

“It’s really a joyful mood!”

King Xue took a sip of wine, but at this moment, he let go of the wine glass in his hand and pinched it in front of his eyes with one hand.


The moment the wine glass exploded, King Xue had already turned his head sideways to avoid the splashing wine and glass shards. His right leg went straight up, and along with a trail of light blue particles, King Xue grabbed his right wrist. Huite hit King Xue with a quick and hard knee kick.

"Assaulting the section chief is a felony, Principal Whit!"

Hui Hui, who was just about to land, suddenly blushed and stepped back two meters. King Xue smiled gently. He just kissed Hui Hui on the cheek suddenly.

"Disgusting guy, what do you mean?"

Whit wiped his cheek angrily, and King Xue moved his hands.

"I don't know what you are referring to, Principal Whit!"

Whitt immediately brought up a light and shadow screen, which showed a notice from Section 1 that the members of the Board of Education received.

In the near future, Section 1 will review all schools. Please inform all school principals in your area!

"You came to me for such a trivial matter, Principal Whit, there shouldn't be any problems with your saintliness."

Whit walked quickly to King Xue and stared at him. Their eyes met for a moment, one side was extremely angry, while the other remained gentle.

"It's just a routine rectification, nothing weird will happen."

Huite's eyes widened. She raised her hand and slapped him, but her hand was still caught by King Xue.

"I have felt that something was not normal since 20 years ago, but I didn't expect that the Education Association would become your tool."

King Xue didn't answer anything. He asked Billy to help him start planning a long time ago. In the end, the education association that once occupied a place in the city collapsed, completely broke with the education department councilors, and turned to 1 Branch here.

"If you are free tomorrow, would you like to go watch a movie together?"

After a long time, King Xue spoke. Huite shook off King Xue's hand and pressed his forehead with one hand.

"I don't know which of your words is true or where your heart is. King Xue, don't tell me these things anymore. I beg you, don't do anything, especially in this important season."

King Xue walked slowly behind Whit, gently pressed his hands on Whit's shoulders, and leaned his head towards her.

"What I have always said is true. Maybe we had some misunderstanding before."

Whit shook his head and pushed away King Xue's hands.

"Misunderstanding? This kind of thing doesn't exist. You and I are both adults. It's okay to coax young girls with those words, but I'm already old."

King Xue smiled, put one hand on Huite's shoulder, pushed her into the house, and poured her a glass of wine. Huite was wearing a seductive black tulle dress and makeup, under the soft light. Looks extremely charming.

"No matter how old you are, you are still young and beautiful!"

Whit smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"If you were willing to leave with me back then, we might all have grandchildren now."

King Xue didn't say anything, he just sat down opposite Huite in silence and poured himself another glass of wine.

"You have already solved the medical association. Those people did go too far back then. They controlled the manufacturing technology of drugs and continued to make money through drugs. Those guys should be banned, but education is not medical care. I hope you can understand that indeed There are various problems now, but I have put forward many reform proposals. As long as you can help, I believe in the future."

King Xue stretched out his hand, wiped away a drop of red wine from Whit's mouth, and shook his head.

"If this world was made up of idealists, then this city would not exist. Your unrealistic fantasies will be of no help to anything in the future. It's not that I can't understand you, and it's not that I don't want to help you. I I look at the problem from the perspective of a manager, not a hoper. The city will still need to face many problems in the future. The adult who taught me remained rational from beginning to end. This is the most critical thing for the city. spine!"

Whit snorted and laughed.

"Is that bastard Gu Yi? It is true that you and the other three guys were the most favored students in his class before. I still remember that you collectively opposed Principal Jean's teaching policy, and you were severely punished by the principal. "

King Xue grinned and shook his head.

"I'm not a fool or an idiot, Whit, I know very well what you want to do tonight. You are fast enough. If you have a chance, you can put drugs in my drink and seduce me again. You can When you are passionate, blow the pillow wind, let me take out my mobile phone, wait for me to faint, and then issue different commands. When I wake up tomorrow, if I want to change the command, it will cause a lot of unnecessary After all, Section 1 is an elite group known for its efficiency. Once I issue an order, the people below will be active overnight."

Whit felt a chill on his back and his scalp was numb. This man was indeed not that easy to deceive.

"Originally, I didn't want to expose it. After all, my long-term single life is actually quite lonely. It's quite nice to have a woman by my side on such a happy night!"

The ease and comfort on Whit's face disappeared. She thought about it for a long time before finally making a decision. After all, if nothing was done, King Xue would definitely ban most of the universities that have seen a low employment rate of graduates in recent years. School.

"Even if it is a box of rotten apples, you can still pick out the good ones. If you throw this box of apples into the sea, nothing will be left. Maybe there is only one possibility in this box of rotten apples. Save your life when you are hungry."

King Xue laughed loudly.

"It's a very appropriate metaphor. It's just a rotten apple. No matter how intact the remaining one is, it is taken out from the rotten apple. I might as well replant an apple tree and harvest some fresh apples. Apple, isn’t it better?”

"The soil is already dying, and if you do that, you might not be able to grow apples next year."

King Xue stood up, and Huite only held the high-concentration anesthetic liquid tightly in his hand. This colorless and odorless anesthetic liquid, as long as King Xue drinks it, he is guaranteed to be unable to get up even if the sun shines on his butt tomorrow. It's a pity. There is no chance for King Xue to open his phone now.

However, at this time, King Xue opened his mobile phone, and there were some shocking messages on it.

"These are the lives of these school graduates who have done nothing over the years. Take a good look at this information. How many people paid high tuition fees, but were eliminated in the end, and some even fell to the bottom. People who are eventually deported because they cannot stand up.”

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