Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1353 Turning the Page (Part 1)


Jielin woke up from the cold. Near the dimly lit light and shadow screen at her hand, there were black and red plants crawling. These plants were squirming little by little. It was pitch black outside the window, and you could see the center of the town. , with some glimmer of light.

0 o'clock

Jie Lin yawned and shivered. The air in the room was still very cold. She always wore armor to sleep. The temperature was even lower now. The temperature inside was only 5 degrees, and it was already below zero outside.

Jielin was a little hungry. She looked at the food piled up behind the sofa not far away. As soon as she looked over, she found Frye looking at her. Jielin was startled.

The black and red plants were like tentacles crawling criss-cross on the right side of Frye's body, like snakes gathered in a pile, which looked a bit scary.


Jielin shouted, stepped on the soft and fluffy plants, and came to Frye. At this time, Frye opened his left eye wide. Jielin was a little strange and stretched out her finger to wave in front of Frye's eyes. Next, Frye did not respond.

"No breathing!"

Jie Lin panicked and hurriedly put her hand on the left side of Frye's neck. Her heartbeat had stopped, and Frye's body was as cold as a corpse.


Jie Lin exclaimed. She immediately took the Matrix Source ball and planned to turn on the medical equipment. However, at this time, a group of plant-like plants emerged from the ground and gradually condensed into a ghost-like human face. There are dots of cyan light, like two eyeballs.

"I'm just watching from the outside, don't worry, Jielin, this is the process of my transformation from human to god!"

Jie Lin swallowed and nodded. The sound came clearly from her mind, but in reality she did not hear any sound. Dots of cyan particles were scattered on the black and red plants like fireflies.

"What are you doing out there, Dean!"

Just as Jie Lin asked, she felt her head feel dizzy and her vision began to go dark.

The moment she could see clearly again, Jielin's eyes widened in surprise. Everything around her was black and gray, like flowing sand, but beside her stood an intact Frye.

"What's going on, Dean?"

"Visible limit! This is where the power of the cyan god is strongest. Perception, thinking, and even power can be integrated into one. That is, power is thinking, thinking is perception, and perception is thought. It can combine thinking, perception, and Power completes the Trinity.”

At this time, Jielin could see clearly that near the central square, people were dragged out of their houses by plant-like plants. They were forced to eat those plants that were as thin as forked lightning. Within an hour, the square was full of dead bodies. Jie Lin could clearly hear the voices, and many people were still begging for mercy.

At this time, where Jie Lin was, except for the distorted picture of gray and black quicksand on both sides and behind her, the people in this mining town could be clearly seen in front of her, and their screams could be heard.

"Do you think I'm cruel?"

Jielin looked at Frye, who had his hands behind his back and a serious face. There was a hint of helplessness and deep sadness in his eyes.

"They're just a bunch of people."

"A group of miserable losers, miserable people who are unable to resist their own fate, weak and pitiful weaklings!"

Jie Lin lowered her head, not knowing what to say. She felt a little uneasy in her heart. A hand reached out and Fry pressed Jie Lin's shoulder.

"The reason why human beings can be called gods is not only because they can do things that are beyond the reach of human beings, but the most important thing is to suffer deep and sad suffering, and to have the will to resist death and the absolute persistence to life. I As I said, this is just the process of my transformation from human to god.”

Jielin couldn't understand what Frye said. At this time, Frye smiled softly and shook his head.

"In the past, gods were humans after all, but after experiencing countless sufferings, their ideology, belief, hope, and courage surpassed humans and finally became gods. In the past, they stepped on countless corpses and built cities. , and what am I!”

Accompanied by a violent scream, a person who had eaten a plant-like thing covered his head in pain. He was an ordinary young man, not dead, and a strange smile appeared at the corner of Frye's mouth.

"People become strong because there is something important behind them. It only takes a moment, the courage to stand up, the will to resist, and the hope in the heart to gain this power!"

Jie Lin looked at the young man in front of her. Like the woman before, the things began to grow wildly under the skin, and this man also became extremely fast and powerful. In an instant, he rushed towards those who were wrapped in the air by the things. The armed forces shrank into the ground the moment the man touched them.

One after another, members of the armed forces were easily torn apart, and the men roared furiously, as if they were venting their rebirth.

"The conditions are met, congratulations!"

Frye said that the man who was still mad at this moment calmed down and lay on the ground. Something like a gentle arm or a warm quilt covered the man. The man's face looked like he was sleeping peacefully. go.

At this time, Jielin saw that Frye's eyes had turned orange-red, and cracks began to appear on the skin of Frye's body. Scarlet fire light came out from the cracks in the skin. Frye's eyes became brighter and brighter. His body It began to be accompanied by smoke and dust, which was weathering, and fine fire gravel was floating in the air. The scene in front of Jielin's eyes gradually disappeared.

In a daze, Jielin opened her eyes. Sweat was dripping down like water. Her body was extremely tired. Jielin panted and sat on the ground, looking at Frye who was already moving opposite. But no matter how she looked at this moment, Frye Laidu was just a corpse, and Jielin became a little scared.

"You think these plants have affected me, but I'm actually already dead!"

Jie Lin looked at Frye in shock. Frye said exactly what she was thinking, and a slightly helpless laugh came from the left side of Frye's slightly grinning mouth.

"You wonder why I know that! Jaylin, I'm going to be a god soon!"

Jie Lin lowered her head, feeling a little conflicted in her heart. The Fry before her eyes had changed, completely changed. Fry used to hate the word God very much. He always told everyone that one day, they, as humans, would We must challenge God and take back everything that belongs to man from God’s hand.

"Is it really possible for a man to become a god?"

Jie Lin said in a deep voice, sitting on the ground a little weakly.

"Of course it's possible. There are three guys in the city who are qualified to become gods!"

Jie Lin looked at Fry with some surprise. After a while, Fry came to Jie Lin's side, picked up the black ball from the ground, and set up a light and shadow screen. Under the close light, Fry's body The plants began to sizzle, and some plants circled directly behind Frye.

"Alpha, Quasimodo, and Ranzai!"

Jie Lin looked at Frye in surprise.

"I have just said why God is called God. Those conditions are only necessary for the evolution process. The key is to be able to stand between light and darkness. These three guys have already done it. It is a pity that the first two He has never been able to cross over and can only be called a demigod, and the third kid mentioned is still hesitating!"

Frye opened the door to the room as he spoke, and a biting chill swept in instantly. A large number of plant-like plants appeared at Jielin's feet, wrapping her directly around Jielin like clothes, and the chill was completely offset. .

Frye took Jie Lin outside the house. At this time, the ceremony in the middle of the town was still going on. Frye was not going to stop. Two adapters appeared, and the plant-like plants began to gather in piles and twist together, like a rope. It was like a strong and thick rope, lifting Frye and Jaylin very high.

The lights of the Brilliant City can be clearly seen, and they are particularly eye-catching in such a dark night. Unlike the city under the sun during the day, the city at night looks more eye-catching.

"Soon this city will usher in a new page, and the next stage has already begun quietly!"

"What on earth do you know, Dean!"

Jie Lin looked at Frye seriously. As one of the students at the same time as Alpha, Frye knew a lot about the gods and the deep-seated things in Brilliant City, but Frye rarely communicated with them about these things. explain.

"A darker era is coming!"

Jie Lin stared at Frye quietly.

"People will lose the right to choose. They will be under the control of virtual AI from birth, and will only walk along the life trajectory planned by AI. From birth to death, do you feel so happy?"

Jaylin looked at Frye in shock and shook her head.

"I would rather not have this kind of life!"

Frye nodded.

"Even if we don't create some riots, other creators will eventually appear in the city. Chaos mathematics has clearly stated that life will always find an exit. Even if it enters the era of complete control, human beings will It will not be peaceful. In the process of evolution, life can always overcome the sufferings imposed by nature or man-made time and time again. When such an era comes, there will be a much stronger sense of resistance than now. When people learn that they are living in a virtually constructed digital world, that is the moment when human beings should truly go extinct!”

"Dean, can you say..."

Frye nodded.

"Many years ago, before the establishment of Brilliant City, the development of AI was already on the agenda. The reason why we have such a highly developed society today is not because of how smart people are, but because of how smart people are. They use AI systems that are countless times smarter and more powerful than them, and use the AI ​​they have developed to rule mankind and plan all human processes. This is also the saddest era for human beings."

Jie Lin didn't say anything. She felt her scalp was numb. She thought about it carefully. Over the years, many things have been in the preparation stage.

"Human beings are inherently greedy, divisive, and driven by curiosity and competitiveness. At the same time, people are also kind. No matter how many shortcomings and imperfections people have, they are still people after all. Gods want people to become Perfection eliminates human weaknesses from the root, builds a perfect and ideal world, and completely controls human beings."

Jie Lin looked at Frye blankly. At this time, there was a sense of helplessness on Frye's left cheek, but his eyes were extremely determined. He was still the Frye she knew well.

"Please forgive me, Jie Lin, and those corpses behind me, I'm sorry!"

Frye said quietly, tears falling from his eyes.

"I don't have time anymore. If I still can't find a way to fight the gods, there's nothing I can do to stop it."

"Can you tell me, Dean! What exactly is driving you?"

Frye turned his head slightly, his face looked very bright, and a gentle smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"is love!"

The black and red plants suddenly sloped down like a waterfall, and instantly the intertwined tentacles spread out in all directions.

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